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About zemez

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  1. Well, then they should make precaching scenery work.
  2. Yes, it works well with p3d 2.5.
  3. I recently went from 2500k@4.5Ghz/8gb1600 ram/r9 290 to 4790k@4.7ghz/16gb2400 ram/gtx980 and i am extremely pleased. Finally i am able to get a quite smooth experience.
  4. How is your ground texture loading with your 5820k? Im considering that CPU too..
  5. Is it just me, or is this tweak making FFTF=0.01 work really good. No more blurries, and A321 is working very nice with my 2500k CPU.
  6. Rob, are you going to make a video with orbx&B777? It would be nice to see how it runs with with the most important addons
  7. Does 6 core CPU bring more fps or smoothness in p3d than 4 core CPU, If both are for example 4,4GHz? Does it help for texture loading? I am thinking 4790k vs 5820k, money Isnt a factor with decision between these two. I have read all the reviews, but P3D performance is the most important thing for me. Rob's test is fantastic to read. Thank you for that and all other advices also
  8. This definitely doesnt help my upgrade ich at all.. Really close to ordering 5820K and some watercooling stuff.. :rolleyes: Im trying to convince that it is good time to upgrade, since you can get about 150€ from 2500k+mobo when sold. 5820K isnt as good as Rob's CPU, but, new hardware is always nice -_-
  9. Are you still happy with 5xxxk cpus? I have 2500k@4.4 and im thinking about upgrading to 5820k.
  10. Near LOWI. ASN+Soft clouds. Very very happy with soft clouds.
  11. Interesting.. Screenshots would be nice and needed before buying.
  12. I dont know yet, since i did alot other tweaking too at the same time. Nudata, how about you? Any difference? I think it helped a little with textureloading. It is a little strange that this kind of trick makes cores more balanced..
  13. Hmm, this is interesting. It really makes core usage more balanced, no more 100% Core 0 and rest 30%. When i did that tweak, Core usage was about 80% for all 4 cores. I use 2500k@4.5.
  14. I have this one too. I think you are gonna like :Applause:
  15. I have R9 290 and i recommend it, but only custom cooling solution card. They are quite and very fast not only P3D but other games too.
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