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Everything posted by rmeier

  1. Great photos! That livery sure stands out! Back in the early 2000's, ASA Airlines (out of KATL) had a small fleet of ATR72's. For whatever reason, the two things that struck me when I first started flying on those planes was the forward cargo hold (in the hot Atlanta summers, you could see from the passenger cabin up to the cockpit while they were loading bags) and the use of the rear tail stand (that often delayed disembarking the aircraft).
  2. Both add-ons look terrific! Happy to hear the latest version of the A300 is working out for you!
  3. I think I'm seeing the same thing...I assumed my APU was shutting down based on the gauges...the last few flights, I have noticed an inner tank fuel imbalance at the conclusion of each of my last several flights (left side lower). Yesterday, after concluding my last flight, I was panning around the aircraft and also observed the APU heat effects...and this was after a complete shutdown.
  4. Today, I intended to complete another AI Traffic "stress test"...with FSLTL/FSHud sliders maxed out over a high traffic route to see if I could create a CTD or "fall out of the sky" issue. Route selected for today was EDDK-HECA with an auto generated Simbrief flight plan. Prior to starting, I did download/install the latest freeware HECA scenery from Flightsim.to (together with the 6 recommended/dependancy files and a GSX profile for HECA). A little unusual today: As I started up my sim, all was normal up to the welcome screen. As I selected my departure (EDDK) airport, I had an immediate MSFS CTD. My first thought was a conflict with the scenery files I had just installed. A quick check of Event Viewer actually listed the MSFS application fault with an IniBuild A300 faulting module: ...\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600 1.0.8\m85d634e734043603_0.dll Now what??? My initial reaction was to remove the most recent Community Folder additions (the 7 scenery folders for HECA I had just added). However, I left them "as-is" just to see if my MSFS would reboot on a second attempt. Restarted MSFS (in normal mode), from the welcome screen I again selected EDDK as my departure location. This second time, no issues restarting the sim. Upon entering the virtual cockpit, it was apparent that some of my MSFS settings had changed from the CTD as I now had "Instrument Hud" visible where those displays weren't there before. A scan of my MSFS settings revealed that under Assistance Options, what had before been set to "True to Life"/Custom was now reading "All Assists". Reset my MSFS settings to where I had them before the CTD and proceeded with the pre-flight set-up for the A300. Similar to the test flight yesterday, there was nothing to see on the TCAS during the flight (I suppose that's a good thing!). About half of the flight was in high, cirrus cloud (FL330-350) so I really couldn't judge AI Traffic by visible contrails. Flightaware was still showing relatively high traffic in this corridor at the time of my flight, with FSHud supposedly injecting "real world traffic". Had a nice tailwind (about 70 knots) with some occasional "gusts" which caught my attention on the gauges...no adverse reactions to the flight or aircraft though. Other than some initial start-up issues today (a CTD that I haven't seen before), this 4-1/4 hr flight was seemingly uneventful...again. I'm wondering if it's possible that some others may be seeing a resultant conflict with these (HECA) community dependancy scenery add-ons and the A300? (Although I was able to complete my flight as planned with these add-ons.) I did experience some sort of iniBuilds module fault today that I haven't seen before. That initial anomoly may be worth investigating for anyone with repeat issues, as the shared community files possibly could impact from many different freeware airports. I'm going to rule out my payware EDDK scenery (and GSX profile add-on) as a potential cause for this CTD as I have departed from this location a few times already without issue...including a previous departure from this location with this same aircraft (EDDK-CYHZ). Once again, other than the (abnormal) start-up CTD, I do not have a negative (AI Traffic conflict) report for this add-on for this flight. This completes either flight 15 or 16 for me with this add-on without any (major) in flight issues. On a side note, after three and half decades of simming, this was a first visit to Cairo (and a nicely done scenery!)...one of the many beauties of flight simming!
