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About deetee

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  1. Because it adds a whole lot of stress which people don't necessarily want during their flight. I used it a few times a few years back, but it was not a pleasing experience because of the constant worry of f*****g up. Voice-aware ATC like BATC and SI gives you the immersion without the worry. Saying that I would never pay a subscription for it, so I'll stick with the former.
  2. If you read those payware posts again. You'll see that I mentioned that Freeware Only checkbox was already ticked but it was still prompting for payware models. In addition it only happened following an update and was working fine previously. So go easy before accusing folks of overstating problems. 😉
  3. Although the installation can be time consuming, I find once set up AIG OCI is fire and forget. FSUIPC is essential however for "policing" the AI by keeping my fps above 30 where possible. It's really great to see AI aircraft in airports where previously there were none.
  4. Good to know thanks. Sorry for wasting time with this, but it is interesting (and slightly worrying) that Orbx Central would poke around in other non-Orbx add-on folders!
  5. I have honestly no explanation, but the "add-on.ocbackup" file in the same folder dated 13th April (IIRC when I first installed AIG OCI) had the same line. As this anomaly seems to be unique to myself we shall say no more, it was really just for info, I thought it best to share just in case someone else came across the same issue. 😉
  6. Just a heads up Prepar3d v5 was crashing at startup with AIG, I traced it to a line in the addon.xml : <AddOn.Description /> I replaced it with : <AddOn.Description>Placeholder text</AddOn.Description> And it loaded fine. It seems P3D v4 tolerated errors in the XML file but v5 does not!
  7. Thank you Kaiii3 that worked great. From a UI design perspective I would have thought the Freeware Only option would have overridden the Payware selection tab.
  8. The latest AIG Manager v0.9.4.3 has prompted me several times for payware models even though I have selected freeware only in the settings. Cheers.
  9. Well I bit the bullet, installed the AIM and downloaded all the airlines. Seems to be working okay in-game, but bizarrely some 20 or 30 aircraft are reporting NO PAINT. Have redownloaded the affected airlines but the errors stay. Apart from that it's working nicely anyway so far, well done AIG!
  10. Looks good, looking forward to trying this out. Thanks for your efforts FrontEndRob.
  11. Thanks for the heads up. Haven't flown X-Plane in a while, and thought I'd do a hop in the US for a change. Was a bit dismayed that both arr/dest airports (KJFK-KIAG) were completely devoid of buildings! I was somehow under the impression the most major terminals in 10.50 now had some semblance of an airport from the gateway?
  12. Ready to hit the buy button, but it would be great to have confirmation from FSL that buying the FSX version now + P3D upgrade later, will not work out more expensive than waiting and buying the full P3D version.
  13. Did they give some love to the built-in ATC in 10.50? I thought I read a while back they were maybe going to...?
  14. It looks like they're using the Carenado CT206H StationAir for this particular video.
  15. LR teasing... (XP11 perhaps ?) Is it me or do the clouds look better? P.S. Thanks to http://www.x-plained.com for the heads up.
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