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Everything posted by iFlySimX

  1. Thanks! Which of the DLSS do you use in the sim setting? Quality, DLAA? DLSS + DLAA will give you the best quality, correct? Also, what exactly do you set in NV Inspector to 0.80?
  2. Hey all! What setting would you recommend with a g-sync compatible monitor, running DX12 with FG? 1) TAA? DLSS > DLAA give blurry 2) V-SYNC on or off? And in NCP? 3) Lock frames? Or leave unlimited? If you lock, do you lock in NCP or using RTSS? Any other suggestions? Also for some reason, I am getting a LOT of shimmering...And I also starting using HDR....Could HDR cause shimmering? Cheers! Clement
  3. FB's KSFO looks great but very hard on my PC. I got a lot of stutters on approach & landing with the Fenix.
  4. Right...so some people may prefer to use DX11....Not sure where you are trying to get at....
  5. Because Lossless Scaling Frame Generation works with DX11 & TAA, I think...
  6. Hello all! This is for RTX 4XXX series owners.... Which do you use and find better with less artifacts? Lossless Scaling Frame Generation (LSFG) or the default Frame Generation (FG)?
  7. I love it! Great airplane and it works for my needs. I would recommend it especially that there are supposed to be more updates coming.
  8. Looks amazing!!! But first thing that comes to mind is....performance...
  9. Nice! do you have a link, please?
  10. Hey all! Wouldn't it be great if FeelThere made this for MSFS? Some may say...who cares...But I would love it, especially when you are on a flight with a wing view, I would love to have this open on the side.... or even better, on an iPad 🙂 Cheers!
  11. What's weird is that this ONLY happens at LSGR. I have never had this issue before.
  12. Has anyone found a good color combo/setting for the most realistic colors? I know it depends and varies a bit but any suggestion?
  13. It's releasing today! I've really been enjoying it so far 🙂
  14. Hey all! I will be going LIVE on YouTube to stream the new 29Palms - LGSR - Santorini Airport & Island around ~1400z. During the stream Contrail and I will be giving away (2) FREE copies of LGSR. Can't wait to show you this beautiful Greek island, see you there!
  15. That is a valid point...These days, less quality/optimization seems to win....especially if it's released first.
  16. What in the world?!?! How do they pump out airports THAT fast?
  17. Hey all! For those of you who have a LOT of add-ons installed, do you notice that the more add-ons the sim loads up the worst performance is? How about stutters? If so, do you use MSFS Addons Linker to ONLY activate the add-ons you need for your flight? I have over 500 GB worth of add-ons installed. Could I be missing out on performance by having so many installed?
  18. Hello all! Coming over from Intel to AMD, are there any setting in the BIOS I should turn ON or OFF that would help with performance?
  19. So today I decided to fly out of Miami with the Fenix and my new PC and oh boy...Even my 4070 TI Super (16GB VRAM) couldn't handle the HD textures....my VRAM was maxed out with HUGE stutters.... Why do developers not spend time optimizing a bit....This is probably one of the worst scenery performance I have encountered. They have done a great job with the airport but boy is the performance terrible.
  20. FG is HORRIBLE after this latest update. Lots of stutters and I have to get out of full screen as it keeps bugging out. Anyone else?
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