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About Caveney737

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    Scottish Highlands

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  1. I would much rather have this than people walking through each other which IMO is very un-realistic. Maybe an option to have them walk at the same speed if preferred? Don't know how hard this would be. Otherwise, thanks for the continued P3D support!!
  2. I would be happy if they got the basics right like people not walking through each other and baggage not protruding through the side of the air stairs as they walk down them.
  3. Now just the obligatory 7 day wait for FSPS to update FFTF Dynamic 😆 Or maybe we won't need it anymore?
  4. You can't use external frame rate limiters or this happens.
  5. Yes that is what I am trying to do, thanks anyway.
  6. Yes I do have a second PC that I use for my EFB, so I might give that a try thanks.
  7. Thanks for the tips Ray, It's a shame RC4 doesn't divert voices to the Voice Playback Device selected in P3D. That works really well with the standard P3D ATC.
  8. I use a real world David Clark headset with a Flight SoundX usb adaptor and it works great with P3D ATC voices, just not with RC4 😞
  9. Thanks for the info, all up and running now. Only problem is I can barely hear the voices as they are played on the main speakers at a fairly low volume level. I have voices set in P3D to play on my headphones but RC4 doesn't seem to use them, is there any way to change this? Also tried changing volume levels in P3D for voices but no change.
  10. Did you have to re-install FSUIPC inside the simulator - I've installed RC4 ok but I don't get the little display window (AdvDisp). I'm guessing it's because I have FSUIPC installed as an XML addon also and it's FSUIPC that drives this display? Any advice appreciated.
  11. FFTF now updated to work with the latest HF.
  12. I totally agree. I just can't go back to the old system with textures popping in and out as you fly through them. The only thing I miss with Truesky is the lack of cirrus cloud and the fact that I very rarely experience multiple layers of cloud. It always seems to be a single layer of Cumulus or overcast - a bit more variety would be great.
  13. Thanks for posting the link!! I remember now that I used to use this until FSAerodata came along which was a bit less of a faff. Will definitely return to using it - thanks again.
  14. They would be the logical ones to take it over! Not much point in updating FMC's and Simbrief with Navigraph if the Nav Aid data in the Sim is out of date.
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