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About l3ubba

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  1. I've never seen anyone so upset about a dev selling software that is clearly labeled for the type of sim it is for. If you aren't interested then just move along. No one is forcing you to buy it.
  2. That's the first time I've ever heard someone describe the S330/360 as stylish. 😂 I definitely share your sentiment on the more "complex" Carenado aircraft. Even the couple that I have that are equipped with FMCs I usually port in a GTN to bypass it because the FMC is practically unusable.
  3. Has anyone else had issues with graphics card crashing and recovering then P3D getting a fatal error? I am running the latest version of P3D v3 and for some reason my graphic card crashes approximately 5 minutes after loading the sim then recovers and when it recovers I my screen comes back to P3D blacked out and eventually getting a fatal error. At first I thought it might be an issue with my drivers but this only seems to happen when I am using this aircraft, I can hop in my A2A C182 and fly with no issues.
  4. Unfortunately I cannot. I am just going off what I have read on the release notes. I'm not too fond of the G1000 and don't really own any of the aircraft they made with the G1000 cockpits.
  5. I have noticed that all the aircraft that are getting 2.0 versions are ones with G1000 cockpits. I think it is mostly to add the weather radar into them and fix small bugs related to the G1000.
  6. My experience is they will speak the native language of the flight crew/orgin, the language spoken at the destination (usually), and English. I live in Germany and all my flights within Germany the flight crew made announcements in German and English. When I fly back to the states (usually on Delta) the flight crew makes the announcements in English then in German. When I flew to Tokyo from Vienna on Austrian Airlines they made the announcements in German, English, and Japanese.
  7. It isn't even just flight sim. There are a few other forums I am a member of that have nothing to do with flight sim and it is the same thing. Or just look on Youtube comments, it seems to be the default way of discrediting someone no matter the community or topic.
  8. Why is age always used as something against people? I see this used as an argument all the time. "You are under this age?" or even just "I assume you are younger than me so that makes your argument invalid". I am 24, what does that have to do with anything? Does knowing that I am 24 now put some value to my argument now? Because I am over 18 am I now "immune" from becoming a ###### or making stupid remarks? I understand that the older you get the more experienced you are and that is supposed to make you more mature but I see cases where there are fan boys who are 60+ years old. I can think of a few topics on this forum and others where guys in their 60s and 70s were acting like children over something stupid. So why do people insist on using someone's age as a way to disqualify or lessen their argument when their age has nothing to do with the topic? EDIT: I find it funny that the word "fan-boy" is censored. Is that intentional or just a quirk of this forum?
  9. Looks like I installed it to the wrong folder without realizing it. All good now!
  10. Yes, there were some residual folders left over which I figured were still there because of a few addons so I deleted it.
  11. Was having some issues with P3Dv3 crashing so I decided to do a fresh install and start clean in order to identify the problem. I went through and uninstalled all the addons I had then finally uninstalling P3D itself when I went to re-install it did not install the exe, only the associated folders (i.e. "Autogen" folder, "SimObjects" folder, etc.). I went to the P3D website and downloaded the latest verson of P3Dv3 and tried again, but nothing. I have tried searching for solutions but so far haven't found anything. Does anyone have any ideas what the issue could be? I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit and I am making sure I am running everything as an Administrator.
  12. Haha, yeah I saw that guide. I tried it (or at least I did my best to follow it) and it didn't work for me. I'll give it another try but not getting my hopes up.
  13. Good luck, I have been digging through lots of forum posts but no luck yet. Everything I have found talks about having v2 installed.
  14. So I have P3Dv3 and would like to install Ezdok camera as it is one of the most important addons I use. I have seen lots of people go through a whole process of installing it by doing some trick with installing it into v2 then moving it over. I do not have v2 installed right now and I don't really feel like installing it just to install one addon. Has anyone come up with a way to get Ezdok working in v3 without having v2 installed?
  15. I have spent a few hours digging through different forums and google searches but have come up empty (maybe I suck at searching). Does anyone know if there is a RXP GNS 530/430 config set up for Manfred Jahn's DC-3/C-47 v2? I recently started flying this plane and really enjoy it (probably the best freeware I have ever used) however I would really prefer to use the RXP GNS systems. Is there one already made out there that I just haven't found? Or is there someone here that is more talented than me who is willing to do the integration? Thanks.
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