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  1. For MS Store installations, the control config files are in a very obscure location, but they are readable and editable once you've found them. 1. Go to your main user folder (typically C:\Users\username) 2. Under that folder you should find AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_xxxxxxxx 3. Under that folder you should find SystemAppData\wgs, which should then contain a folder with some random numbers/letters as the name. 4. Inside that folder you should find several folders with random numbers/letters as the name. Some (but not all) of these folders will represent a particular controller profile. These will contain a file - again, with a name consisting of random numbers/letters - which is actually an XML file describing the settings for that controller. It's a question of going through each folder until you find the one you need. 5. Once you've found the right file, the format is thankfully easy to understand. For example, on my system my keyboard mappings are in C:\Users\Jacob\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData\wgs\000901F30E4D7E22_00000000000000000000000069F80140\F3D5E2AA966C4F55878F849EF7F3973A\D2680217D98F4CCEBB3C0CDB752DA544
  2. Great! Any idea why this is an option? Are there any downsides to enabling it?
  3. Yes, in summary, you want to set it to the lowest setting that doesn't give you excessive blurries or delayed autogen loading. The actual value will depend on your system.
  4. Which version of P3D are you running? 2.3 had a bug where clouds could be twice the size they're supposed to be, which could cause this kind of effect when they intersect with the ground. This bug was fixed in 2.4 though.
  5. I'm not sure if LM have done anything to AA in 2.4 per se. What they have done, is to significantly optimize shadows, which frees up more GPU power for SGSS AA. It really is a big improvement: I can now use 4xSGSS with cloud shadows in ASN overcast conditions, with most other settings maxed, and still get 30-40fps with very few stutters. Note that this is with a Titan Black at 1980x1200: if you have a weaker GPU or higher resolution you may have lower results. I don't know what half refresh vsync has to do with this, but am confident that LM would have fixed it if straightforward. Some people say it requires full screen exclusive mode, others say a Nvidia profile... Not sure myself.
  6. They've made it very clear that they will produce P3D versions of their recent products, but they take their time to do things properly. As you suggest, it's not simply a matter of updating an installer. Why not use FSX for PMDG, but P3D for everything else?
  7. Well, it depends on what Orbx products you use. Maybe only 50% (or less) of their airports are migrated, but all their regions and global products have already been done. They've actually converted a lot more than most other developers. I'm very happy flying Orbx in P3D.
  8. 1: a solid minor release. No big changes, but several smaller improvements, and no regressions discovered so far.
  9. I don't think many people use pro ATC/x: I considered getting it, but the forums suggest that it has quite a few bugs, and much more seriously, a significant lack of updates/communication from the developer. It's a shame, as there are not many ATC addons out there. I think the chances of finding someone who a) uses both pro ATC/x and P3Dv2, b ) had the same issue as you, and c ) was able to fix it, are slim. But you never know.
  10. Out of interest, what would be the advantage of such a high LOD? With max LOD I see detail as far out as the haze, in almost all weather conditions. I'm using ASN and Orbx sceneries. Is this something that's more noticeable with photo scenery, or the unrealistic visibility of the default fair weather theme? Or just something that bothers some people but not others? Just curious, as it's a frequently mentioned topic, but not something that's ever bothered me.
  11. I think what Beau is saying in his post is that they tried to provide some additional vsync options (perhaps half refresh rate or adaptive) in an early beta version of v2 (i.e. before the 2.0 release), but they didn't work. So yes, there are limitations in the vsync settings that an app can control through DX11, but I don't think he means there were options in an earlier publicly-released version of P3Dv2 that they then removed.
  12. Has anyone upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8/8.1 (without installing new hardware at the same time), and run the same version of P3Dv2 on both OS versions? If so, did you notice any improvement? I've heard a bit of anecdotal evidence that P3D performs more smoothly under Windows 8. The only hard info I've seen on this is the following comment from Beau at LM about gauges, which sounds significant, but I have no idea how much it affects things in practice: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum-5/?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=6777.1 I'm not really interested in other pros and cons of Windows 8 - there are plenty of other places on the net to read all about that - just its impact on P3D. I realize this might be a bit of a long shot, since most people probably upgrade their hardware at the same time as the OS, but if you have done this, I'd really appreciate your comments. Thanks, Jacob
  13. For those that don't read all the P3D forum posts, two LM developers recently posted interesting comments explaining how two often-discussed topics, volumetric fog and core affinity, work: Firstly, a clear description from Beau of the difference between volumetric fog and the old FSX method: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum-5/?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=8207 Secondly, an explanation from Zach as to why it's not a good idea to modify the affinity mask at runtime. Although this "spreads the load" across all cores, it is likely to reduce performance. There is really no problem with one core being maxed out at 100%: any real-time application needs a main coordinating thread, which will tend to be the bottleneck, so you want that to be at 100% (unless limited by GPU load or a frame limiter): http://www.prepar3d.com/forum-5/?mingleforumaction=viewtopic&t=8225.1 Hope this is of interest, Jacob
  14. The QualityWings BAe 146 works well in 2.3. A slightly more unusual regional airliner, with fairly in-depth systems modelling.
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