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Everything posted by swiesma

  1. Ok, will try it today after work. Thanks for the help Chris!
  2. Yep, the roads are back when deactivating it. Oh, but I also had ORBX South Germany. And as soon as I activate it the streets are gone.
  3. Gotta check that tonight.
  4. You better believe that! 3.11 and the WQ 787 is a perfect match. Why should I update? ๐Ÿ˜›
  5. Hey guys, maybe you got a small hint for me. I am missing highways all over the world. I have no idea how this happened, I just noticed it. Got FTX Global, Vector, Regions. Even did a reinstall via the FTX Center. Everything else seems ok! I am out of ideas ๐Ÿ˜ž
  6. I still run Windows 3.11 because it's superfast on my i7........ ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. No idea what y'all doing... in my case the 787 flies like she's supposed to, No major flaws like the ones reported here.
  8. https://www.google.de/search?q=pmdg+black+gauges+fix 390.000 hits ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. โ€žLook elsewhereโ€œ. Aha. Like whereelse? The engine is outdated and causes this. Pretty simply. Core 0 is completely done. Autogen and texture loading gets faster when pausing the sim. Why? Because you take load off core 0. but yeah. You all know it better without telling it to anyone. Thatโ€™s why you gotta love this forum. And no. You would not have blurry scenery always. It simply depends on what you do. When you compress time you simply put even more load on the engine and especially core 0. look at all other cores. Most of them are far away from 100%. Ssd is also far from Heavy load. So is Memory usage and load. So whatelse should it be? A stoneold engine thatโ€˜s not optimized for texture loading and a overloaded core 0. pretty simple.
  10. As long as LM doesn't fix the engine this problem won't be solved ๐Ÿ˜‰ Cut back sliders, limit FPS, that's what it makes it better for me, but not fixing it completely. As long as Core 0 is under full load it seems to me that this will happen.
  11. https://www.google.de/search?q=sound+crackling+popping Long story short: it's a problem of the games engine related to CPU usage and latency. I switched sound cards, headset - nothing changed. I am now on a Fiio E10 DAC and a Beyerdynamics Headset and I still have problems in P3D and in one or two other games. Just read through the topics in google and you will understand the problem itself. http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-3551007/audio-crackling-popping-gaming.html
  12. Fanb*oi war incoming in 3, 2, 1................ ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad you like it. Both sims have good and bad sides. A combination of the XP engine and the P3D addons would be my dream-simulator.
  13. I really like flying the 787 at the time being. It's not perfect, it has some LNAV issues as mentioned. But nothing that stops me from enjoying it. To be honest I did not touch any other plane since I got the 787. The PMDGs and FSLabs are having a timeout ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Could you be a bit more precise on what you try telling us? You're flying around the same area in circles in 4x.... Impressive ๐Ÿ˜‰ Does it prove anything regarding autogen loading / texture blurries? Nope.
  15. I know all these tricks ๐Ÿ˜‰ And I never said I was surprised. But you can see the effect the best when activating time compression. Like I said, it's simply a flaw in the old "FSX" engine.
  16. Same here. The only noticable improvement for me is the DL performance. But I am quiet happy with that. If they fix the autogen popping now I am a happy simmer ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. This whole issue is simply a flaw in the outdated engine and in texture loading. I also get this, the worst when I apply "time x 4". When all textures are "gone" and I press pause, it takes about 2-4 minutes till everything is loaded again and the ground looks good again. All the tweaks I've ever seen and tried, inculding Process Lasso, AF, FFTF etc. do not help. The only thing that helps is lowering the settings for autogen, LOD etc. But this is only my experience.
  18. This! Reinstalling Windows because of installing 4.3 is like shooting at a ballon on a fair with a Leopard II.
  19. Just gotta say: The BBS A340 was the worst addon I ever purchased. Don't know about their other stuff, but the A340 was pathetic compared to nowadays addons like PMDG, FSL, QW...
  20. After my short test yesterday in the QW 787 I get a much smoother experience at night with Dynamic lights. So I get partly on that hypetrain: They improved DL and that's good. For the rest: No dramatic change for me. But the tone in this thread is again very negative and pretty toxic. Don't know why this has to be..... I see this in a lot of discussions and it's most of the time the same users. If I want to get barked at for no specific reason I go to Reddit, not to avsim. Sorry for this general "rant".
  21. The Dome light for example is on and I can turn the knob, so it switches off, but after half a second it switches itself on again, but the knob is still in "off" position. Otherwise: Really good performance now with Dynmic Lights. I like the update so far! Had to uninstall FSLabs A320, otherwise I got an error while starting P3D and did not see any window, just heard the RAAs screaming "On runway 18... Flaps! Flaps!" ๐Ÿ˜„
  22. The lights of the QW 787 don't really work in 4.3, anyone else noticing this? Talking about VC view.
  23. Exactly, I found the QW 787 profile by google / manual ๐Ÿ˜‰ They have all you need for PFPX.
  24. Installed 1.1.1 yesterday and really like the new resolution of the cockpit. Hab a smooth flight in the TUIfly -8 from EHAM to TNCM ๐Ÿ™‚ I really like this bird.
  25. It should be the "screw" under the AP button....
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