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  1. You're only going to see slow prop movement on x-plane 10. Not every prop either. I personally saw this on Carenado C208 for XP10. -Tristan
  2. Indeed the Jetprop is a lite version. Well above Wilco but just below Milviz. We can only be grateful that a Jetprop that fakes it until it makes it is given to us. Carenado CAN make a V2 but then buyers would complain on paying an additional fee if they charged an arm for the V2. -Tristan
  3. LOL I saw the topic and instantly said to myself "Mind they're gonna have their ways with this guy! Its 2013 and this question is still being asked?
  4. no charts option. If you can't fly without a chart display in the cockpit I suggest you stick to CS 777.
  5. If you have Rex it maybe your Rex lighting settings.
  6. On my way to Miami from Anchorage. I saw alot of 777 on VATSIM earlier.
  7. deltapilot


    If you are having transmitting problems, you need to select the Comm1 selector which displays a yellow light signaling its on. Otherwise go through Radio option in Squawkbox and verify whether its on or not.
  8. FreighterDogs more often than the chauffeurs
  9. LOL! Introduction sure helped on my first flight last night. Good product!
  10. YYYEEESSSS!!!!!!!! Freighter Dogs await the release of this beauty!
  11. Unless he was asking for an explanation of the picture. Thank you for sharing the photo though, I hope you guys are ironing out all the wrinkles. -Tristan
  12. Yes, I know I'm beating a dead horse with a bat over and over again. Some flight sim enthusiasts and I are planning to put together a $ pot to "donate" to the team in faith we withing a year or three lol get a 717. Our take is its really a baby replica of the MD11 (who's modifications are ceased) and YES I am aware Many Many differences as well (for the trolls). We will not collect from online individuals but will see how far it goes. Some times asking and asking isn't the key sometimes you have to ACT until.... Yes 5 years down the line it happens. Wish us luck. QantasLink 13+5, Blue1 9, Volotea 9+6. Turkmenistan Airlines 7, AirTran 88 (to sublease to Delta) Hawaiian 18. The Few...The Proud....The 717 (MD95)
  13. Just dropping in to show my appreciation towards you guys work enjoying the new sounds and looking forward to future updates :)Tristan
  14. The first 737-700/NG to be built and Lookin' Good!-Tristan.
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