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About benrussell

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    New South Wales, Australia

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  1. In order to place an "activation freeze" on your account and "run out of license slots" requiring intervention from support you have to re-install your OS or purchase three entirely new machines in the space of six months. Please explain how this is unfair and how you've somehow exceeded it and I will adjust my care factor accordingly. This is exacerbated by the fact that you claim that you are "coming back" to XP... this strikes me as very odd because if, as you say, you're coming back after some time, one would assume that any machines that you may have activated "in the past" would have already automatically expired leaving you with no intervention required. You bought a License to Use the software. MOST companies grant a single concurrent use license. We grant a three machine license by default. Additionally, we are working so you can de-activate your old machines at will without interaction from our support people but this, like all things, takes time and money. Thank you for your understanding, I look forward to your detailed reply.
  2. I purchased a new dedicated Windows machine yesterday so I can investigate all bugs more effectively. I've been running X-Plane inside VMWare which is limiting at best. Previously I could tell Gizmo loaded on Windows but that was about it. Now I have a serious gaming rig for Windows/Linux dev. It's still going to take some time but we're committed to resolving this.
  3. Confirm that the ground physics model is customised.
  4. More interested in wasting as little time here as possible. We both know any real answers lie elsewhere.
  5. Because no content is ever injected over http without user permission, right? https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/verizon-x-uidh
  6. Injecting weather into a custom flight model that you own 100% end to end is an entirely different problem to that of injecting weather into X-Planes flight model to work with all existing aircraft.
  7. It's not a technical problem. It's a time problem. Can we get back on topic and help the OP find some Linux content options?
  8. For the record; the number of users now actively complaining that Linux support has been dropped is now three. Three people.
  9. Let me know when the Linux user base crosses 30%+. I'll be willing to re-open this discussion then and only then. Good day.
  10. Option A; work at a loss on Linux port. Option B; enjoy time with my family.
  11. As a developer with a passion for mil jets, get DCS. X-Plane is missing a lot of fundamental things that make having a fighter interesting. Like, you know, the entire suite of useful combat facilities. Building an in-depth mil product for X-Plane requires building all that extra stuff as well. With civilian stuff we already have a plausible framework to build on.
  12. No. There are currently no Gizmo product available that modify your AI traffic in any way. Sounds like you have "Cinema Verite" enabled. Have a look through the views/camera menus. It's a checkbox in there somewhere. Again, not a Gizmo function. Hope that helps.
  13. "Push the CL's to the last detent before the firewall. NOT all the way to the firewall."
  14. Please file a support ticket with X-A. We can modify your license records so that you will need to renew at something more suitable to you. Our system provides you with three hardware keys by default. If we were to change your licenses to require activation every two weeks that would give you three hardware ID's to use over a six week window. If we change your records so that you need to activate weekly, you have three hardware IDs to use in less than a month. Our latest update now saves your activation password (encrypted, per machine key) so any renewals are easier than ever. I'm working to enable "auto re-activation" which will allow for basically painless product use, so long as you have permanent Internet available. (will be opt-in. "Internet required" annoys me. I live in rural Australia and have very very poor internet.)
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