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Everything posted by Mephic

  1. It's not required at all if textures are properly mipmapped I believe (at least that is what resolved shimmering for some). Shame that some of most popular addons didn't have this in place. 1920x1080 is the most popular resolution and it's a real pain there is no proper AA on some objects. Nowadays in most games 4x MSAA is completely enough... shame that not in P3D.
  2. IMHO I would start with switching to: 1. Unlimited FPS + adaptive vsync in Nvidia CP (built in fps limiter is simply (and always was even in FSX) broken) 2. Switching off road traffic, boat traffic completely (it's a flight sim, not car on roads sim) 3. INcreasing tesselation to max (I have not read what's your GPU but if you have at least GTX 780 there is absolutely no reason why you would not want to increase GPU load) - UPDATE: I read now that it's 770. Try anyway. 4. Feel free to add user vehicle and clouds reflections (again shift usage from CPU to GPU) 5. Switch Bathymetry OFF - this is biggest FPS killer and it's useless for flying (it is for submarine to be precise) 6. 4x SGSAA is ridiculous unless you have Titan. Use instead: 1. Mode: enhance application setting 2. AA: 8xQ 3. Transparency: 8x Supersampling It's not same as 4x SGSAA but delivers nice quality saving you performance start from there And make sure to get rid of all tweaks. Feel free to bump textures to 2048.
  3. How to make airframe older to increase probability of service based failures? I love triple 7 rate change but here maybe we can at leaSt modify some cfg file?
  4. Has anyone tried to compare PrecipitFX with Envtex with regards to rain and snow?
  5. I'm using REX WAHD airports for ground and taxiway textures - tested VAS impact and it was negligent - rest is pretty much same as you have Again, I can't see that huge fall in VAS usage in same scenario with same weather, same airport, same plane, same gate. It's just the same it was. (2,8 Gig with NGX on default airport and 3.2 Gig on payware)
  6. I can't share your optimism as in my case there is improvement of about 50 mb in same scenario which is not even consistent. On the other hand I am still using some textures which are not optimized (as I understand it only optimizes those which it replaces in sim). Will have to test more.
  7. I'm using it with ASCA integration and only envtex sky textures. I also noticed that I get better fps in overcast when there is sunset or sunrise but I also changed pta profile from URP to David's one.
  8. So long my 1K bucks of addons.... I guess it's about time
  9. Not sure what convinced me but... P.S. truth is it was Pe11e comment that he uses it for sky colours
  10. Oh that is interesting thing to have but I think it's really overpriced plus you need to have really awesome GPU there
  11. Fantastic. Thanks for this information, to be precise I'm not buying it but I'm writing Santa-Wife a Christmas letter ;-) Thank you
  12. Hi I want to buy TrackIR5 to increase my NGX immersion. Is EZDOK mandatory addon too with such combo? I read through some topics where users had huge set up problems with NGX and TrackIR5. Is there a good guide to do it without EZDOK anywhere? I don't have or plan to buy EZDOK. thanks
  13. I saw that TOGA team released freeware preset for PTA to be used with ENVTEX. Is this alternative to modified cloud shaders or can they be used together?
  14. Dgraham : I'm sold :-) getting this today and will use along with ASCA :-)
  15. I wanted to share with you all something I have discovered in other simulators but seems to be really helpful with P3D smoothness. I am currently running on unlimited FPS as capping them always smashed my performance and gave me lower average fps. I was using Prepar3D built-in Anti Aliasing with triple buffering. Some time ago when playing with one of the mainstream bus simulators, I discovered that there is now a function of "FAST" Vsync in Nvidia Control Panel settings. Before the best shot was probably built-in vsync or Adaptive one, which still didn't work great for me and induced tearing. The main difference vs other types of vsync is that "fast" one does not create input lag but still prevents tearing and has triple buffering function built in. I'm not that technically savy to explain what exactly is behind it but can only recommend that you give it a try (fast vsync on in control panel, VSYNC and triple buffering OFF in sim). Worked some miracles in my case with regards to smoothness and I hope it will in your case too!
  16. Isn't it that you can edit how many SKY texture sets you can load in ASCA regardless of mode its in? (that's the case in beta at least)
  17. Actually I think TOGA claimed that their cloud shaders improve performance. Maybe some solution for anti aliasing finally.
  18. Pta 2.0 made reshade obsolete IMHO. Still envtex should not intrefere with shaders and if yes only with cloud ones.
  19. It seems you are using similar "layers" as I do. :-) I also use PTA 2.0. Did you try ASCA SP1 Beta? They improved a lot in sky colours department. If ENVTEX is still better, I think I'm sold. :-)
  20. I currently use REX WAHD runway textures, REX 4 grass, sun and lightnings, ASCA and AS16, PrecipitFX and FSFX immersion for NGX. How can I benefit from ENVTEX? Is it more realistic in any of the areas which above software covers? I see that it affects most of those things but not sure if it's better in any department.
  21. Just finished PMDG 777 LHSIMULATIONS LHBP to Flightbeam KIAD with 250 MB of VAS remaining... What VAS issues? ;-) But seriously - it's some really good news jere. LM prove they listen to community issues. Kudos.
  22. I'm no expert in area of VAS management but I can tell you what allows me to survive simming in p3d 3.4 world without necessity to low important settings like autogen density or traffic. 1. Never, ever use 4K textures - this is a real killer and I noticed that when I set TML to 2048 it's absolutely enough to make sim look great. Programmes like ASCA, REX4 or WAHD do not need anything more to look stunning really and they can impact VAS a LOT. 2. Never use LOD radius higher than 4.5 - it's universal for FSX and P3D. 4.5 is marked in P3D as "High" and in fact - IT IS HIGH. You do not need more in VAS heavy flights (which are usually IFR in large jets) 3. Traffic - It is a VAS killer. I use MT6.0a and due to that I never go over 15% Jet and 5% GA. 4. Road traffic, boats, ships - just disable it. You need to understand - P3D/FSX is NOT ground traffic sim or boat traffic sim - it's a flight sim and such extras are much less important than addon airports or complex planes. 5. Last, but not least -> water settings. I noticed that going from Ultra to Medium (basically switching off 3D waves and some reflections) saves me around 200-300 MB of VAS - which is a LOT. Disclaimer: If you are using FTX Vector, make sure to disable all options except highways and primary roads and beaches/coastlines. You really do not need more and there is some serious VAS leak issue with FTX Vector which never got resolved and can kill your sim. anything else in my sim is pretty much maxed out and I can tell you - I'm not hitting VAS wall even with 3.4 which tends to be a bit worse with VAS mangement than 3.3.5 I don't have a magic pill to resolve VAS issues, but sticking with above rules allows me to fly in and out of most aiports in triple 7 from PMDG and IMO - this is enough to say I have no VAS issues AT ALL.
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