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Everything posted by SuperCell

  1. oh. turning off volumetric fog works
  2. I have my Max vis set to max, and no matter where i go in the world, my sunsets don't look good with it. Sunrises look pretty much the same. Without AS16: https://gyazo.com/1b0f005b41238eb89c9c8b387a8b90ce With AS16: https://gyazo.com/9948da7efe575a6786ce2ca10fcf1230 none of the visibility options fix this issue. also i am unable to disable the default haze layer
  3. It was poorly phrased 2 questions in one. I'm now aware the GTN650's don't work at all in the panel besides being 2d popups and both the GTN650 and 750 don't link with the G600.
  4. The 650's don't link up at all with the G600. Am I right in saying the GTN750 is fully compatible with the G600?
  5. Where can I buy like a functional physical CDI or at least an HSI for fsx/p3d? Preferably cheaper than Saiteks offering... I would be using it in conjunction with my ipad 6 packkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
  6. Yes I use EMT. If it ctds its all your fault ;P. I use hdr. I like marks final the best. edit. it works thanks.
  7. Which preset did you use? I've tried a few of them and used set and forget... nothing worked. I did a complete reinstall of everything but shade... so no crashing as of now.
  8. Is there any way I can remove shade? Or do I need to do a complete reinstall. Multiple modules are being blamed in event viewer. Faulting application name: prepar3d.exe, version: 2.5.12945.0, time stamp: 0x55145f5e Faulting module name: ai_player.dll, version: 2.5.12945.0, time stamp: 0x55145f5b Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00045d69 Faulting process id: 0x1518 Faulting application start time: 0x01d0a6c2896d7c8d Faulting application path: D:\Prepar3D\prepar3d.exe Faulting module path: D:\Prepar3D\ai_player.dll Report Id: d91231dc-12b5-11e5-8268-4851b76b2b9f Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID: and I got an api.dll error i think.
  9. I did not know that... Just got P3d yesterday. Thanks much! I pasted it in the normal p3d path... and the %appdata% roaming p3dv2 path...
  10. This is what it looks like when i install gabriels sun mod... Every sun mod I download doesn't work at all. I even copied the sun textures from my fsx and my suneffects.cfg from fsx, and it still looks like this. This is with hdr on and off. The rex4 sun effects look off as well.
  11. Yeah, I meant .cfg haha. Yeah. Like I said, I set up the cameras.cfg. show_lensflare=true and clipmode=minimum. thx tho... reshade is just a substitude for sweetfx/enb combo.. it doesn't do lens flares. Ill stick with p3d shading.
  12. How do you guys install lens flares in P3D? It works seamlessly in FSX. I put the textures in the texture folder, edited cameras.dll and suneffects.dll... nothing works. I even put suneffects.dll in my %appdata% roaming p3dv2 area. All I get is the ugly default lens effect.
  13. Well, I'm pretty sure the backup folder has it all... sigh. It was SOO much easier with essentials. Thanks.
  14. I'm want to use the same textures for REX4TD and Soft Clouds in my P3D setup as my FSX setup, but I never made a theme. I kinda just uploaded them one by one. So, yeah, where can I find what textures I am using.
  15. I could never get it to work. Can someone walk through how they did it? This tutorial didn't work for me.
  16. Well... I've done all the fixes annnnd the freezing and 'weather' phenomenon seems fixed. Also running advanced system care and malwarebytes made my computer and fsx considerably faster sooo yeahhhh. Thanks (for now) everyone!
  17. Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss tomorrow I'll try everything out.
  18. Yeah, it's still the same with the freezing and VNAV thing just slightly higher fps when I'm not 'filming'... Yeah, I guess my response was pretty hostile. Didn't really mean that... I just typed what came to my head. And Claus, it's the default PMDG 777 sound. I think I still have the autosave from that flight, so I might try to reenact it this weekend. The longer I fly, the worse performance I get (obviously) and my computer was on pretty much that entire weekend running FSX so....yeahhh maybe that contributed to it. I run malwarebytes sometimes, and nothing really ever comes up .
  19. You can't be serious? Given the circumstances, most systems would run it as laggy as this. Everything I have is completely optimized... no ai. 1024 textures. 60nm cloud draw, cloud layers=4, vector disabled, other scenery disabled. I use a 3570k @4.2, 8 gigs of ddr3 gskill sniper series @1600 or so mhz idk off the top of my head...and a 1 gig 7850. It does just fine. Keep in mind that I was streaming and that dumbs down performance profoundly. It freezes like that regardless if I'm getting 45 or 5 fps and fsx never ooms either Here it's smooth with no freezing. Smooth with freeze: (ignore the guy talking) More smoothness:
  20. Okay thanks everyone. I'll try out the sound fix for the freezing. VAS isn't an issue for me. I'll reinstall ASN and the 777 too. Does anyone want to suggest what maximum updraft/downdraft and maximum cloud/wind turbulence they use? Mine is just maxed out. I'll report back on Friday. I use OBS to stream/capture which is on my other drive and it takes a lotttttt of bandwidth.
  21. Oh, I misread your post.. forget my balloon up comment.
  22. Well obviously, yeah. There is no way this is normal behavior, I was just trying to resolve the issue. It would balloon up, not down though. Everyone who I've talked to never said they had the problem. I'm using ASN SP2b or whatever the latest is called if that helps..
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