  5. Just completed a "test" flight with my FSHud and FSLTL sliders maxed...shorter flight today from KIAH to KSDF (really wanted to visit a couple of new sceneries!). 🙂 Flight completed with no issues...again...although in hindsight, from an AI traffic perspective, this may not have been a great test. I didn't have a single conflict on my TCAS during this flight! The sliders definitely made a difference in my sim...increase chatter on FSHud as well as slightly higher load/temps on my GPU...no stutters thankfully. Looking at flight followings on Flightaware just now, it might be a better test to select NE US or perhaps that same "problematic" EDDP-HECA...that one looks to be a busy traffic corridor based on Flightaware activity. I'll probably repeat the test tomorrow on a more dense traffic route. Every flight on this add-on just keeps getting better!
  6. Color me dubious... First of all, I do want to apologize for only taking a small quote from your thoughtful reply. I do respect the posts that I've read from you here on the forums. For me personally, had I not had my hard drive crash 2 months ago, there is a high probably I would still be flying my T7 in P3D...admiring my $80 EFB add-on and still waiting for the cockpit facelift and rain-maker. 😊 Yes, I am becoming more skeptical with age (and with a little past experience). 😊 The RNP/LNAV upgrade would impact/benefit all of their current and future offerings, and I would think, would be somewhat of a priority for PMDG...speculation only on my part. I have no idea if this would entail a polish of existing code or a fundamental re-write from scratch, so yes, I can understand/appreciate the commercial decision making that is involved from PMDG's perspective. What is undeniable is the progress that other developers have made in this newest iteration of flight sim. Overall, I really do like PMDG aircraft, mostly because they are reliable/consistent. Currently though, my 737 is mostly hangared only because the LNAV has just grown old for me. I would love to see the T7 in MSFS (OK, totally disregarding that other one!)...and I may be one of the few who would actually like to see the freighter first. The current status of PMDG's navigation capability would likely prevent me from a "day-one" purchase. I'm not saying a new navigation code is "never gonna happen"...just hoping that we see some evidence (rather than an occasional word salad) that an upgraded RNP/LNAV is, in fact, in progress/becoming available. Right now I'm flying that other wide body freighter in MSFS...and really enjoying it's flight characteristics.
  7. I consider myself to be very fortunate that I have not yet experienced any issues that others have with their installations...no current CPU issues and no thrust reverse issues either (of course, I do not have the Beta installed). Yesterday, I completed a flight I hadn't done in many years...RJAA-VHHX. It was very satisfying to complete the approach into Kai Tak (despite the lack of traffic!). Sadly, Navigraph does not provide charts for this scenery (for me, it was the Deluxe Default VHHX scenery)...I do understand why though. Just had to add one waypoint (GOLF) and followed an old set of charts for the IGS13 approach. It became quickly apparent that the stock localizer was not correct...I should've been on an 88 degree heading (although the glideslope did seem to track toward the threshold). Anyway...I had done this flight numerous times in older sims with the B747, Not having the IGS available, it was a hand flight from VHHH all the way into Kai Tak...fortunately, the "checkerboard hill" was relatively easy to see from the starting point of what should have been the IGS. Hand flying this add-on into Kai Tak felt very similar (at least by memory!) of the older B747's. She felt/flew like a "heavy"...yoke and throttle responses are not immediate...that big rudder on the other hand...easy does it. Something about this aircraft add-on that just brings so much joy...a perfect balance of automation and "stick and rudder". Today, I'll max out my FSLTL sliders and complete a flight to see if I can create a TCAS error.
  8. Great set of photos...love that livery!
  9. I've been very fortunate with my experiences with this add-on...no issues to date. Yesterday, I completed a long (7-3/4 hr real time) flight from PANC to RJAA. I've been using the DTO and V/S features without issue in V 1.0.8. Right now, I'm about a third of the way between RJAA and VHHX. As I've been thinking about this (trying to "break" my sim to possibly help others), for my next flight I'm planning to increase my FSLTL settings to "force" the theory/observation reported by PMDG with the TCAS "saturation", seeing if I can create a CTD/fall out of the sky issue. Will report back tomorrow on that experiment.
  10. Nice photos as usual...and a nice history lesson as well...appreciate your research!
  11. I'd hate to be the one to "de-rail" the topic...although it is all purely speculative... Having just moved to MSFS in the last 2 months, I have again bought the DC-6 and the 737. Personal opinion: the DC-6 is always enjoyable to fly...the 737, to be honest, is kind of a let down in MSFS (for me). Yes, it is a beautiful aircraft with a lot of bells and whistles...the "clunky" navigation behavior is a throwback to the FSX days...and a code rebuild would be my most welcome addition to MSFS from PMDG.
