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Everything posted by cnc3

  1. This would probably not be feasible due to the restrictions some creators place on their offerings. For example, there are, by my count, 27 aircraft that must be downloaded directly from the creator's sites. Even if AIG wanted to distribute a large bundle, they would have to remove any flight plans that included these aircraft. Equally, some people use 'pay-for' aircraft that would have to be incorporated somehow into the existing BGL/SimObject structure. That being said, I think Kaiii3 mentioned that AIG is looking at creating a program/package specifically for online-only users. i.e. one that only distributes the aircraft and repaint files. So there may be hope on the horizon for you.
  2. My preference for VATSIM would be to use the FLAi Operations Center aircraft simobjects and not run any other AI traffic.
  3. As I understand it, there are two methods of adding AIM traffic to the sim. One is the older method where AIM generated a BGL file. Flight plans are made available to the sim via the add-on.xml method which is set up when you first run and configure the AIGTech AI Manager application. The second method uses AIM to generate an AIGFP file. These are currently being used for the various GA flightplans and require the AIGTech Traffic Controller application to be run in order to be injected into the sim. When you install the Traffic Controller application, it sets up an add-on.xml file to start the application when the sim starts. The best way to see if the programs are working is to disable the default AI traffic BGL in your Prepar3D v5\Scenery\World\scenery folder and then start the sim. You should see AI traffic at any major airport.
  4. Just to add some data points to this discussion I have gleaned from the AIG AIM forum (which I highly recommend for answering questions like this.) A link to the forums is here. On May 06, 2020, Kaiii3 states: So this seems to say that setting 1-99% is probably what most people want. I assume that 'we will add a feature for this later' refers to the ability to have AIM recompile all the BGLs. He also recommended these values earlier in the discussion: On March 04, 2020, he said: This seems to answer the 'how do I rebuild the BGLs' question.
  5. As I understand it, the FPDatabase records which flightplans have been compiled into BGL files. Nuking the contents of this file should reset your environment to as it was before any flightplans were processed. So, you would use the multi-select to select the flightplans you want and then have AIM rebuild them. AIM does cache the airplane models in %programdata%\AIGTech\AIGAIM\temp_model but I don't know if it uses these before going out to the library sites. Textures are downloaded from the library sites each time.
  6. Dirk: I will attempt to take you through the de-installation process as I understand it. AIG Manager comes with two main directories: the application directory and the add-on directory. The application directory has the 'AIGTech - AI Manager' application. This will be where you unzipped the distribution file. The add-on directory is where the various SimObjects, Texture and Traffic files are located. This is the area that the flight simulator will load for the AI traffic. You know you are looking at the right directory if there is a directory inside named 'OCI-Configuration'. Finally, there is an entry in the add-ons.cfg file (located in %programdata%/Lockheed Martin/Prepar3D Vn') that tells Prepar3D how to find the add-on directory. It will be something like the following: [Package.12] PATH=D:\AIGAIM - OCI\OCI-Configuration ACTIVE=true REQUIRED=false So... to back all this out, you need to delete the application directory and the add-on directory. You also need to remove the entry in the add-ons.cfg file. Don't worry about renumbering, prepar3D will do it for you on the next run. Before nuking everything, you might want to make a backup copy of the aircraft files that are the 'special' fetches. That is, those that are not available from the standard libraries. My copy of these has the following files: 19242-IrAero-Traffic-Win-09.zip 34465-AI-Yak-40v1.zip 39954-Yak40-Severstal-Su11.zip 52679-BEKAIR-FOKKER-100.zip 61286-LEOLET.zip 61611-738UTA.zip 62340-777-ER-SDM.zip 62341-319-SDM-SPORT.zip 67369-Aviastar-TU-Wi19-Wi20.zip AI-An-24CIS_Pak1.rar.zip AIM_CRJ2_PFZ.zip Air Koryo.zip AITRSP_v1.8.zip AI_An24.zip FAIB A321-200 IAE SriLankan.zip FAIB_A21N_DJT_FSXP3D.zip FAIB_A320_AZA_Jeep.zip IrAero.zip JCAI_EagleAir_Summer_2019v2.zip mjcq4_1910.zip Raven+FS+Labs+CRJ-1000+Build+1901.zip Raven+FS+Labs+CRJ-200+Build+2001.zip Raven+FS+Labs+CRJ-700+Build+1901.zip Raven+FS+Labs+CRJ-900+Build+1901.zip SKJ_TU154_v3.zip Also, if you just want to recompile the BGLs with the new range values, I *think* you just have to remove the BGL files in the Traffic Files/Scenery directory in the add-on folder and then I *think* you also have to reset the FPDatabase file to be empty. The empty FPDatabase file should just contain the following: //Do not edit this file! Naturally, Kaiii3 is the authority on this so I would respect his word over mine. Good luck!
