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Everything posted by Evincare

  1. First of all.. hurghs - wrote a wall of text in here and closed the window...now again:i haven't had the time to sim a lot lately and haven't checked in here for a while but when i saw this thread, i can just say: Amazing.Some or many may already know - some don't. About 1 hour (by car - not plane) away is the homebase of a kinda wealthy business owner (some may know it as RedBull) and his Flying Bulls. And his "Flagship" is a DC-6 that was formerly owned by Marshall Tito (former President of Jugoslawia) and later sold to an African President where the plane got abandonded at an airfield. One of his mechanics found the plane and they restored the plane to make it at least flyable and brought it to Austria where i let the plane be rebuilt piece by piece.Bianually he shows of his complete fleet (he's got also a P-38 Lightning, F4U Corsair, B-25, Cobra, ...) at the biggest Airshow in Austria, the "Airpower". I took those shots last year and wanted to show it here, so you might get an idea for a really cool repaint that deserves to be in the library to fly it around beautiful Austria and further away. The shots are not incredibly good - my cam has seen better times (that should not count as an excuse).Once i moved to the US and got some time to settle i will definately will get my credit card burning for this one.With all the best
  2. Don't want to be a pain in the bum. There is a small mistake on the last side of the PDF. Its the first Sentence about exporting: "Find your livery in the left side list, select it with a left click and then right click it." .. The Liveries in the Livery Manager are in the right side list. Left are the 737 Types. Other than that.... can't wait to get home tonight and try it out. Seems a lot different than the other Paintkits :)
  3. who is flying in outside view anyway ;) (sorry!)
  4. i created a ticket for minor mistakes in the Austrian Liverys as my thread here got lost pretty fast in the depth of this subforum. They replied (and closed) it within 12 hours with the information that my request has been passed to the painter and it will be dealt with. I guess its a little easier to handle it with tickets rather than here in the forums.
  5. depends on the payload and fuel - i flew the last two legs empty and with 1/3 of Fuel. TO with Flaps 5°, 22k thrust and my good baby just skyrocketed out of 31°C Vegas towards Portland, OR. (Still training flight with missed approaches, holdings, alternates, .... - i fly those in the us somewhere near and around KBFI before ferrying it to its ultimate destination AUSTRIA)
  6. But that still does not explain what it really means ;)
  7. Hi fellow simmers, i just finished my second test flight from Las Vegas - Sacramento. Couple of more will follow before transfering my beau to Europe. First of all - Beautiful bird I have two questions though. #1: on the second Picture is something written beneath the Autopilot. What is that? :) #2: I cannot follow the descend path without using the Speedbreaks to reach certain waypoints at its desired height. Otherwise the FMC tells me something like VNAV Descend unreachable. So if i follow LNAV/VNAV during descend i'm always running into using the Speedbreaks and i don't think this is considered normal? Other than that - i'm one of the lucky guys where my bird don't freeze, crash, performs badly ... i'm just plain happy with it ;) So long Alex
  8. another cooler is something you won't regret ;) I took the scythe ninja 3 and am really happy with it. I haven't OC'ed the CPU yet but at the moment mit 2500k runs with 30°C Idle and ~40° running FSX. So nothing to worry. What hit me very hard with this cooler is the mounting system. It is somewhat different from the Pushpins to mount it as this cooler is screwed to the Mainboard. And even harder was it when i figured out that my case is not wide enough for the cooler to slide the mainboard sledge into the case. The cooler is huge and even though my sidepanel stays open now its kinda quiet :) I guess i have time this weekend to OC this bad boy to its limits ;)
  9. why is everyone so obsessed with the z68 - as far as i could find out its just a p68 board with an onboard graphics chip - who needs that ;)
  10. i recently upgraded to a 2500k and i'm very satisfied. Usually i wanted to get myselft the i7-2600k but the price difference was too big for me, compared to the real benefits in terms of performance.
  11. I'd say you give it a shot over at their Support Tool: http://support.precisionmanuals.com/Main/Default.aspx Good Luck - but to be honest - it is worth upgrading the rig to use this wonderful aircraft,
  12. I am European - and i love your Boeings. Airbuses are just plain ugly birds.
  13. The 737 is out just a couple of days and you really think about the next planes? The 737 is not even fully released yet. There is still the 600/700, the BBJ, The Militaries missing. I still have a couple thousand pages to read and yesterday i tried a lot on my 737 and i'm sure it does not get boring over the next few month finding out everything. And to be honest, ... who really likes Airbuses....
