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Everything posted by remcosol

  1. The problem lies in the openXR reprojection mode. It will limit your fps to either 90/45/30/22.5 depending on pc specs. Problem is if i am running lets say 44.9 fps it will go down and lock to 30 fps , and thus i have cpu and gpu headroom that i can not use. Other option is turning of motion reprojection in openxr and get stutters.... it would be nice to end up somewhere in between....
  2. I am new to ms2020 and after installing it I have a lot of trouble getting it to run right … as in the load on my gpu and cpu is low and the system is slow and stuttering . I am using vr , hp reverb g2 , RTX 3080 and i9 9700 . the buildings I am seeing look melted , scenery stutters and has issues ( also with motion reprojection on ) and the load on my CPU’s is around 25 pct ….. max gpu load is around 80 ….. seems like there is a bottleneck somewhere but I can’t figure it out . Internet connection download is 77mb/sec , not mbit but mb , is around 600 mbit/sec. is it a ms2020 server thing . I have had moments where it was very smooth and then all of a sudden it was a big mess again …..
  3. If you think p3dv5.2 has not changed a thing then re-install fsx and try and run it in the same way........ Are there things that can be improved? yes But it has come a long way with compatibility of a lot of scenery and aircraft etc. With ups and downs but v5.2 is a very good and solid version.
  4. it seems like with that driver version the AA looks better as well
  5. With p3d i have nerver !!!! done any editing to the.cfg. It runs much better without doing that and without HT. It is all about the cpu speed and not the threads. So higher clock speeds is better , HT off is the key in my humble opinion
  6. Just dont use HT, i have tried it but it is running way better without over the last 15 years or so
  7. 2. deleting shaders and.cfg , some say you need to delete the HLSL shaders as well, i did not do that. so no
  8. Hi All! To be honest i do not think it is a AM settings issue, it should be working great without HT and AM.. After having installed V5.2 the way it should be installed and deleting shaders and the .cfg i had very bad performance. I never used any .cfg tweaks ets and was always able to run 50 -60 fps with 3 screens, orbx scenery etc , no vc though . It drove me crazy , i could not run more than 25fps on a 10900k 5.1 ghz,rtx3070. After reinstalling the client and deleting shaders and.fcg again started up and manually changed all the settings again(not using old presets) it works very very well. The solution is in one of the three things above: 1. reinstall client 2. deleting shaders and.cfg , some say you need to delete the HLSL shaders as well, i did not do that. 3. manually!!!!!!! configure your p3dv5.2 , do not use old presets. That worked for me
  9. Ok So again i have deleted the shaders and .cfg ( as i always do ) an de-installed client and reinstalled and guess what: ) it is working correct now. I have no idea why i didn't work earlier because i did the same things in the same order..... thanks for the support!
  10. Thanks , I’ve been with p3d from the beginning so I know how to update and delete the required folders so I am in the dark about the reason why but I’ll take another look
  11. I am in shock, were i could run v5.1hf Orbx netherlands etc at an easy 50 FPS !!!!!!! ( no vc) I am now struggeling to run at 30. Very dissapointed. Have tried: Other nvidia drivers Reinstall Other MB drivers. Other settings inside p3d It seems like the 10900k (5.2ghz) only runs at one core. Sometimes the other cores are joining in but mostly one core at 100 pct...... RTX 3070 runs at 65 pct. I give up.
  12. SSD all day long, it is not just initial loading times but also during flying it will be loading scenery all the time so way better than a HDD......
  13. Ah i tried that yesterday but i guess i did not turn them all off .. Ill try today. I will also play around with the cloud texture size a a bit
  14. For me the only way is to put in unlimited visibility. Witch is fine for vfr flying. Reduced visibility <10nm i find very realistic as well .
  15. Overall a great improvement, so much so i decided to do a flight with EA on. I had set tow visibility layers, one 5 nm to 1100 ft and on above 1100 to 16000 unlimited and a stratus cloud layer overcast from 500 to 1100. All working fine , Memory 5.2 gb from the 7.1 available. After trying to alter the wind i had a CTD. Any ideas? Also as posted in a different post , not able to put in a cirrus layer?
  16. Overall it is a great step in the right direction! Good things: 1. NO more flashing clouds 2. Better stability and performance 3. Starts , runway lights, moon and sun are way better proportioned/ sized in widescreen !!!!! thank you 4. Runway visibility is a lot better further out 5. i really like the EA without clouds and at lower visibility! Bad things: 1. EA night water reflection 2. EA clouds 3. EA visibility below unlimited not including lower visibility 4. EA stability , i had one crash EA on , two visibility layers on and one cloud layer. 5. EA no cirrus layer available?? Keep on trucking in the right direction!
  17. It depends on what you want. I do not use a VC. Without clouds or reduced visibility it is very nice. Really realistic lighting. Other scenarios not so much....
  18. Are gone! This is a good HF! Performance is a lot better as well. And even EA for me is usable, i was not bothered with it but with orbx no bleed through of textures. Havent tried it with other scenery.
  19. Same here , problem has not been fixed at all . It is a loading issue , in less load heavy sceneries a lot less flashing and stuttering , in high load heavy sceneries (complex) it flashes and stutters a lot . what did help a bit was letting all cpu cores run at the same speed (HT is off) . With the stock 10900 kf settings it was a lot worse with big stutters and pauses .
  20. Yes, I used a free ware one before but this is a better version. I am not using the 3d cockpit which is quite nice though.
  21. Yes and a lot older 🙂 it is from the end 40's . It took years before a decent model was released for fsx/p3d. I think it will never be released for ms2020....
  22. Because I use real instruments driven by software that need fsuipc , the model I need is a dehavilland dove , that is not available and I I do not want a virtual cockpit , full screen outside view is not available at the moment . When all of the above are available I will gladly make the step
  23. i cant use ms2020 , i wish i could but i cant.....
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