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About Bionor

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  • Birthday 03/08/1976

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    Bergen, Norway
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  1. I really like it, but as other say, its superhard on FPS. 4K, all settings on max, terrain/object LOD at 300/150, it hovers around 60fps with DLSS3 on a 4090+5900X. PMDG, Fenix, Kodiak all are above 120fps so definitely improvements to be made:-) GPU@100% so its not bottlenecked by the CPU.
  2. So, using a 6900XT, you get your info and strong opinions from what...youtube vids? Why do people who do not have a 4090 make assumptions based on nothing but rumours and posts from other ppl who does not own a 4090? If you have a 4090 and forgot to update your sig, and you have actually tested DLSS 3 and didn't like it, then fine, maybe DLSS 3 is not for everybody...if you base your opinion on what you read...then I'm inclined to say STFU.
  3. Yes, if you stop, if you zoom, if you're looking at tiny details, if you're searching for errors, small glitches and what no...you will find them. If you don't, and you play, it is absolutely awesome...going from 60-70 til 120-140 fps is magnificent and I don't care if there is a tiny dot missing in the distance, cause I will not notice it while flying. It may be marketing, but for those of us playing at 4k and have a 4090, DLSS 3 is groundbreaking. "Nobody realy needs sutch an Grafikcard - IMO ! " - nobody needs a Lambo neither, but still...
  4. DLSS3 is only available in the SU11 beta I think(DLSS3 is called nVidia DLSS frame generation), so if you have not opted inn for the beta, I strongly suggest you do so. I'm running 4K/Ultra settings with DLSS3 and it is absolutely stunning. From 4K medium settings and 70fps(3080 Ti)---> to 4k ultra and now seeing 140+ fps is quite something.
  5. I think those two packets serve different purpose. The first package is buttons/switches and such only, so if you like the old sound better, you prefer the default PMDG sound. The new package is engine only... Exclamation on "think" :-)
  6. I built a very comparable system just two weeks ago(6700K, MSI Z170A Carbon, MSI 1070 Gaming X and Corsair@3000Mhz RAM), different brands but pretty much the same. If you're gonna clock to 4,6-4,7, why choose the NHD-15S over 15? Same cooler, but the non-S gives you two fans which is not a bad thing when overclocking. I reached a stable 4,6 clock with my 6 year old NHD-14 although I had to give the cpu a little bit more voltage than I wanted to...
  7. Yeah, Bodø was a freeware project that was almost ready to be launched before Orbx picked him up. I'm not sure why the development of Narvik was prefered over Bodø, but from what I can remember from the screenshots from Bodø when the project had its own homesite, it will just as amazing as Narvik, only bigger. Orbx has really landed a true genius with Tore:-)
  8. I was under the impression that it was ok to install your fsx products in P3D even if there are P3D installers/versions, but that it would be completely unsupported. This might have changed recently or I could also be completely wrong in the first place. I had the FSX version of the 172 i P3D, but updating the product was a hassle, so I let it go and bought all the P3D versions of A2A ac's instead, hasslefree and the guys at A2A deserves it:-)
  9. He has an i5, you an i7, wich probably translates into you having Hyperthreading on. Turn HT off, and I think you'll be happy:-)
  10. I'm baffled that you're baffled over this:-) No matter how good anything is, ppl will always find something that makes it "not worth the 70$". You could be a doctor finding the cure for AIDS or cancer and someone would blame you for taking away jobs from global pharmaceutical corporations...its just how it works:-)
  11. Damn plane already went on sale...new price $11,999,999.97...glad I didnt fork out the original 12....
  12. The Jar320 and Jar330 are very much alike, but (without showing any numbers) my feeling is that the 330 has better framerate, its newer, it looks a little better, but systemwise, they are very similar(I know there's a discussion on the 320 fbw-system and that it is not on par with the newer 330, but the dev has promised an updated fbw similar to the 330 in a future update). Depending on your flyingstyle(long/short hauls), I probably would chose the 320 for short hauls and 330 for medium/long. I know you have the FF767, so that might be a factor chosing a smaller plane for your next purchase. Either way, just be sure to get the BSS sound:-) And after that, next thing you should consider is the Rotate MD80:-) ...and, oh, yeah, the upcoming PMDG DC6:-) PS: I'm not into failures so I never pay attention to those factors just as an FYI
  13. I own both and if I were to choose only one, it would be the IXEG, which in my and many others opinion, is the best ac-addon for XP period. That being said, I still love the JAR330 with the addonsounds from BSS, and to me, these two addons gives me the best of Boeing and Airbus. I also own the FF757 and JAR320, but after getting the IXEG and A330, those are rearly touched.
  14. Ok, had an old version of Ortho4XP apparently(november 2015 build), downloaded the latest and now I found the NO:-) Thanks:-)
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