  12. Cool find! Google Earth give it an ID: Bunker Ruine Schießbahn Ost Map - Military facility - Nuthe-Urstromtal, Brandenburg, Germany (mapcarta.com)
  13. Checklists are available via the EFB. (I think there are some expanded ones on Flightsim.TO as well...I haven't looked at those yet.) I found a few of A330 Driver's videos pretty helpful for my first couple of flights.
  14. I, too, am using FSLTL with default settings (together with FSHud). In the week I've had this add-on, no issues at all (completed about 12 flights so far). Just completed a couple of 3+ hour flights (all real time) yesterday and today with V 1.0.8. Really loving this add-on...the more I fly, the smoother the flows get. Next flight likely to be a long one: PANC to RJAA.
  15. I stand corrected...it was an ATL 98 (Carvair).
  16. I'm a newcomer to this add-on...with 1.0.6, I flew 7+ hours actual time (EDDK-CYHZ) with no issues. Installed 1.0.7 yesterday and have only completed a short flight. The only difference between the two versions for me is that the original install was outside of the sim whereas Simmarket installed the latest version directly in-sim (my preference is to keep it outside of the sim). Haven't tested a longer flight yet with the newer version. Previously, on my long flight, I was also only using profile mode. Yesterday's flight went well with profile climb and V/S on descent/approach. Using FSHud with FSLTL with no negative issues.
  17. For the 60th anniversary of Goldfinger this year, it's going to be a Bristol 170! 😉
  18. Downloaded 1.0.7 last night from Simmarket. I had the previous version (1.0.6) installed outside of the sim. My download last night installed the new version directly to the Community Folder. No issues on all of my previous flights. Made a another quick cargo flight from MMQT-MMGL with the latest version. No issues...other than a slow climb due to outside air temps! 🙂 Switched between profile and V/S modes with no issues (profile mode for climb and V/S for approach). I am still really enjoying this plane/sim! Note to self...I need to abandon that directory install from Simmarket...next time I will re-install the aircraft outside of the sim.
  19. Good question! For me it was profile mode start to finish...also, no pausing of the sim and no time acceleration either.
  20. I've been sitting on the fence to purchase this aircraft based on some of these reviews. Three days ago, I purchased the latest version. So far, I am really impressed with this add-on! I've made 3 orientation flights (all less than 1-1/2 hours) to familiarize myself with the plane...and viewed a couple of A330 Driver's tutorial videos on YT for some of the unique details/tips/automation on this aircraft. Yesterday, I made a long haul freight flight from EDDK-CYHZ (7+ hours) with no issues. As I'm learning the ins/outs of this aircraft/sim, it's impressive to think how advanced (in terms of automation) this design was given it's an airframe that's been in service for 50 years. (Of course, I have a fondness for steam gauges, too!) The aircraft also hand-flies very well! With the exception a some very minor bugs, so far this add-on has been a joy to fly! No regrets on this purchase.
  21. You've tried to steer this topic back on course...kudos! Now this thread just reminds me about those old 1980's TV ads with kids arguing over the best peanut butter...
  22. My $0.02. IMHO, comparing the FSL to the Fenix (or, P3D to MSFS for that matter) is like arguing Rocky Marciano vs Cassius Clay. Hint: they never competed against one another. For those who were familiar with the FSL in P3D...that was an aircraft under a long development curve...and brought a lot of "firsts" to P3D. It still stands up very well in that platform. Fenix has also been under a long development curve (albeit, shorter than FSL...mainly due to the release timeframe of MSFS)...with a developer that seems intent to continue to improve their product. The features of their recently released Block II trailer looks very promising. I, for one, can accept that both are high quality simulators in their own platforms. Any comparison, is moot.
  23. Great set of photos...and an area I have not yet explored in MSFS. Agree with you on the colors...beautiful! Although, I think I would have expected you to use a Lockheed Electra 12A (or a reasonable facsimile! from Casablanca) for a nice low and slow tour of that beautiful scenery! Maybe that can be a future photo essay! 😊
  24. I hope that's not a new specialty food item in one of EHAM's many gift shops!
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