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Everything posted by Groovin_DC-10

  1. I posted a bunch of screens and and a vid of the original back in the summer. If you scroll down page 1, you will find the vid. http://www.avsim.com/topic/466347-another-great-global-texture-replacement-for-fs9/ I see that one of the new feature is an "Anti-Mosaic Effect". I guess it minimizes the square patterns for cities. The video and pics they posted on simmarket are from version 1.
  2. Thanks for the link. Since this new sim is based off the FSX engine, do you guys think it will support full multi-core usage? In the link it said that the sim will take advantage of modern gpu and cpu's but not much else regarding specs.
  3. I'm an FSX'er, but I used to run my set up similar to yours. SSD for OS, another SSD for FSX and an External for add ons. I've recently changed to a single SSD (os, fsx, add ons) and there's no difference in performance.
  4. Excellent. Atmospheric shots. I like them .
  5. Been out of flight simming for the past 7 months and just got back into it. My SSD with the OS died and decided to take a break from flight sim. I just got FSX installed and will do FS9 soon. About AFS World and Mosaic, I have the original and absolutely love it. There is a version 2 available now with a good discount for those who already own the original. Anybody get the chance to compare the original to version 2?
  6. What is up with Flight1? I thought I would also mention that their boxed add ons can also be a major PITA. I own the disc version of UT2 and Audio Environment. Audio Environment usually takes almost 10 mins until the dvd drive is able to read the disc. You can hear it constantly speeding up/slowing down after inserting the disc. It's as if the dvd drive is having a hard time being able to read the disc. I know I'm not the only one with this issue. I remember reading online where someone else had the same problem and gave up. I did message the person and told him to let the disc sit in the drive for a while. Hope he got it working. UT2, I never really had issues with until recently. I spent an entire day coming back and forth trying to get the dvd drive to read it. I must have tried at least a dozen times with no luck. Finally, the next day, I thought I'd give it a try again, and it finally worked. My dvd drive is fine. There is nothing wrong with it. This only happens with 2 of my Flight1 discs. I tried a bunch of other disc add ons with no issue. I still plan to install my disc version of UT and GEX. I never had any problems with those in the past.. I hope it stays like that.
  7. Did you install UT2 in the main FSX folder?
  8. I'm wondering the same thing. I'm sure Steve is still working on it and will eventually find a fix. The fixer has had quite a few updates.
  9. Disable HD shadow in the fixer and just use the regular shadow option. I don't have the concorde yet but I get the moving shadow on my planes like the one you described if I enable HD shadow.
  10. I use Zinertek Night Environment for both FS9 and FSX. Is it possible to insert or install the FS9 textures into FSX? I much prefer the FS9 version of Night Environment to the FSX version. I'd also like to do it for daytime ground textures if possible. I like GEP and the one by AFS. Both FS9. I know most of you will tell me to just fly FS9, but I like the new airplane add ons for FSX. I also love DX10. I don't have a high end PC so in order to get constant 30fps at busy airports with a lot of ai, I have to set my graphics and LOD to FS9's level. So other than the water, planes and effects, my FSX world basically looks like FS9. Because of this, I thought why not swap textures if possible. Any help greatly appreciated.
  11. You guys need to crawl back into your caves. Beer, Diet Coke, Lemon? Phuuuleeeeze! That's so 2013. I have a professional license to drink tap water loaded with fluoride, chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals and all sorts of goodies. I like to drink it while flying FS9.
  12. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking of doing now. Will probably go with one of the AMD FX chip and a GTX 9xx for the new build. Thanks for the help, guys.
  13. Thanks for the informative reply, Chaotic. I forgot to mention, this upgrade would be a temporary thing until I build a new PC (in the next 6 months to a year). That's why I was only looking at lower priced cards. Now you've got me thinking. If I completely wait it out until my new PC build, the graphics will blow me away more than taking small steps to get there. I mean, my settings are pretty much at minimum now (with "normal" being the lowest allowed in-game). Hmmmmm.....
  14. Thanks. I'm not really looking to max out the settings. Just want them all on "High" or "Very High" with 40+fps. Basically, I just want a nice graphical upgrade from my current settings of everything on "Normal".
  15. I just got this game last week and I'm hooked. Probably the best game I've played so far. Now, my PC is nothing fancy... AMD Phenom II 955 @ 4ghz, 8g DDR3, GTX560. With every graphics setting on "Normal", I get 60fps pretty much at all times, dropping maybe to mid 40's during very heavy scenes like the chase in the benchmark. Which GPU do you guys think will be a good upgrade so I can run it with most settings on "High" or "Very High"? I'm thinking the GTX750Ti. I'm not sure about the 660 because it might be overkill for my CPU, or is this game heavily dependent on GPU? I'd like to get as close to 60fps average as possible, but I wouldn't mind the 40's as long as the graphics are pumped up.
  16. LOL. I noticed something funny going on about 3 weeks ago or so. I believe it all started in the screenshots forum.
  17. Are you saying I can't run 3 screens on a GTX560? What a bummer. I've always thought that you connect the output to the splitter and set fsx wideview to 1 in the cfg. Will the GTX560 at least detect and render the higher resolution of the ultrawide screen if I only use one?
  18. Ha ha ha, Mitch! You are soooooo hooked on FS9. Great shots. That's crazy talk. I have a Phenom 2 / GTX560 and the old girl can still run fine with heavy add ons.
  19. Looking good! I love seeing screens of pimped out FS9.
  20. Thanks for the additional info, guys. Whatever I go with will be running off a GTX560 but I'm not worried about video memory. I fly FS9 and FSX. My FSX is set up to look and run like FS9.
  21. I notice some people are very sensitive to fps (me included). I can easily tell the difference between 30 and 60fps while a lot of people I know can't. I started to notice this back in the mid 90's when I was a kid always going to the arcade and playing games on consoles. I have my FS9 locked at 60fps. It's much lower when I'm flying complex jets, but only enough for me to notice and not take away my enjoyment of the flight.
  22. Are you running the DXT fixer? A lot of add ons have issues that the Fixer can take care of.
  23. Beautiful cockpit, Manny! I wouldn't mind having 3 screens if I had a cockpit like that. That's too bad about not being able to use different resolution monitors as your sides. I see you have some Saitek stuff like the instrument display. I'm planning to get some of those in the next month or two. I have the multi panel and switch panel. Thanks for the link on the Dell. I didn't come across that model while searching online. It's much cheaper than the other curved ultrawides. I'll probably save up a little more and get the curved Dell.
  24. Thanks Jimmy. The LG I'm looking at is 34" but only 1080 resolution. I haven't actually gone out to look around yet. I'm sure the stores will have something with higher vertical resolution. I'll keep that in mind and will definitely go for it if available. They all seem to be priced about the same as well at around $600. I'd love to have a curved one but too expensive.
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