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John Glossop

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Everything posted by John Glossop

  1. No, the lite version apparently only has the left hand panel, not the right.
  2. It feels like an incredibly difficult way to show potential helpers images from the sim, but I've uploaded my screeny to here: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/plane-wont-accelerate-beyond-2-knots-on-take-off/517640 for anyone who might be able to help me.
  3. OK, I tried reversing the rudder brakes, and in desperation actually deleted the bindings, so now all the rudder is - is a rudder! I overestimated the revs (thanks, trainnut - oh, and have you voted for "I like trains" - or similar, over on flightsimulator.com?) I have an image of my 0 knots take off roll at 100% acceleration, but I don't have a URL to load it to, so that I can post it here - sorry. addendum: I think I'll go over to flightsimulator.com with this problem - my objective is to upload the image to somewhere that I can point to from here, if that's possible.
  4. I've turned the Brake axis right down, by calibrating 70% of the movement to the "Off" position, so I only have brakes for the last 30%. However, this looks like the best lead so far, so I'm off to try it out right now.
  5. I think this is probably sufficiently different to merit its own post. I've been simming for many years, and have taken the big plunge with controllers, etc. I'm currently using the Alpha and Bravo yoke and throttle quadrants, and have struck a problem that I can't resolve, and am hoping that someone else has seen this and knows the solution. I've tried taking off with several planes including the good old Cessna 152, and have even resorted to starting off from the actual runway. What happens. Well I turn on the Master Alt & Battery switches,, and the bus 1 and 2 Avionics switched. Advance the throttle about a quarter, and use the mag/ start key to start the engine. OK so far. I release the brake, and it confirms that the brake is actually off, and gradually increase engine revs until they are showing 100% - a bit over 5000 revs. No brakes on, engine running fine, weights OK, but the plane dawdles along the runway at 2 MPH. It'll do that down the complete main runway of Melbourne/Tullamarine until it reaches the end. If I turn on AI piloting, it takes off just fine, and flies just fine when I take control back off the AI. I've made sure that there are no brakes bindings on either of the controllers, not on the old Logitech rudder pedals that I'm using. Does anyone know what might be causing this? Please!
  6. It really is a pity that those two suggestions address basically one issue, but the votes are split between them. If they were combined, I'm sure that some votes would be duplicated, but we'd at least see just how much support there is for the idea. I've voted and posted, BTW. (5 minutes later) and now I am reconsidering whether this is a required feature after all. If your profiles are stored in the cloud, and if the sim allows you to store profiles for more than one controller device, the ability to restore it manually would appear to be redundant. Oh, well, I'll take my medicine - go on, point out what an word not allowed i am!
  7. Seriously, I think that going for an i9 is an overkill for MSFS 2020. As for the GPU, find the fastest single threading CPU that you can get your hands on. The sim doesn't use more than one core at this time, and I would go for the latest gen i5 that you can get. Spend your money on the GPU, and you'll find that you have a MUCH better experience all round. Save some for all the RAM you'll need, as well - 16gB isn't going to cut the mustard. There has been some talk around the traps of MSFS 2020 being reworked to use multiple cores, but I don't see it happening any time soon, and when it does, there will be more multi-thread CPUs available to replace this year's model.
  8. Hi, I've been around flight sim for many years now, and now, in my dotage, I'm trying to field questions in flightsim.to, and I've come across yet another one that my limited expertise doesn't help me with. It's from a member over there who wants to add cargo into the Asobo TantJu, and I don't know whether its' even possible (although, from the number of mods that have been made to Asobo airplanes, I assume that it can be done). This is a link to the question: https://forums.flightsim.to/thread/1242-cargo-version-junkers-52/?postID=3833#post3833 I would really appreciate it if someone who is familiar with this type of mod could give me some guidance as to how it might be done, and appreciate it even more if someone here who knows how to do this would take over the thread in Flightsim.To for me. Thanking you all in anticipation John Glossop
  9. sauviat No problem. I'm pleased that MS was able to resolve your issues, but the solution i posit goes further, and allows you to dynamically decide just which addons to load, and hence minimize your sim load time.
