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Everything posted by Fsxpilot777

  1. I have the same issue and have no clue how to resolve it.
  2. Im experiencing the same problem. Not sure what the culprit is.
  3. Sorry for being misinformed but where can i find this SKIF software and info on how to use it?
  4. I have also tried about everything that everyone has mentioned and still cant purchase anything on the marketplace. It worries me that more addons are going to be coming out and exclusive to the marketplace only. Which is quite a problem if I cant get this sorted out.
  5. Yes, look at this tutorial. It explains how to set up different passenger wingviews that are mappable. https://youtu.be/7fW6mIM-8cQ
  6. It's X-plane for sure either 10 or 11. It's most likely 11.
  7. Hello everyone, I have my PPL and currently training for my CPL/ATPL. I agree with everything you guys have said. The factors that stand out the most for me is human performance and physical factors. Most of these were pointed out but for example flying a C172 while you are parallel to the runway and beginning to flare there is a point while you are holding the yoke back with some back pressure and you begin to feel the aircraft to "fall" so you put a tad bit more of back pressure really trying to grease the landing. You won't feel that in any flight sim unless it's a professional sim on hydraulics which airlines use and companies that offer type ratings. Same idea when practicing stalls you can literally feel the aircraft stop flying its an incredible feeling. Basically all seat of the pants flying you won't get in the sim. Human performance is another huge factor in real flying compared to sim flying. In real life there is just so much more going on. Comms,traffic,birds, obstacles, etc... I know some of these things are in sims but it's just not the same. Another human performance factor that stands out is how you react to meteorological conditions. Winds, thermals, turbulence, etc in real life these really have an effect on you that in a sim you won't experience. Try navigating with your VFR charts out, writing down times, constantly verifying your position, checking engine parameters, tanks, fuel consumption, etc with turbulence, variable winds or strong thermals rocking you side to side or up and down. Trust me it affects your performance whether you like it or not( obviously with more experience you get use to it) especially for us pilots that may get nausea easier than others. I have to say though flight simming is terrific for studying instruments, procedures, failures, and even a general feeling of how aircraft behave. There are some great addons out there! I do agree that once you have flown in real life at the command of an aircraft it enhances your flight simming and vice versa as well.
  8. Breathtaking... Very nice shots. Are they all raw or edited?
  9. Very nice shots. X-plane 11 really is a great sim.
  10. Very nice! I might give this a go, seems like a nice adventure. Might do this or around the globe or both! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Indeed! Just took off and same thing happened to me, just as u said it.
  12. Hello everyone, these are some of my favorite shots from my flight yesterday from KIAD to KSFO. Enjoy and let me know which one is your favorite! Addons used: Flightbeam KSFO KIAD, PTA v2.51 with TOGA preset, Active sky 2016 beta2, GSX, REX soft clouds,ENVTEX, PMDG 777 and Chaseplane.
  13. Hello everyone! This is a take off i did a few months back in a Cessna 172R with a G1000 installed. It was a beautiful VFR day in Madrid. Please check the video out and i hope you like it!
  14. Thank you! PTA preset used in the shots was Matt Davies´s. PTA version 2.51.
  15. possibly it could be the updates forcing it to disconnect. Doing a flight right now and so far no disconnects yet.
  16. Thanks! Yeah those are my favorite shots too. Really enjoying P3D v4 at the moment. Dynamic lighting is nice but its too bad it is such a performance killer but it is tolerable with MSAA 4x or 8x.(Obviously could be way better though)
  17. That was happening to me yesterday flying with the PMDG 777. Chaseplane disconnected at least three times during the flight. Im about to do another flight see if the issue still comes up.
  18. Nice flight in P3d v4 with the PMDG 777-200LR from flightbeams KMSP to KSFO. Active sky 2016 beta for P3D v4 working its magic. FTX global PTA and ENVTEX also were used. Enjoy! 2017-6-16_16-21-36-26 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_2-53-28-691 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_2-53-45-977 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_2-53-58-79 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_3-26-1-904 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_3-27-2-174 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_3-8-50-560 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_3-37-10-460 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr 2017-6-17_3-51-0-70 by Elpidio Sanchez-Marcos de Cruz, en Flickr
  19. Hello everyone, this is VFR solo flight I did a few months ago in Madrid, Spain. I'm flying a C172R with a G1000 landing on RW 27 at LECU. LECU is one of Spain's oldest airports and is a civil/military airport. Hope you guys enjoy the smooth landing! https://youtu.be/UEvKnLJ-MRA
  20. I'm currently experiencing the same problem. Trying to reset my download for my ixeg 737 purchase. It's been weeks and still no reset.
  21. Im having the same shader errors... Anyone have a solution or a clue why this is happening?
  22. holy..............cow..... Thought he was ditching for sure.
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