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Everything posted by Taipan

  1. Nice shots, that's some to add to the wallpaper collection
  2. I can transmit on Vatsim with Activesky running. I use Squawkbox, are you using FSInn? I have spacebar assigned as push to talk and it works fine. The only thing Activesky does with radio that I know of is the ATIS it provides on 122.00, but try changing your hotkey maybe it's a hotkey AS is picking up..
  3. Hi Chris, I have your bump maps installed for the 600,700,800 many thanks for those. Are you going to do any for the 900 as well? I noticed the cfg files for the 900 liveries refer to both texture.900 as well as texture.common so I'm not sure if it's picking up stuff from your 800 bump maps. many thanks
  4. Hi Bryan, Similar to the Emergency NGX addon you are releasing, would you consider a "First Officer" addon for the NGX? I've seen a number of airline videos where the first officer is flying the plane under the captain's guidance, so we wouldn't need to worry about the AI not being able to fly the plane issue. You already have the flows and procedures, it's just a matter of switching them over. Plus the FMC would have to be done by the human as well, but with flightplan imports etc it's no big deal. If combined with RAAS, the Captain could actually give you orders. For example "Abort Takeoff", "Go around, do not land" etc based upon the stability, runway lengths, all the things RAAS gives. Flying as "Captain" in an FS2Crewed airplane I feel that I lose touch with the airplane and I can't go back and fly the plane on my own so easily. To be able to swap seats occasionally as they do in real life would be something special.
  5. I have the orignal Obutto. I got Saitek Cessna rudder pedals they fit better than the combat ones and I prefer them. If you place a piece of wood under the back end of the Obutto it also gives some more vertical clearance. My photos of this are on simhq with my old Simped pedals (Taipan)
  6. You are my FO now Clive, Jean Claude got fired after I blame him for killing the mechanic I found a few problems with JCs words sometimes cutoff, the English voice is working best for me
  7. Yes, in the next patch they will make it so if the plane isn't associated with a profile RAAS will be off. In the initial version I just associated my GA planes with an "off" profile.
  8. ok thanks guys I might hold off and see how the two compare
  9. Yeah maybe when airbus is released hopefully they throw a celebration sale
  10. Utilities are the best addons, as they can be used in all aircraft usually i.e. every single session. Aircraft addons though, not so much. If I own 10 planes, then it's only 10% of the time I'll use one. Just a perspective...
  11. Ahh it's the boxed versions only :( Real shame, I wanted to download a few mega airports
  12. Nobody has tried it yet? C'mon must be some good guinea pigs out there
  13. Hi Tebin, Yes it was all runways at YWOL (there are only two i.e. four directions). At YWOL the runways cross at the centre, so maybe that helps. I wonder if it detects the crossing runway and thinks it's going past a taxiway. Bryan - yes definitely makerunways, I've used radar contact for ages and it wouldn't work without makerunways too. Also other airports work, it's just some that don't. MindYerBeak - I tried runway 07/25 at EDDF with default scenery + AFCAD and it works ok. So I think the issue is to do with payware sceneries.
  14. Just bumping this, I'm wondering has anyone managed to access the Lua variables for the QW? The overhead panel mainly is what I want to control, mouse macros are only toggling for me.
  15. I found my particular problem was the Brindabella livery it has a bad reflection map, happens to be the main one that I flew. All the others are fine, the test version is darker though but not as bad as the Brindabella
  16. Twice to be sure. I just need to double click it in the FSX folder yeah? I pops up and progresses through them all and completes
  17. Just played around with a few crazy takeoffs/landings, I like it alot. Also great that you allow linking it to the model file instead of the liveries, it's going to be MUCH easier to manage the profiles than with some other tools I have. One thing with the runways though, it incorrectly calls "On Taxiway" during takeoff at some addon airports. For example ORBX YWOL. What is the trigger for the "on taxiway" that could cause this? It did correctly identify the runway at the start when entering it, just halfway down it calls on taxiway.
  18. ARMI PROJECT - VTBS SUVARNABHUMI INTL came out yesterday, and I'd like to get it but the review concerns me on Simmarket, issues with AI traffic and sinking into the ground etc. http://secure.simmarket.com/armi-project-vtbs-suvarnabhumi-intl-fsx.phtml Has anyone tried this with Ultimate traffic 2, and with terrain mesh products - with no issues? I'm looking for a better review than the short one on the simmarket product page I guess. thanks
  19. Edit: Ah I found the info. Off to watch the video and pickup a copy
  20. Ahh so it's a 3 position switch. I've been using my Saitek panel nav lights.. on/off only. Thanks I'll check that out.
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