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Everything posted by AlbacoreTunaMan

  1. Hey Steve A; I miss the multiplayer part of Flight. Just last night I landed at a terminal under stormy conditions. The Immersion factor was good but kind of lonely. I want to be able to flip back and forth on the GFWL safely. I just need to figure it out. Are you able to fly the non-GFWL side? Tom
  2. Hi Air1, How are you seeing any permanent markers at all? I thought you had found them all? -Tom
  3. Yes, Dease Lake is missing the cache triangle icon. I will re-do that one and see if that fixes it. (Can't edit yet, right?)
  4. Another update: thanks to Stonelance with Flight Toolkit 1.1.2 we now have the option to preview the pending aerocaches. Fly to search and find them. They look and behave just the same as the regular aerocaches, except you can't capture them while they are in a pending status. Another big step forward!
  5. Got it Steve! I selected the Aeorcache Activity to see the new ones, and there they are! I tried them all out and they seem to behave exactly as they should, minus being able to actually capture them while in pending status. I have not converted the FSX scenery yet, but now I am looking forward to making new Aerocaches in the lower 48 as well as the rest of the world! Many thanks for your continuing efforts. -Tom
  6. I just loaded up the 1.1.2 toolkit successfully. (non-GFWL) When I fired up my non-GFWL Flight, I did not see any new / pending aerocaches. Am I missing a step? Thanks, Tom
  7. Steve is the DB Admin for the Aerocache server. We use the toolkit editor to submit new caches in a "pending" status. We will need a way to preview these and a way to vote on them. Until this process is fleshed out, it's all in Steve's hands.
  8. Basically, the way Steve described the process: - use the Flight Toolkit (1.0.29) - click on the Editor tab to get into the Aerocache Editor. - fill in the blanks to describe the aerocaches characteristics - include the paths to the preview and thumbnail images, - the program validates that the field values provided will be correct. - after your cache is submitted and accepted by the program, it appears in the list with the other submitted caches. - the process for reviewing and selecting the best one(s) to publish is not clearly defined at this point. Steve can fill us in on how that part of the process will work. I think it may take a few iterations to get the wrinkles out. In the mean time, we can be building up an inventory of cache submittals.
  9. I have been using the Aerocache Editor in the 1.0.29 Flight Toolkit. As of today, 5 have been submitted. Stonelance has done a great job with this program. I know he has some improvements in mind, but it is very usable as it is. Let's see some more caches from our community members! -Tom
  10. I have been staying solely on the non-GFWL side to work on the aerocache stuff. I would like to get back into the Multiplayer side again at some point. (Before, I always had Multiplayer turned on, since day 1.) And you are right Air1, after you get the headphones working, texting is a pain!
  11. This topic is a little behind, so just to bring it up to date: Stonelance has just released version 1.0.29 of the Flight Toolkit. It contains the Aerocache Editor which enables users to submit their own caches by filling in the blanks. There are some examples there that will give you an assist as well. Go for it!
  12. Aerocache Editor success! I loaded up your last version, 1.0.29, and voila! Being able to browse to the image locations made that part work for me. Also, I needed to fill in the Heading in the Orientation section or else it would fail. I should be able to submit 1 or 2 more tomorrow. Great job and thanks again! -Tom
  13. I have not had this problem using either 26.5 or 27.5. I do not ever switch back to the multiplayer version, perhaps that is why. I like the Aerocaches too Bok. I'm looking forward to grabbing number 351 !!
  14. Thanks again Steve. OK other Steve (Air1), I know you have some queued up too! -Tom
  15. We have to leave some features only available in FSX just so there would still be a compelling reason to run it!
  16. +1 ! I'm using and it's working great. All my stats are working, and it even seems to load faster. From the time I click on my Flight shortcut until I get to the Main Menu is about 30 seconds.
  17. Non-GFWL looking good again. It's all there. Back in business!
  18. I just dumped my xlive.log and it has the same SQL DB error: "Unknown MySQL server host flive.db.10499026.hostedresource.com' (0)
  19. Same exact experience. For me this started yesterday. I don't remember if I tried it the day before. I'm holding off on a re-install of Flight until we hear something from the devs. Has anyone out there (on toolkit 1.0.25.x) been able to run Flight today?
  20. Seeing these glimpses of "what's coming" is great. Thanks for your efforts guys. I hope you can concentrate on the "dev" side and leave the user support issues for us.
  21. I like SE Alaska also, but I'd add in Kodiak Island as well. The North Slope looks a bit stark in Flight. ( Perhaps because it looks stark in reality also? )
  22. DJI Phantom: Yes Luis, I have crashed it more times than I care to mention. It is amazingly resilient, especially with the prop guards installed. I also replaced the regular landing gear with some taller / wider ones so I would not trash my son's $300 GoPro camera. There are getting to be more and more restrictions on where these can be flown, so don't wait too long. -Tom
  23. Good to see you back in the forum! I'm loving my DJI drone. Highly recommend. -Tom
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