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Everything posted by rmeier

  1. Hey Dan! Good to hear from you...and thanks for the feedback! I wasn't thinking about that livery (C-FFWN) since I think it was available in V1...expecting it to be easily updated to V2 by the original artist. Right now, I'm considering the Canadian Proud Wings (Goose) livery. Also thinking about some ideas for a fictional, retro Delta livery. The Fenix is a pretty awesome plane...I need to give myself some time to actually fly it as well! 🙂 If C-FFWN doesn't get picked up by anyone else, I'll consider doing it. I'm also considering updating the bilingual ACA Cabin Announcements that I did for the FSLabs for the new Fenix. Unfortunately, Flightsim.to frowns upon hosting soundsets.
  2. Thank you! Yup, bought this car in 2002 when they were still somewhat plentiful and inexpensive. Drove it for many years before I elected to upgrade to the six cylinder...accumulating many performance parts along the way. About 4-1/2 years ago, I started a restoration project on it to install the metal fender flares...that turned into a massive body panel replacement exercise when everything I touched seemed to turn to rust! I love the classic 911's...just preferred the unique-ness of the 914...and the obvious mid-engine advantage! 🙂 Sorry to highjack your thread with the Porsche post...if you're interested, I do have a couple of Youtube videos covering the restoration of the car...just do a YT search of "Porsche 914-6 Conversion Rustoration" and look for my name. The first one, about 18 minutes, covers the body panel replacement and bodywork. The second one, about 8 minutes, covers the final paint and re-assembly. Over the last 5 years, two original 914-6 GT's have sold at auction for over $1MM US...stupid money!!! (Of course, I think there were only something like 14 or 18 wide bodied GT's originally built by Porsche)...the rest (to make up for the "50 required production cars" to compete in GT class) were all Porsche dealer installed optioned cars. Getting back to your original post...I really like the looks of the Royal Enfield...I'm sure it'll make a perfect first motorcycle. Be safe!
  3. Correct! Originally a 1972 1.7L. Currently with a 2.7L, dual plug flat six resembling the 914-6 GT.
  4. Great taste, Sue...although, at that time, I'm sure many saw you as a Bada$$ with that ride! To this day, drum brakes on the front of a motorcycle scare the bejesus out of me! Back in the day, I started riding my Kawasaki 350 triple (S2) the day I turned 16. One year later, I graduated to the 750 triple (H2), also referred to as "the Widow Maker"...that was a scary bike...couldn't keep the front wheel on the ground...of course, riding during my "invincible" era, I just didn't know any better. One time, my older brother (on his KZ1000) and I were doing 200 Kph (125 mph) on the freeway. An RCMP cruiser had someone else pulled over on the side...he didn't even try to pursue us...I don't even think he radio'd us in...probably just thought to himself "a couple more organ donors"! Another time, I recall a middle aged guy (recall, I was in my invincible age!) was on his brand new Honda CBX pulled up beside me at a light. He looked down on me and my "smoking" 750 2 stroke and asked "What is that piece of word not allowed?". OK, let's go! I literally left him behind in a cloud of blue smoke. A few traffic lights later, "what the hell is that?" to which I responded "pretty quick for a piece of word not allowed, isn't it!". After about 3 years on the 750 triple, I moved to the Kawasaki Z1R. Rode that one for about 4 years...much smoother (and a more predictable rpm band) to ride than the 750 triple. (Somewhere in a moving box, I still have pictures of all those rides.) Took a long hiatus from riding after a friend lost his leg after being sideswiped by a public transport bus. Moved on to open air Jeep CJ5's...nothing like flipping down the front windshield to get that feeling of wind back in my face...back when I still had a full head of hair! Over the years, I owned 6 different Jeep CJ5's. In 2010, I bought a brand new Harley Deluxe. Customized it a little and rode that one for 12 years. Classic bike...IMHO, overpriced, very heavy and cheaply built...only saving grace is that parts are plentiful and (relatively) inexpensive for Harleys. I'll have to say, I think my favorite ride was the 350 triple...quick enough, very light weight and excellent handling, with the simplicity of a 2 stroke. Currently toying with the idea of acquiring an older Yamaha RD400 to restore...what can I say...I'm a sucker for kick start two strokes. PS: My longest serving (22 years so far) knuckle scraper isn't a motorcycle...another open air car that I've been slowly restoring/modifying for most of that time.
