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Everything posted by Fsxpilot777

  1. Hey rich, Do you have Shade working in P3D v3.2? My sim completely shuts down the moment i try to start a flight.
  2. Love the sounds I have the a320 sound package you guys released for jardesign in xplane 10 and i love it. One question, are you guys planning to make any sounds for the pmdg products i.e pmdg 777 or 737ngx? They already have great sounds but i'm sure from seeing what you guys have been releasing, can make it even better. Keep up the great work!
  3. Those of you who have had the courage to update to 3.1 could you be kind enough to post some images of what dynamic reflections looks like. Whatever add ons you may have that it affects would do. Im keen to find out if this affects the exterior models of aircraft i.e pmdg 737. Maybe repainters need to do something in specific to apply this new feature. Thanks in advance.
  4. From what i know it's just how the PMDG 737ngx was made you will probably see the same thing with the pmdg 777. When you are in the virtual cockpit only that is being drawn (no external model) so therefore there will only be shadows being depicted of what is being drawn. Anyone please feel free to correct me if i am wrong.
  5. I would try reinstalling all of the 737ngx. Complete clean installation and see if that fixes your problem. Also check if you are completely up to date in all of your packages. Yesterday my 737 immersion would not install so i reinstalled pmdg 737ngx and that fixed the problem.
  6. I agree. For me its one of the set backs of xplane 10. Hopefully they can get rid of it, pronto!
  7. I think you guys will enjoy this as much as i enjoyed taking these pics :smile: :wub:
  8. I had my first flight with rotate MD-80 this afternoon and my initial thoughts are the following: -VNAV seems to still need some tuning but i still need to do more flights to make sure it was not my fault. -Sounds are very nice. -Exterior absolutely gorgeous. - Performance on my end was very good. Comparable to the a320 jardesign. -Cockpit looks great and the ambient light is great as well. - Hand flying it was very nice. Im not an MD-80 pilot ( Currently i am obtaining my PPL) so i cannot to tell you for sure it feels like an MD-80 but i can tell you it flies like in my opinion as an MD-80 would fly. Typically nose light. -I do want them to integrate whenever possible the missing pages on the FMC like the Progress page which is helpful and is needed for realism. -Needs an operational TCAS. -Not a complete level study sim but you will still need some reading to do to get her fully working and to complete a successful flight. In other words it's not like the upcoming IXEG 737 but the md-80 still has its quirks. For example the layout of where switches are is completely different to what you're probably use to (like boeing and airbus) . If you aren't familiar with the md-80 or mcdonnell douglas aircraft for that matter at first you will be a bit lost in the cockpit looking for specific knobs and switches (APU bleed air for example is called APU air conditioning i believe ). I hope this helps some that are still thinking about purchasing it. Overall on just the one flight i have done i am glad I purchased it and is my favorite airliner aircraft in x-plane 10 (Till the IXEG 737 comes out that is :wink: :smile: ).
  9. BEA-utiful!! Not just this one but all of your repaints. Thank you for your effort and contribution.
  10. Very nice! When are you going to allow us to try it out? I am impatient to give it a go!
  11. Looks amazing. Really makes the PMDG 777 look even more gorgeous :wub: I will be testing the PreciptFX and 777 immersion for P3D v2.5 as well. Cannot wait!
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