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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. Only problem is, when at a complex airport, with a complex aircraft, it isn't entirely possible. Flightbeams KIAD + AEX is making me turn down a lot of my settings, and I'm still not at a constant 30.
  2. On a 1080p display, at Flightbeam's KIAD and/or KPHX, with the Aerosoft Airbus X Extended, on a GTX780, I'm getting 25 frames on avg. and approx. 2.3GB of VRAM usage.
  3. Was planning on waiting as well tbh, just wanted word on how AIRACs were to be handled.
  4. Anyone know how to install the latest AIRACs? Can it be done the regular way, through the installer, or will I have to modify certain files?
  5. I haven't played around with my settings nearly as much as I'd like to, but I'd be happy to help. So far, I'm seeing about 28-34 fps at Flightbeam's KIAD, it's a little more stuttery than I'd like, but like I said, I haven't played around with my settings enough. I'll put up a proper report tomorrow, when it isn't 3:40 in the morning
  6. Well, I guess I'll give it a shot in a bit.
  7. Is that a discounted price or should I wait to see if they'll discount it some more? On a side note, anyone know if FTX Global is going to go on sale? Really want to pick that up.
  8. Sorry I didn't reply before, may not have seen your question. Use this: http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/ Over on the sensors page, you should have everything you need.
  9. This. I don't have FSX installed, I haven't for quite a while, to be honest, and I was wondering if I could name any random thing FSX.exe and have it work. I don't know if there are any ramifications to asking someone for their .exe file, are there?
  10. The F22 is an absolute beast of an aircraft, very fun to do circuits in
  11. Copious amounts of right rudder? Check to make sure something isn't messing up the differential braking.
  12. What's the performance hit like with AEX? Is it quite large?
  13. Beautiful shots! Really liking the 3rd one, looks like marketing material for BMI! :lol: What ground textures are those?
  14. Thank you! Yes, it is unfortunately, due to school and other commitments I haven't really flown much beyond this initial test flight and some circuits around a small airfield. When I get FTXG up I'll be sure tpo post more! ^_^
  15. It's recommended that, if you want 30FPS, you lock at 10% higher, so, 33FPS. Otherwise you're liable to stutters and such. Give it a try, it may just work.
  16. I've read that NI doesn't work, is there anything specific you've done to get it running?
  17. I'm going to spoil you a little here, and ask you to just imagine what TWO Titans would do to P3D w/ SLI support!
  18. When in doubt, buy the biggest and the baddest. Titan. :rolleyes: In all seriousness, I have a 780 and it's running fabulously.
  19. While you're at it, nag 'em to give me a free copy. You know, for scientific P3DV2 testing!
  20. Ah that's a given I'll give that a try tomorrow, thanks! ^_^ Realistically though, once Aerosoft's Airbus X Extended comes out and I get FTXG loaded up, I'll probably turn down the settings so I get 30FPS no matter what. Probably turn it down even more for the PMDG birds, if I want to squeeze in some AI. Fingers crossed, anyway..
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