  5. Nice photo set! Looks like quite the adventure!
  6. Added some more details today: Cabin Safety Card: Cabin Seats in Air Canada Blue Cockpit New Registration/Fin Tag (as observed in the original aircraft) Registration (love this view): Ready for take-off I'll upload this one to Flightsim.to tomorrow
  7. My $0.02. I'm struggling to see these options as a commercially viable air taxi given the range/payload and a likely very high insurance premium.
  8. Excellent photos...both of the aircraft and the scenery! Well done!
  9. Thanks for the comment P_7878! I have an obvious preference for retro liveries...or more unusual ones. I was a little surprised to find this livery was not yet covered in Flightsim.to. (It seems there are so many more painters in MSFS than P3D...which is a good thing!) I'm really impressed with the Fenix A320...the detail of the model and the capability of the sim is at a very high level...they're done a terrific job. Anyway, I though the segue between my flag carrier and the first delivered A320 was a natural. (Don't be surprised to see ACA Fin 264 from me when the A319 is released...sadly, another airframe that was retired during the pandemic...after a service life of only 23 years!)
  10. Nice photos! Twenty five years ago, when AC was still flying the A340, it was pretty common to see that one on either the 8:00 am or the 6:00 pm (high demand) flight between YYZ and YUL...about 1-1/4 hour duration flight.
  11. If it's a Canadian Moose, it's looking for Tim Hortons!
  12. Thank you for the feedback! Sadly, haven't had time to paint on this one the last couple of days...not sure if I'll get it done by the weekend. (I hope you noticed that photo was taken on the ramp of your home airport...SimAddons scenery.)
  13. Nice photos...if I had to pick a favorite, likely the Lufthansa...
  14. No issues using RivaTuner for me...set to 30 FPS. New to the Fenix 320 B2...didn't have the previous version so no comparison. No issues with FPS with B2 for me.
  15. Thanks for the update! Really looking forward to the Turbine Duke!
  16. Thank you! I was waiting for Block 2 to release...was going to wait for the first update, but, their initial release is excellent! Spent too many hours in the FSLabs version in P3D...felt like stepping into the same cockpit. Highly recommended!
  17. I thought I would start a new project with the recent release of the Fenix A320 Block 2. Just out of curiosity, I started to research the very first A320 delivered to Air Canada. Serial # 59 was initially intended/built for Ansett. That initial order was cancelled and thus created Fin 201 (C-FDQQ) for Air Canada delivered on January 19, 1990. This aircraft served ACA for 30 years with its final commercial flight (YYZ-YUL) on March 31, 2020. (I'm wondering if this may have been a premature retirement with the reduced pandemic passenger demand?) Sadly, one week later the aircraft was ferried to Pinal Airpark and scrapped the following year. I always loved the older Air Canada livery...this is the paint she was delivered in: Anyway, this is still a very early work in progress...still lots to finish up. Looking at old photos, it's interesting to note there actually wasn't a lot of detail with this livery...no markings on the wingtip fences, no markings on the wing shrouds, no hash mark on the rear cargo door (nip point) and no markings on the lower antennae. This was a very basic paint on delivery to Air Canada. Not sure yet if I'll add some of those other details yet (as they were added after she entered service), or, if I'll just leave this as a basic (as delivered) paint. Still one of my favorite liveries! Hope to have this one finished by the end of the week.
  18. Great shots! One of my favorite 747 liveries! And to top it off, one of my favorite Asian airports as well! Hoping to see the working B747-8F (with operating cargo doors) in the sim soon!
  19. That is pretty cool! I have to admit, it's a detail I did not originally notice in your photos...but I'm sure I would've had I painted that one! Back in 2002/3 somewhere around there, I flew on an American Eagle ATR between Punta Cana and San Juan...I'm wondering if some of these Silver Airline birds weren't some of those older AE aircraft? There was a small fleet of them on the stand in Puerto Rico back in the day. Looks like a nice aircraft/livery for Caribbean flights!
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