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  1. So I recently made the switch from FSX:SE to P3D and so far I absolutely LOVE it .. but one thing is killing me. I am not sure if it is one of my add-ons or what but anytie AI is operating near me, especially on takeoff or in the air, they are EXTREMELY loud, and none of my volume controls seem to control it. I never had this issue in FSX, and I am using the same add-ons I used in FSX ... just their P3D versions. However, just to be sure, i checked the manuals of these add-ons and none of them state at all that they affect AI sounds in the environment. If I list what I am using here, can someone tell me A) Is this something in P3D? Feature that I can shut off? Or B) Is one of these add-ons causing this? Traffic 360 - Was my first suspect, but nothing in the control panel/configuration utility says anything about sound options. GSX - Used this in FSX and while it gives sounds for services, it had no AI sounds that I know of. I also searched that manual and nothing is said about AI sounds in that product, so that is ruled out. AS16 - Checked and double checked. This only effects weather. A2A - I figured the Accufeel bit that comes with A2A aircraft was effecting the general environment. I deactivated it, but the AI loudness still persists. Other than various aircraft and scenery I have installed, i am out of ideas and am convinced this is a base P3D volume adjustment that I am missing somewhere. Ideas?
  2. Nope. We just digressed a bit in the convo though it's still related to getting addons over to p3d. The main point was that not everything will transfer over right away without additional cost. Edit ... loved how my phone corrected convo to concorde. Lol
  3. Not sure P3D is even considering a 64 bit. I mentioned that idea a couple of times in the past on their forums and their reply was pretty adamant against 64 bit. The reasoning is p3d isn't considered entertainment and is for academic use. They don't care and are passive about developers making stuff for their platform but their aim is simulation, not gaming. Best to pounce on Dovetail when it comes out. That and Dovetail have made it clear they want their new simulator to be as mod friendly as possible. I'm excited for it's release.
  4. Well I just purchased it Friday, so yeah. I bought both AS16 products through the same place http://www.fspilotshop.com/ ... I have to run real quick to the real world airport as I have a flight, but I'll be back in a few hours and Ill contact them again. Maybe they were confused before in what I was asking. BUT ... to keep from hijacking this thread (sorry about that) ... Upgrade to P3D? yes, worth it in my opinion. After that you'll need to decide for yourself the value of products you might have that do not provide discounts. So far it looks liek there is confusion on AS16. I'll respond back here with an answer for that if I get hold of them. PMDG, however, not a penny for discount. Upcoming products are, however, promising a discount, such as the FSL A320. others like Aerosoft, carenado, Majestic, etc give both platforms for one price. i wish they all did that.
  5. Only true for older versions. I contacted them and verified that AS16 FSX does not qualify for discount for AS16 P3D. However if you have ASN, or any of the other older products then yes, you do indeed qualify for the discount. Because i never owned AS before I got AS16 for FSX, I did not qualify for the discount.
  6. I just made the switch myself. So far the benefits PHYSICALLY are awesome. The benefits FINANCIALLY ... that;s another story. PMDG, Acive Sky and a few others give absolutely no discounts for changing platforms, so if I want my 777 and 737 into P3D ... another $200, and i already snagged the P3D version of AS16 for full price there as well. I now have a VERY elevated appreciation for developers like Majestic and Aerosoft that let you install into both platforms for one price or even a discounted upgrade price. The real question is .. is it worth all that? After my experience over the past week, the answer is YES. Due to budget, I'll be without PMDG for a while, but I am slowly purchasing upgrades from other cheaper add-ons to get them into P3D v3 and I have been VERY impressed with the performance thus far. And my photo scenery ... no blurries, no popping. Oh that made it all worth it right there TL:DL=YES, it IS worth it.
  7. That plane is definitely a handful. if any plane in the history of FSX or flight simulation at all needs a crew assist for the armchair pilot, it's that one. I originally logged on tonight to ask about that very plane ... got my answer right here LOL.
  8. I am never going to live that down, I am certain ROFL.
  9. No the T7 .... wait ... I see what you did there. LOL
  10. YAY!!!!! So I am NOT losing what's left of my decrepit mind!!!! YES! I am actually surprised then that no one else has reported this if it is an issue that can be reproduced. I take it not many people practice circuits in their PMDG/FS2Crew aircraft? As for me, I actually plan to dedicate around 1-2 hours per day for hand flying practice so I can start to improve as a simulator pilot. I know it's odd to say, but it is actually harder to hand fly in FSX than it is to hand fly in real life O.o At least that's the way it feels to me even when flying in-game Cessnas. Sir Romain, thank you SO much for checking this out and verifying it's not just me doing something wrong. I appreciate your time so much.