  14. Well, they now gave us a plane for every range possible. Small Commuter Plane - JS41, Medium Range Flights - 737NGX, Long Range - MD11, 747. Once the Dash is here and the 777 there is actually no more i can ask for :) Well... no at the moment i don't think there is something left for me then ;)
  15. Sorry for hijacking, but i fried my first set of Brakes yesterday, because i want to see how it feels and reacts. (Hands on Training ;) I flew from KRNT to KBFI with hard brakes, no reverser. Turned immediately around and made a rejected takeoff. I got no warning light for overheating Brakes. I sat on the Runway for a couple of minutes and wanted to taxi to a stand. The aircraft was very light (1/3 Fuel, no pax, no cargo) and as soon as i hit the brake a little to get the turn that plane was not braking at all. Is this normal that there is no warning when the breaks are fried and INOP? The Maintenance Menu in the FMC states that they are down and needed to be replaced, but the plane itself should inform me too isn't it? I'm stil in the beginning process to get through the whole manual and i couldn't find it in the manual so far. br, a
  16. Hi there, first of all - i love this bird and it was worth every penny for the addon (and the new CPU, MB i spent my money on yesterday ;)But i have 2 small things to say about both Austrian Livery (the default, and the Star Alliance). 1. Star Alliance Livery: The birds actual name is "Gerlitzen" and not "Gerlitren". Gerlitzen is a mountain in Carinthia.2. Austrian Livery: Even smaller issue than the first one. The Engine nacelles are in light blue with "austrian.com" in a little darker blue. But in the Background is an even lighter "WWW". That is modelled correctly in the Star Alliance Livery. And according to my spotting pictures (even though they are from a fokker 70) the www is in a very light blue instead of grey. (but i could be wrong on the 738 nacelles) I know this is very fussy - but you know the deal "as real as it gets" ;) Thanks a lot Alex
  17. The problem isa) to find the responsibles, as the attackes are mainly bot networks. If you don't take care of your computer you can be part of a bot network too without even knowing it. If i would ever come into this situation i would not like to be sued for that ;) :( how to handle criminal acts across borders? If the initiator is from a different country you would have a lot of trouble to find out who it was and if the government cooperates with the own.
  18. i was writing an awefully long answer in a thread a minute ago - and after finishing my ultralong wall of text it got locked! ;) Long Story short:I am very impressed on how much attention the Release of the 737NGX got. I still think that FSX AddOn Manufacturing is somehow a profitable business but by far not compareable to the rest of the Gaming (or Software in general) Industry. But still even for a niche market product you guys get an awefull lot of attention from the bad guys these days. It's like the WildWestWeb out there. Don't get hurt and you did an awesome job. And to be honest, all those attacks are just a simple act of jealousy. so long Alex
  19. Hehe i got up very early today to get a chance to buy, download, install and fly a quick round and it is ... great. After one round i had to get to work otherwise i would still flying around Seattle until there is no more fuel left in any of the tanks ;) Love it!
  20. no legal issues with removing the "Read only" box, as this was the first thing that the Livery Manager asked for to do, so i guess nothing to worry about.Can't wait to get back home.
  21. could you have at least cleaned the displays before taking pictures :D Got up at 6 in the morning and downloading it the second time. The first ZIP gave me CRC Errors (WAAHHHHH).
  22. Dan's Tutorial is flawless :) Helped me a lot. And yes, this forum is great and by far the forum where i'm hitting F5 the most ;)
  23. I guess till now every single possible constellation of different parts and different manufacturer has been already asked ;) I run pretty much the same system, but i know that mine does not perform than it should do - i have no problems running FSX with PMDG Planes, ASE, REX2 and Ground Scenery. Megaairports are giving me a hard time once in a while.
  24. I'm so psyched about the upcoming release that i'm currently tweaking my FSX to the max to get everything out and probably get some new sceneries to fly to.But in the beginning i will be familiarizing with the new plane (738WL) at Boeing Field and will do a lot of checkrides to get to know most of the systems and will then plan my ferry Flight to Vienna. (I guess via Goose Bay and Keflavik). I guess that would take up at least a couple of weeks to get to vienna :) Then to all the Destinations in Europe where i got decent scenery.
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