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About ctstech25

  • Birthday 06/25/1958

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    Palm Springs, CA
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  1. Dan, I understand the OCD part, I picked up on that when you spent time erasing artifacts around the window frames left over from the paint kit... Your instructions helped me to keep my file structures in line (I only erased my master psd file once...(yur not really photoshopping if you haven't erased 10 hours worth of work at least once)) and my habits you helped create make working in photoshop much easier... Thanks again... ps... I've had to get rid of 2 bodies
  2. Mr. Prunier, I second this post as I was able to get through all 22 of the youtube posted videos and was extremely successful in my knowledge and ability with photoshop... Seeing you here gives me hope you may yet show us the last few if it is something you enjoyed doing. Thank you so much for your work in the swimming world and I wish you all the success in world. ps... I too have moved to P3D with mostly ORBX scenery and a few quality airports... its a whole new world out there! Norman Henderson (never sure if my sig is working)
  3. Flew a night flight last night from CYVR (fsdreamteam) to KPSP (default scenery)... whew, where to start... well, I guess the start... running P3D v3, ASN, Aivlasoft EFB and GSX (for now), I loaded the PMDG 737-800 at the gate, taxied out with very smooth and beautiful emmersion. Lighting was spectacular, aircraft handled easily, audio in surround sound and all working seamlessly. Take off was uneventful except for the tingle down my spine from the sheer excitement. Flight was gorgeous with the moon being a waning gibous out the left side with shadows in the cockpit dancing over the instruments, pretty spectacular. Arrival and landing was unexpectedly smooth and visually perfect... I am used to 7-9 fps on most landings so up around 14-17 fps was quite a pleasant surprise, so much so that I was eyeballing stuff instead of landing and was too hot and off center. Got down on concrete at least and didn't run off the end. Taxiing in was just as smooth as the departure and shutdown was also uneventful. Presently, I am extremely pleased with the new P3D... PMDG 777 currently enroute to TNCM... same results thus far... smooth fps, beautiful flight. I have experienced the SMOKESYSTEM error, but that doesn't seem to affect anything on flights, so ignored... Additionally, I have not loaded down P3D v3 with traffic (big frame killer), fs2crew, not running radar contact... ohh, ohh, ohh... there goes the Grand Canyon... ... or other payware scenery, so I still have some work ahead... So for now, I should probably get back to my real job so I can keep paying for this stuff... Norman Henderson
  4. Bryan, So far, its awesome… I have only done 2 flights and I need to create a scripted page as I have done for the 737, but so far very nicely done... Norman Henderson
  5. Looks like you are all lined up on final.... :lol: :lol:
  6. Once I started using Aivlasoft EFB, I was hooked for good. Running on a laptop networked to the main rig right next to my 46" Monitor... can't beat it!
  7. +1 Running mine on a separate laptop accessible during flight. PFPX does all flight planning, Aivlasoft EFB for charts SIDS and STARS... I do not want anything added to the VC that will cause performance hit.
  8. Love the triple 7, but really got used to fs2crew in the NGX so I'm waiting for that… In the meantime (it'll be done when it's done), I just fly my NGX Westjet in my Canadian/US triangle (CYVR-KPSP-CYYC-PHNL-CYVR) until we get a copilot.
  9. I dirtied the outside of my NGX, so now she's a dirty little pig inside and out and I love it… she's a workhorse! :lol:
  10. I was having the same issue, but now have it figured out. I have the exact same keyboard commands and Saitek controller mappings for the 737 ngx and 777. On the 777 the animation of the yoke switch works when using either the keyboard, Saitek controller button or the mouse directly on the switch in the vc, however on the ngx pressing the keyboard command or the Saitek controller button will not show the animation but will behave as it should (disconnecting a/p on 1st press and silencing alarm on 2nd), but the animation does work with the mouse directly in the vc on the 737. My problem was I was using the animation to see if the key commands and Saitek buttons were working correctly. After I finally realized the issue with the animation, I assigned keyboard commands and Saitek controller buttons (same for both 737 and 777) and everything is working correctly.
  11. I use ActiveSky 2012 or now AS Next for wind components. After importing my flight plan from PFPX into ActiveSky, it gives me the average wind components. I fly almost exclusively in US and get PFPX behaving nicely most times. I have had PFPX send me up and then down, but only a couple of thousand feet diff. , and I was wondering if the predicted winds aloft factored into the PFPX plan. However, I am way too lazy to actually go do the research on that question, so ignore any descents in the PFPX plan. Since gas for sim is free, I don't worry too much... :lol:
  12. I noticed that when I went in to the perf page on the cdu. I was showing -35 on the fuel temp when the EICAS issued its notice and the notice cleared when the temp went to -34. Will the fuel actually begin to freeze in the sim, or can we just set the lower temp in the perf page with no worries? Norman Henderson
  13. I flew a polar route that caused my EICAS to show Fuel Temp Issue, brought up checklist to see what the trouble was. EICAS gave 2 solutions a) speed up b) descend to warmer air. I chose to speed up, I was at .827 mach and sped up to .840 mach. Within a minute, EICAS changed from Caution to Warning and within 10 minutes temperature dropped 1 degree and the EICAS warning extinguished. I believe there are checklists for almost all EICAS warnings and cautions. Forgot Sig Norman Henderson
  14. I would say it has changed a tad... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27szyA9mZ8Q Norman Henderson
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