  10. The absolute easiest way to get around this problem is to use one of the several addon management programs that are available out there. Over on flightsim.to are a couple of nice addon managers, namely MSFS Addon Collector or MSFS Addons Linker. They take the worry out of having to create symbolic links, and even allow you to "selectively load" addons, in case your PC is dragged down by too many addons. Imagine the luxury of being able to load just the addons that you need for your next flight, and having them deleted (but still available to use again) once the flight is finished. MSFS Addon Collector has a small manual to help you over the rough edges, while MSFS Addons Linker is supported by several tutorial videos on YouTube. They both offer so much more, but I'll leave it for you to find out just wnat else they offer. And they're FREE!
  11. I find it quite insulting that the pilot types are so racially stereotyped, but that only one of the European stereotypes are also included. I'm talking Scandinavian, Germanic, Latin, etc. These are far more representative of pilots worldwide than, say "Egyptian"!
  12. If anyone is offering to produce new pilots, I'd sure like to see one who looked at least a little bit like me!
  13. I went looking, and although I found the odd MSFS file, there didn't appear to be any obvious location to look for files. Currently, at Flightsim.com, there are well over 100 files available for download. At NexusMods, there are 242 downloads for MSFS, Flightsim.to boasts some 600+ downloads, and Avsim looks like it is losing the focus of the average simmer looking for add-ons for MSFS. Looking at these other sites, apart from flightsim.com who haven't upgraded their presentation of add-ons, the other sites appear to be going all out to match the store that the sim has inside it at least. I also notices that Avsim doesn't appear in the list of sites recommended on the official MSFS website, which is either an oversight or a snub - I don't know which. Either way, Avsim, which has been at the forefront on flight sim support since Adam was a pup, is likely to be completely sidelined, which would sadden me immensely for the site that has done more for the hobby than most others. Just my 2c
  14. Well this (https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-flight-simulator-dlc-updates-roadmap) suggests that helicopters are early on the list of enhancements to FS2020. I can only hope it's correct. VR according to this report, is also on the list.
  15. I'll come back here when there is some news about how it's going. Looks to me as though so far there is a lot of "puff", but not much real information about this product, except that it is "coming soon", and apparently has been "coming soon" since at least February 2016. Well, how should I define "soon"? This year, next year, sometime this decade? I'm afraid that my expectations have been raised, only to be flattened by lack of any indication of progress. I trust that you are running it as a professional project, with due dates, real requirements, and proper management and control, because from the little that is currently leaking through to this side of the fence, I would suspect that the answer to that may not be as positive as I would expect it to be with a serious software development program. And remember, the definition of a project is a piece of work with a known start date, a defined end date, and a defined set of deliverables, all in a project plan. So far, I see a start date, some quite nebulous deliverables, and no end date in sight. Worrying. In the mean time, good luck with the project. I wish you no harm, but the professional project manager in me is ringing alarm bells about what we know about it, and where it appears to be going.
  16. As a recent purchaser of Steam FSX, I can confirm that they have aircraft carrier take offs and landings, and that they have changed some of the key assignments, apparently to make them more friendly than the originals. I haven't had it long enough to be able to answer any or your other questions - sorry.
  17. I hope that was a typo, there - 128Kilobytes of RAM. Surely you mean 128 Gigabytes of RAM???
  18. I was a Beta Tester for a product a number of years ago, and unless it's changed, letting people know who you are Beta testing for is a very bad no-no. I felt honored to be invited, and would be honored to be invited again. I enjoyed the experience, and like to thik that my input changed the final product for the better in some small ways, and that's all you can ask for. I suppose that with the smaller developments, where there is a beta testers forum open to the public, revealing your affiliation would probably be OK, but if you are part of a closed Alpha or Beta test program, you're really honor bound not to disclose what is going on to outside parties.
  19. Well, I tried, and as there is no warning up the top that the "Survey is Closed", I was rudely bounced out of it. If possible, either the thread should be closed, or at least the original author should go back and mark the first post noting that the survey is indeed closed.
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