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About TonyD

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  1. I think Asobo must have changed something in airport DB coding as the following Heliports are not being picked up by LNM even though they still exist in the sim. (They also deleted a number of fictional POI idents) ident name 4CA1 US Bank Tower Helipad EGLT The Needles Lighthouse Helipad KWHH White House Helipad LIBH Lingotto Building Helipad NK80 Rainbow Air Incorporated Heliport OBAR Burj Al Arab VVBF Bitexco Financial Tower Helipad WMMT Menara Telekom Tower Helipad
  2. Time & Date Sync fixed it for me as well - still seems a bit slow though
  3. My method is to import the full FPDatabase.xml into either MS Excel or MS Access File Location ..\aig-aitraffic-oci-beta\Traffic Files\AIGFP\FPDatabase.xml This gives a handy list you can filter by type and or country of origin You can also sort the flight plans by type in AI Manager Online Tab for the ones you have yet to install. TIP: It is much much quicker to delete flightplans than to re-download them (especially if one of the servers goes offline for a while) My uncompressed AIG full folder - 60GB - Compressed 7zip file 4GB My Active folder is 45GB
  4. @tup61 I started with a full set (took a while waiting for some servers to become available) and then reduced it to what I considered useful for Europe & Asia Deleted nearly all the US Corporate, Military and Government flightplans (they are predominatly US based) The Full set has 1631 flightplans - reduced set has 870 flightplans If you really want to get down and dirty - there is a very useful tool 'AI Companion' available on the AIG forums You can dig through the errors list and remove airlines that have no paints and or models (Clue - no one seems to have modelled russian aircraft) Finally I keep a compressed backup so I never have to do a full download again.
  5. I only use the save flight option on some long hauls - otherwise it is gathering dust
  6. Its been confirmed as a Bing Data Server outage - no estimate on when it will be fixed.
  7. As far as I am aware LNM just extracts what is in the .bgl Arlanda has 2 bgls - 1 in the generic folder and 1 in an arlanda folder - not sure how the LNM priority works. I am more concerned by the 2,000 + 'dummy' MSFS idents that were obviously created with an autofill. Mount Isa has 11 seperate codes / Nhulunbuy Airport has 34 !
  8. Quick check on WU 15 shows that in addition to the 5 'hand-crafted' airports there are 3 new generic airports BGUQ, BIMK, ENAS and 135 Brazilian airstrips - they also removed one wrong ident for a US airfield Actually 134 in Brazil and 1 airfield in South Dakota
  9. Well the initial MS Store failed and deleted my entire installation plus the OneStore directory with 325 GB of files - not impressed at all. No error codes or warnings.
  10. I use addon linker for all my addons (over 2TB) organised in a similar way to ark4diusz shown above - though I also divide by continent. Its essential for me, as a do a lot beta testing - can't afford any possible extra sources of failure 🙂
  11. I think the most telling comment was that the P3D userbase is now so small that it is not worth 3rd party developer's time to update existing products, let alone create new ones.
  12. I have spotted a couple of 'dubious' advert slots - one is from a driver update site that is notorius for malware. Be careful where you click. I used to enjoy browsing the site for new and unusual addons - not anymore.
  13. I believe the designer of the 'new' layout is overdue for an eye test
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