  7. Due to my error, I had to rebuild my AIM OCI from scratch last week. I have every current flight plan loaded and use the freeware option. I also make sure to remove DEFUNCT airlines (i.e. I keep things current). My current statistics are: 864 flight plans 339 aircraft types 6004 airlines 6219 repaints 2570 Boeing 2117 Airbus 311 Bombardier 582 GA aircraft 699 other aircraft This is taking 40.5 GB on my drive.
  8. When I ran across this, it was because you need to run the EZCA config.exe as administrator, otherwise it silently does not make the configuration changes you specified.
  9. Are you running the RemoteServer as Administrator? The log entry 'System.InvalidOperationException at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.VerifyAccess()' implies to me that the program does not have sufficient privileges.
  10. I am running the Samsung LS9000 (4K, curved) with a GTX980 and the PMDG 777 and Aerosoft Airbuses look fine. You can read the gauges without having to zoom in.
  11. Thanks Flying Penguin. I have an X-55 so I guess I could use the slider there as well. I will have to give it some thought. I have a neighbor who flies Q400s for Porter and I would love to try the 3.5 degree approach into CYTZ. -david-
  12. I am looking at the Q400 and was wondering what throttle quadrant controls are needed? Can I fly it with just throttle and power, or do I need a mixture control also? Should I have six controllers or will three suffice? How difficult is it to fly/manage from the first officer's position? I have the controllers, my issue is set up in that they will not bolt to my desk on the right-hand side. I would have to fly as first officer or try to rig up a desk-top mount for the controllers. (Saiteks) Thanks in advance. -david-
  13. Tom: I have a similar setup. You need to go to 'Settings -> Display -> View & Panel Settings -> Wide-view Aspect Ratio' and make sure the box is checked. This will let you zoom back to a more realistic position. -david-
  14. Hard to say since I don't have the 'as installed' numbers for P3D 2.5. With 2.4 and third party scenery installed, I was getting around 24 fps. That is for clear days. With the 980, third party scenery and things like ASN active, I am seeing around 35-40 fps in the same area but I have moved all my sliders much further to the right.
  15. I just upgraded from a 680 to a 980 and did a fresh install of P3D. Intel 4790K @ 4MHz with 32Gb memory at 2133. The stock P3D Baron flying around CYTZ was showing around 100 fps using the out-of-box values set by Lockheed Martin. This is across three monitors (3 x 1920 x 1200). I hear from that the performance step from the 970 to the 980 isn't all that much, so if money is an issue, the 970 is probably a good choice.
  16. Is anyone else experiencing crazy ground traffic in P3d 2.5? I was taxiing around KORD last night and twice I was rammed into by other aircraft on the ground. This triggered the collision detection and restarted the simulation. I have the stock KORD installed at the moment and have the airline traffic density set to 40%. The first time I was taxiing out and had stopped just before an intersection. Another airplane was coming in the other direction and proceeded to run right into me! The second time, I had a fault in the T/O configuration and had pulled over address it. Wham! I get tail clipped by another automated airplane. I finally disabled all automated traffic and flew the flight but it was lonely in the skies...
  17. I would install the Saitek drivers and then plug in the USB cables. Well, actually, I would install SPAD 5.1 instead but if you are going to use the Saitek drivers, this would the be the order I would recommend.
  18. Edwin: Did you reboot after installing simconnect? I just went through this as well and had to load 3 simconnect libraries and reboot before things started to work.
  19. I have found that using the differential brakes with my CH Pro pedals is also causing the parking brake to be set (but no red parking brake text appears). I *think* it may be the way the brakes are mapped but have not explored it yet. I was going to look into it this weekend. Meanwhile, I find just setting and releasing the parking brake removes the problem. -david-
  20. Has anyone had any experience with the FSX Throttle Classic Pro throttle quadrant? http://www.fsxthrottle.com/fsx-throttle-classic-pro I am hesitant to order one since I would have to pay international shipping and duties on top of the the base price.
  21. Thanks everyone. I think I have a good handle on where to start my UK flying adventures now.
  22. I was doing a visual landing into EGLL last night and was cleared to land 27L using side slip on 27R. Is this an expected procedure? Was this because there is no ILS on 27L but, since I was visual, why would I care? Also, is there some correction required to the location of this airport? I was vectored to right on top of Heathrow and then cleared to land. Do I need to pick up the AFCAD files for UK2000 scenery? Be gentle, this is my first time flying in the UK sim space. Also, recommendations for good scenery? The stock stuff looks really, really bad from on high.
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