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Everything posted by viper1740

  1. I think you got it right the first time You know what? Ignore this line. I should have been paying more attention to the names and see who is writing what. LOL. This is what I get for writing posts at 5 am.
  2. The secret is that FSX was converted to 64-bit via the T7 update
  3. This is freaken awesome lol. Nice job to whoever did this video. Shines the light on X-Plane and its defects / "more realistic" flight dynamics as some would prefer. Really this made my day.
  4. Again???? Please stop these threads!!!
  5. They did mention something at one point about not hinting as to what stage of the development the 777 is in.
  6. They're still working on the 757? I thought they just forgot to take the topic down. No offense to them, they've been working on it for so long.
  7. Please consider using the search function before creating such topics.... again and again and again and again and again and again... Well you get the idea.
  8. Where is the test download link? I want to make sure it's working properly too...
  9. This toping came up too many times on this forum. Tired of threads that have already been answered. Use the search function for once.
  10. Thanks to Word Not Allowed's tutorial on modifying the fsx.cfg file i am now running better frames with greater visibility and for some reason using up less memory.
  11. What a waste of youtube drive space.
  12. You would be surprised. We have seen what some can do with unfinished pictures here. Pointing out this or that. This is curved or missing or wrong color. They don't need to hear it. Sometimes it's better left alone. They are working hard and their work will show it.
  13. - No - Great - Maybe - Let's think about it - Yes In that order
  14. They didn't fail with NGX...it'll only get better on the 777
  15. Rob appears to be on a roll with the updates. Let's not ruin it. But I do have to mention that since he is filling in for Ryan, he does a better job at updating us. Or he just doesn't want to do Ryans job? Just kidding Rob! Great job on the updates, we can't wait for the bird to take on its first flight by its customers, whenever that is. And guys, don't bash on PMDG for being late by creating popcorn posts (you know who you are). 787 as an example, had its own problems before being deployed years after its projected release date. Merry Christmas to PMDG team and great job on creating such great bird (and future birds) for us. With out you, flight simulator would have never known of its true potential.
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