  11. Okay ... on this one I fixed the mic. You can hear my voice now. Maybe this will make it more clear ... https://www.twitch.tv/faelandaea/v/79403284 Start at 25 minutes in and the issue was recreated yet again. On a GOOD note I took to heart your advice on derates ... it did help me maintain speeds and control of the pattern a LOT better. However at 25 minutes is where the issues start ... second pattern ... yet again she won't touch the gear and will not do anything past flaps 15. I also just realized RAAS can;t be heard on the stream, so I'll check into that and see if it has any manual settings to be fed to Voicemeeter.
  12. I forgot to add ... on the flaps advice and de-rating, thyanks. I always welcome advice for better flying (the entire point as to why I am starting to practice hand flying instead of using the autopilot). The autopilot I think spoils a lot of flight simulation enthusiasts. And while in real life I can hand fly a GA aircraft almost perfectly, there's not a setting in the world for FSX that can make it as easy to hand fly an airliner. I recently signed up for KLM Virtual, and would like to start hand flying some of the short hops in the 737 that are only around n hour to do, and as for the T7, I want to do like real world pilots do and hand fly the departure and approaches (autopilot/autoland is almost never used for real world operations unless forced by necessity by environmental conditions). Okay, so on repeating patterns I am supposed to control flaps and gear? Is that what I am doing wrong is expecting the first officer to do it? Is the PF supposed to handle this in circuit/touch-and-go operations? I just want to be sure I am doing this correctly.
  13. Ah ... yeah ... okay so on the replay: https://www.twitch.tv/faelandaea/v/79403284 ... at 00:25:00 in the video is my second landing. I am not on hard mute. At 00:25:20 I call gear down. No action. I double checked to make sure I am not on Hard Mute. I'm not. At 00:25:30 I call Gear Down a second time. Speed is well under gear speed so that should not have been an issue. At 00:25:40 I try one last time. In the green strip, it IS displaying "Gear Down", but the aircraft is taking no action. The gear is still up. I figured maybe the FO is designed to not do gear before flaps? So at 00:25:43 I call Flaps 20. Nada. At 00:25:45 I try "Flaps 25" ... still no reaction. Speeds are checked. At 00:25:55 I make a final attempt at Gear Down. Figuring maybe the landing phase had been cleared, at 00:25:57 I state This Will Be a Touch and Go. She acknowledges. So I call gear Down again. Nothing. At 00:26:08 I finally gave up on gear and put the gear down manually. At 00:26:16 I call "Flaps 15". She complies. At 00:26:35 I call Flaps 20 ... figured she did Flaps 15, she'll work now. Nope. No joy. At 00:26:46, I announce she is still having issues and I manually go to Flaps 20. Then i call for flaps 25. Nothing. I call again. Nothing. At 00:27:17 I manually set flaps 25. The rest of the landing goes without incident, except that she thought "Autobrake" meant "Heading" and she set my heading bug LOL. POST EDIT: My first video had mic issues. I re-recorded and changed this post to reflect the final video.
  14. Well ... an update. The flying was messy. it was so messy I was embarrassed to even be streaming ... but even with the messy speeds, messy altitudes, and messy turns, I was able to replicate the issue again in the T7. Everything beautiful until it came time for the second gear down. I saw I had one viewer besides myself ... so whichever one of you watched, I am anxious to see where I went wrong ... besides flying like I had too many drinks. Edit: Romain that was you watching! I so don;t want my score, please ROFL. But yeah did you see anything that might hint as to where FS2Crew is losing track? It was flawless on the first run, but did you notice on the second pattern that she refused to gear down? And she reacted to flaps 15, but would not go beyond that. I was even down to just above VREF, well below speed, and she would not go Flaps 20 at all.
  15. I'm just so bloody glad I have never done that when flying in real life. I can picture it now ... Steel City Aviation ... "Hi, guys, I'm here for the Cessna 172" ... walk out and preflight and take off ... get a radio call, "Uh ... why did you take off in the Cessna 150? Didn't you want the 172?" ... Anyway, I am streaming on twitch right now - https://www.twitch.tv/faelandaea - once the video processes I'll get it over to YouTube but for now if anyone is bored (and still amused) feel free to see what I am doing wrong there. LOL.
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