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Everything posted by FloB

  1. Why not use the quick views? They are saved per plane and can be bind to keys and/or joystick buttons. Cheers Flo
  2. The price is nothing without a large customer base. And compared to other games/software (OS, Office, shooters, RPGs or even MSFS) the customer base of XP is quite small. You have to take that into account. Flo
  3. Found a video that shows the issue very well. Just watch the the first 60 seconds in HD and take a look at the ground / textures. I think this issue is related to the flickering of objects that many users reported. Indeed it's not only the ground but the whole scenery that is jittering all the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=g5KmCzK7ktE Flo
  4. Is that with all VCs'? If I understood Ben correctly (cloud-) performance depends a lot on using some "prefill" programming for the VC. I'm no developer but the prefill seems to force the clouds to be drawn only where you actually can see them from inside the VC. Without "prefill" the clouds are virtually drawn for the whole screen and this is much more costly. Ben mentioned that there are still airplanes / authors that don't use prefill. I have clouds to 35% on my system and don't see much FPS-hit even with heavy realworldweather. Cheers Flo
  5. Boy, am I tired of that stupid flight-model FSX / XP argument. There is not one flightmodel per sim but one flightmodel per aircraft. Please stop talking about FSX or XP "flightmodel" when you're actually talking about the flightmodel of a plane. It's the coding of the plane that makes a plane realistic, not the sim itself. Why is it so hard to see that it is possible to code realistic behavior of airplanes in both sims? The only real difference is that there is MUCH more money in the FSX market and thus more manpower and resources to code high quality airplanes, scenery, airports. Period. Flo
  6. 10.20b5 is a beta version and may cause several problems. If you just want to fly and not to beta-test, run the "updater" inside XP10 main folder and uncheck the "get betas" box. This should bring you back to 10.11 without a new install. Does KSEA show up in your custom scenery folder? Flo
  7. First of all: What version of X-Plane10 are you running. Have you updated it after installation? Latest stable version out is 10.11. Make sure you run that version. There are a couple of major airports in XP10 by default. Seattles' KSEA is one of them. You find all your airports (mostly european ones) in the "custom scenery" folder inside the main XP-folder. There are a lot more good freeware airports at the "x-plane.org" website (free registration needed). XP10 has AI - but it's very basic and buggy yet. Look up the manual how to configure it and how to use the ATC (even more buggy Re the GPU I wouldn't recommend anything below a GTX550ti or GTX460 1GB card. They will probably allow a lower-medium graphics setting. Keep in mind: even the latest 500 dollar high-end cards can't run XP10 on max settings with stable 30 FPS. Flo
  8. I understand your frustration - but to be honest: It's a long way to get XP10 set up right and if you want some eye-candy then you will have to upgrade your PC, especially your GPU. (And a HD6450 won't help a lot). I was a freshman with XP one year ago and it took 6 month and a lot of money until I felt comfortable with XP10 and had build a decend system to run it with eye candy. I think you have to decide if you want to invest quite some money and time into XP10 (and get the benefit out of it) or just drop it right now and sell your copy. XP does not provide a "plug and play" experience and probably never will. Best regards Flo
  9. Could you please do the following test: Set rendering settings to max speed and then quit XP. Restart X-Plane and run it in windowed mode (instead of full-screen). Reduce the size of the window to 1/2 and then 1/4 of the screen. Does that increase your framerate? My gues is that the "computing power" of your card is the weakest point, not the vram. If you think about upgrading I would recommend a used GTX560 1GB or at least a GTX550 1GB. They should be available for less than 70 / 50 pounds. What would that 30 pounds card be? I hear the GTX560 does handle XP10 quite well with medium to high settings. Cheers Flo
  10. Well, yes. The problem is that your system actually RUNS X-Plane10 - but you're stuck with very low framerates. That's what the minimum requirements tells you: It will load and "run" - nothing more. X-Plane10 needs a LOT of GPU-Power (other than FSX) and even if all your other components would be able to deliver 30 FPS your GPU will be the bottleneck and you're stuck with 10 FPS. Your GPU is really very low end, I'm sorry Cheers Flo (Are you sure it's a DX11 card. I think it's DX10 - but that doesn't matter. Vram is only the physical ram on the video-card when in comes to performance. Using the systems' ram as additional Vram slows the whole system down.)
  11. I guess your HD 3600 GPU is simply too weak to run X-Plane10 even at the max speed settings. Flo
  12. I agree with Pascal here (even I don't own the T7). Interesting lesson in X-Plane history anyway. Since I am quite new to the X-Plane world I didn't know anything about all this. Things start to make sense... Flo
  13. Update: Customer support (to which I did send a video two days ago) did some testing on the issue and was able to reproduce it. They handed it over to the developers so there is a fair chance the jittering will get fixed. Nice. Flo
  14. You're right about that, it's a change in perception in the first place. Since tech support didn't have a specific idea about the issue I decided to drop that case instead of messing with my whole installation and system. It's not too bad to worry about it more than I already did. Looks like a NVIDIA driver issue to me - but what do I know! Thanks to all of you Flo
  15. I found that turning off "gritty detail textures" minimizes the jittering. Can you confirm this, Alex? What OS, GPU and driver are you running? Mine is a GTX670 with latest beta driver on WIN7 - 64.
  16. Nice vid indeed, are you using beach maxx textures or cloud addons? Thanks Flo
  17. Glad to hear that. Always spooky to be "the only one". I contacted tech support...and will report back if anything worth mentioning happens. Cheers Flo
  18. Thanks folks, but none of this helped. I think I will contact customer support about it. Flo
  19. Thanks anyway, Carlos. I didn't try ALL planes but several add-on planes (carenado ones and the CRJ) and some of the default ones (I never touched a helo at all). It's all the same so far... Damn, I was almost sure that everybody would have this issue, now it seems it's just me.
  20. Thanks Carlos, but this has nothing to do with shimmering. I'm running FXAA+2xSSAA and I'm fine with it. It's completely different from shimmering and flickering, it's really shaking: the ground textures move left and right, back and forth very fast for about one feet. Well, I feel I have to do a video...
  21. Thanks Donald, unfortunately increasing the flight models didn't do anything :blink:. You don't have that shaking at all, am I right? Flo
  22. Ever since I registered a weird shaking of the ground (textures) in XP10. It's as if there was a huge earthquake. It's most obvious when sitting on the ground and looking to the side+down from the cockpit. The closer the textures are, the more shaky. It's not noticeable while taxiing or during flight so it's not that bad most of the time. Just want to know if anybody else has it and what's going on here... Thanks Flo WIN7, XP10.20beta2, GTX670
  23. Well, I stand corrected: There will be more AA options and better overall AA in the upcoming 10.20 version of X-Plane (including FXAA combined with 1x2 SSAA). Ben just reported that yesterday on his blog. Great news! Regards Flo
  24. I found that playing with monitor settings (contrast, gamma, brightness, color) helps a lot too.
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