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About Huascar

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  1. I get the Xbox logo when I open the simulator. Could that be the problem?
  2. Folks - I purchased the premium deluxe edition of flight simulator 2020, which is suppose to include the 787 jetliner. However, I have noticed that the plane is not included on the list. Any particular reason why this is the case?
  3. Forgive my ignorance, but how do I save the flight plans I have already configured for next time I use the plane? It is a pain having to enter all the routes every time you fly. I saw a video on how to upload the flight plans already saved, but can't figure out to save them.
  4. FSX will do everything it can to mess up your performance. The only way to defeat it is by injecting speed to your computer (fast processor). If you love FSX and want to truly enjoy it, invest in a good computer. Anything below 3.0GHZ will be very choppy, especially flying into a major airport and/or city.
  5. if you have the resources, buy a top of the line alienware computer. All you have to do is plug and play and forget about wasting time building computers. I bought mine for $3200 and it has a first class warranty which you can extend for multiple years. Here is a video of alienware performance in NYC with PMDG..
  6. I bought xplane a week after it was released. I guess I wanted to wait until add-ons were created. I can't say whether it's good or bad since I've never tried it. I am neither being critical nor favorable to the product.
  7. Hi there - I have been out of the sim world for almost a year. Now that I have more down time, I'd like to find out what's new (hardware and software). In terms of interest, I'd like to know what are the most popular add-ons for xplane and can you please share some video links so I can appreciate the scenery? THank you. Be the way, this following is a video a made more than a year ago. I guess I am really out of date.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=huF9ibM7xxk
  8. I bought my Xplane 10 and never installed it. Have sufficient add-ons been created?
  9. The driver screwed up my computer. I had to do a system restore to get rid of all the issues. I urge people to stay away from that driver.
  10. George W. was a casualty of the Democrat's mortgage mismanagement. It is true, Bush sent a representative to Congress to warn about the impending crisis. The Republican who testified was accused of being a racist for wanting to stop the bad loans. As a Hispanic American I believe conservatism is best for America.
  11. Turbo - I am not suggesting anything. The article was meant to illustrate how the welfare state is falling apart. Since you celebrate collectivism, you will find that it was the collective / social policies of those on the left of the United States Government that triggered the recession. The US government (in the name of social justice) mandated banks to relax the lending policies, meaning that a person making just 35k/yr could get a mortgage loan of 400k. Congress was persuaded to pressure the mortgage industry to provide loans to those it claimed it had been unjustly denied loans in the past – the poor, blacks, et.al. The mortgage companies were basically told to make loans with lower standards than in the past…or else. Loans were issued. Result? people defaulted on the loans. This is what happens when the government intervenes in the private sector. So yes, it started in the U.S. under Bill Clinton (left-center government).
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