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  1. The lack of opening doors is a big one for me, for some reason it really symbolises the beginning and end of a flight to me. Weird I know, but it just doesn't feel right shutting down the engines and just immediately closing the sim down.
  2. I love how in depth this aircraft is and it fits perfectly with how I like to operate and the type of flying I do. BUT, the biggest let down for me is the sounds, please can we have an improved soundpack for it?
  3. I Just use the AIG models with PSXT. https://lekseecon.nl/ I will not fly without it. I am yet to see a model that's missing. I love cruising along at FL400 for example and see opposite direction traffic above or below, then to jump on flightradar and see that exact traffic is actually in that position in real time. So in answer to the question above about whether it's worth it all and whether it actually helps simulate flying, yes it certainly does add to the experience.
  4. May I ask exactly what technology he is referring to when he claims their technology is now in use at Boeing?
  5. Thanks for posting some real world photos LOL, what are you actually trying to prove with them though LOL?
  6. The way this has been built up with all the hype and release of release dates of release dates that will release release dates, this thing had better be something very special and lightyears ahead of what others have already done.
  7. Yeah I'd also love to know the differences between the WT/Kuro one and the PMDG one.
  8. I Also have this problem, I have no solution yet. it did work but then suddenly stopped.
  9. I'm a PMDG fan, I love the 737, but I'm also getting tired of the way PMDG does things and agree that they are quickly finding themselves behind the curve. Yes the technology they are using behind the scenes to make it all happen might be innovative... great, but they arwnt the only ones developing aircraft for MSFS, as others have mentioned there's other developers both freeware and payware that have outdone PMDG. It astounds me how some companies have been able to implement features that the oh so innovative PMDG just can't.
  10. I don't think how they respond is what matters most to those who had their data leaked. Yeah we are all humans and make mistakes but when you're handling people's personal details there isn't really room for mistakes.
  11. Nope, learned my lesson about pre buying flightsim stuff with the Milviz/blackbird kingair. Never again
  12. I see a lot of people referencing the INOP sticker above the TERR button, I think you'll find this INOP sticker is actually for the ADF2 and not the TERR button. EDIT: apologies it hasn't been mentioned in this post but I have seen it mentioned around the place
  13. I also don't get why you wouldn't just use Liveatc.net
  14. Hi Bryan, The first issue was my bad, I didn't realize that the mixture setting had changed since updating to P3D V3.2 (only updated client mind you so not sure why that setting and no others changed....). I've done some more circuits and I'm still having this issue, I'm following the supplementary procedure in the main ops manual. Today however I did a touch and go where it failed to retract the flaps so I did it myself, took off again and next time around the FO behaved as he should... I was confused since I didn't do anything different. I did multiple circuits then and could not get him to fail, I'm yet to have another go and see what happens this time and see if I can pinpoint whats making him co-operate third and subsequent times around. Matt
  15. Hi, I was trying to practice some circuits last night but before I could even get going, at the point where I ask to "start number two" the reply I get is "starting number two" followed quickly by "starter cutout" this happens for both engines and therefore prompts him to start his after start flows. Secondly during the actual touch and go's the FO behaves on the first circuit but on the second he fails to set the trim and retract the flaps, it seems to get stuck in the takeoff roll sequence and doesn't progress to initial climb, I also don't get a rotate call on the second circuit. This is the first time I've used FS2crew since installing Reboot V2, so what have I missed? Regards, Matt
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