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Everything posted by Tuskin38

  1. Not really, they've done several patches for the A310 since launch. The reason there was so much time between the last few was because of Asobo not pushing them, that was not on Ini. You need to hit the disengage button on the side stick, not the AP1/2 buttons. You can also stop the sound by hit the ECAM's CLR button. I just saw A330 Driver use the Fix info page in his video.
  2. The only default aircraft with the new handling changes are the Cessna 172 (G1000), the SR22, and the A320NeoV2
  3. Asobo only suggests clearing your community folder just in case you have an addon that could cause crashing if it's incompatible with the new update. It has nothing to do with the actual download process. It's a reliability thing, they don't want people complaining their sim is crashing and blaming the update for it when it's actually an incompatible addon..
  4. People, if you’re in the beta branch you don’t need to leave it, unless you want to avoid automatically being in the SU16 beta You'll still receive any future hot fixes or other minor updates while being in it.
  5. Your doubts are misplaced. They’ll be adding new engine variant to the A320 sometime in the future according to the last Dev live stream. But imagine with all the focus on 2024, that won’t be until after launch. There were also bug fixes for the A310 included with SU15.
  6. Custom waypoints yes, those other things no. METAR and load sheet info is on the EFB
  7. Having flown this thing for a lot of the beta, I love it. Find it comparable to the FBW, but a bit better, as it has full RNAV support and go-arounds. The only issue I have with the ini Neo is the T/D ETA fluctuates all the time. On the FBW/Fenix once I hit cruise, the T/D will basically stay the same the entire flight maybe only changing by a couple minutes. The INI Neo’s T/D once hitting cruise can sometimes fluctuate by up to 10 minutes The devs said they didn’t include the terrain radar because it was causing performance issues. Since the NeoV2 is a default aircraft, they probably had stricter performance benchmarks to hit. Also the devs building the cabin would would likely not be the same devs working on implementing terrain radar, that’s two completely different skill sets.
  8. The next world update is in July there is a city update coming next week though
  9. The Spirit liveries on the ini manager do have cabin textures as well (not sure about the other liveries, only one I've tested so far) if you have the enhancement package installed from the marketplace
  10. Download speeds aren't my issue, it's the decompressing the marketplace updates that's taking the most time for me lmao. Oh well I have Paper Mario TTYD for switch to hold me over
  11. No, there's several people on this site that seem to treat it like it's the end of the world.
  12. ini has a bunch of liveries for the neoV2 on their launcher too
  13. They fixed the weird tile issue at airports, yes. I don't understand why so many people are upset over something so minor as a loading screen.
  14. It's going to be assorted European cities according to the last Dev Q&A
  15. I had 37 updates in the content manager, seems to be mostly updates for World Updates.
  16. What platform are you on? You don't need to leave the beta if you're on steam, they just mirror the branches. I don't know about Windows store.
  17. Fullscreen is fixed. Dune screen will most likely change next week with the next City Update.
  18. No one is forcing you to look at it. minimize the sim and do something else while waiting. Or make some coffee or whatever
  19. There’s a free enhancement package on the marketplace that adds an interior of you care about that kind of detail. Not at my PC right now so I can’t provide any pictures. Not sure if it does anything beyond that edit: the video mentions that, whoops
  20. It has improved a lot since the November-December beta. Still some odd issues though, like the TOD on the PERF page doesn’t like to update unless you switch to FPLN page and back. I reported this on the beta forums a while back
  21. That's not new, I got that last week maybe earlier. It just chooses the taxiway it thinks is closest to the end of the runway.
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a second dev stream dedicated just to 2024, if there is indeed a reveal at the X-Box Conference
  23. I'm asking if they'll be improving the weather RADAR, since third parties can't do it themselves.
  24. It has tutorial videos hosted on youtube and a bunch of stuff
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