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Everything posted by Tuskin38

  1. No, since the A330 they've been doing their own coding.
  2. I've had zero disconnections so far. I think the beeping can also be turned off in options. the 'UI Sounds' switch.
  3. LOD issue, happens with quite a few airports. The devs need to do more LOD levels or something to fix.
  4. LondonController just had this happen https://clips.twitch.tv/FurryThoughtfulLobsterGivePLZ-2Me9K3Pd8C2ftT-y
  5. The devs asked the community if they should release in early access now, or wait until the AI injector was ready. The majority voted for without the injector
  6. All we know is it will probably be released before all the 777 variants release.
  7. third party airports can also contain their own sids will override the defaults. For example, according to one of the BATC devs on Discord, there's apparently an issue with ini's KSAT where the SIDs are blank causing there to be zero procedures when trying to do a flight plan, and will also effect BATC itself.
  8. https://inibuilds.com/products/inibuilds-milwaukee-kmke-msfs
  9. Do it through their website. the app can't seem to handle large loads of people trying to grab it.
  10. Took some screenshots. The aircraft art AIG's, I disabled the static aircraft, GSE and cargo equipment. https://imgur.com/a/9hWvj4J
  11. Not everyone can afford that. It will use Navigraph's AIRAC data if you have it installed. They're just not forcing people to get Navigraph to use the program. What "casual gamers" will want to use realistic ATC?
  12. The sim appeals to all types of sim pilots, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  13. It uses whatever data you have in your sim. Navigraph overrides the default data so if you have it installed it will use it. If I'm understanding what was said on Discord correctly.
  14. It will use the navigraph data if you have it installed. What he's saying is you don't need Navigraph to use the program.
  15. The last beta patch was meant for performance. So they are.
  16. Probably why they’ve started adding this disclaimer. The last airport they released also had this warning
  17. Most people use photogrammetry. Im guessing the terrain is too different between on/off that they can’t make one that fits both
  18. The manual says it can do RNAV microsoft-aircraft-a320neo\Resources\Documentation
  19. Did a short hop between KLAS and KLAX with the ini a320N, didn't notice anything glaring.
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