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Everything posted by JLSeagull

  1. Well worth a listen. [thanks to Froogle for mentioning it]. https://youtu.be/7KbUNzi58wM
  2. lol I think that 'she who must be obeyed' has just met her match Jim. End of Convo.
  3. Not ANOTHER one Chas!!!!! I will never get to bed at this rate!!
  4. I was looking for a local Kebab House and it came up with "Search Not Found". There is definitely a problem with it!! :Whistle:
  5. And THAT, Gentlemen, is exactly what it means to be a 'Simmer'. Bravo Michael! :Applause:
  6. @Rob. Shush!!! I am trying to organise a Party here!!
  7. Have to agree with your initial comments Jay but - as for the last sentence..... 'blunders'? .... What are you anticipating?
  8. So.Bob ..... because I was growling at your post - my fat cat has left home with a knapsack on its' back and is currently on its' way to London to make a Fortune, the expensive Wife has moved in with the Guy down the Avenue because he "Isn't a Flight Simmer", the 30 year old 'children' have finally Flown the Nest ...... and all that you can say is "...I think I may have found the root of my problem...." ???? My HERO!!! :wink: You and Me at Mine! The Drinks are on Me!!
  9. Hi Jim. I was .... ermm .... 'lost' (i.e. Please don't tell anyone.... but I was taking the 'alternative' scenic route), coming South through the Pyrenees/Andorra for Barcelona and overflew this place. Gobsmacked that Orbx would even take the time to model it! I have tried to put a Wikipedia link to the actual Airport on here Jim but there seems to be a problem in that respect. Please Google the thread Title Jim and perhaps you can add a link to the actual Airport? It is absolutely WELL worth a visit!! P.S. As requested: - P3d V3.2, The entire Orbx Suite, FreemeshX and UTX Lights. Regards,
  10. Nothing personal Bob - and please forgive the straight talk? You are one of a handful of people who have had problems Installing/Upgrading (not quite sure what you are attempting to do), and have had problems? Many thousands of Flight Simmers have followed the LM recommended path with no problems whatsoever - and yet you quote a couple of posts on the LM Forum as if to support your assertion that V3.2 is flawed? Sorry Bob - I am not trying to teach you how to suck eggs - but....... ?
  11. Ditto - No problems here either. Pete Dowson is probably the best the man to answer that one. Have you tried a reinstall of Traffic Manager and FSUIPC?
  12. ...or Aeroport De La Seu (LESU). I stumbled across this little gem of an Airfield today and just had to recommend it to any of you VFR /STOL guys out there who, like me, have FreemeshX, Orbx Global and the OpenLC-Europe packages installed. This region is simply breathtakingly beautiful. Crank your settings up guys and go and spend a glorious couple of hours aloft. Me? Back to LESU for a bit more 'therapy' !!
  13. "....and there will follow such a period of much hand-wringing and lament and discourse as shall have never been witnessed before - but, at the End of the Day there Will be Light!..." Have we been here before or is it just a bad case of Deja Vu?
  14. Chris!! I vote that YOU should be on the Dev team at Orbx! If only we could have Himalayan Buddhist Retreats to fly into? I can smell the incense as I type... hear the wind chimes and see the fluffy bunnies as I land .... standing on the Roof of the World (after a successful landing), in Avatar mode would be sensational! "Ermm - Excuse me? Whaddaya mean I have to pick up that flaming Cauldron with my forearms?... What about the scars - and will you please stop calling me Glasshopper"? hehehe!!
  15. .... THIS is absolutely brilliant!! https://uk.style.yahoo.com/post/141144348294/first-all-female-crew-lands-flight-in-saudi-arabia
  16. Shush Greg! Don't tell everyone!! I am finally flying with those expensive eBay (really authentic at £5.99), Ray-Bans and working on my SunTan!!! B)
  17. Since the recent, unfortunate, problem with RTD+Softies, I have lost my low-level clouds. All however is not doom and gloom! This is an epiphany! Is this how the rest of World flies? Visibilty beyond 10 metres (and a flock of grounded Gulls taking bets on whether or not you return in one piece)? Clear blues with fluffy, wispy bits at fl300? No wonder Rob and Froogle abandoned the UK for somewhere more 'Foreign'!! Where's my Passport?
  18. Ouch!! I understand that - and know where you are coming from on that one!!
  19. Select 'Uninstall Prepar3D' in Control panel, Un-Cork a good bottle of something, Kiss the Wife and Kids goodnight and goodbye and be prepar3d to spend a week of Purgatory trying to put it all back together again!!
  20. Appreciate the info paddler .... The UK is beautiful - but small. EGNL (my home), is the gateway to the English Lake District National Park.... but not a patch on the Rockies. I will try your suggestions and, if I never come back, it will ALL be your fault! lol Regards.
  21. Sad that your experience of P3D hasn't worked out for you with the 980ti npole. I am running a 4790k o/c to 4.5ghz (through a 980ti), and get friction burns from the speed of my mouse!! Perhaps if you stick to the more fps-friendly DCS then you will not be so disappointed with your purchase?
  22. Christopher (like me), is of good old-fashioned Cumbrian Stock Elaine. We don't have emotions - We have Weather! It is either raining... or it is dry. If you can't see the flock then it is raining and foggy and If you CAN see the flock then you and the sheepdog have taken a wrong turn somewhere and are in a different County! (A good clue is if the sheep "Baaa" in Welsh.... then you know that you are in trouble and will be late home for your Tea). lol
  23. Downloading as I type - but - Is this a case of Uninstalling V3.1 and doing a fresh install of V3.2.2 ?? Can anyone clarify?
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