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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. No, but here it is: FSUIPC7 v7.4.12a (beta release) (right-click and select Save link as... - I will remove this once released) Please see the aforementioned Announcement link on SimFlight for usage details. John
  2. For @MM and others, I have released a beta version of FSUIPC7 with auto-tuning of the start-up parameters available - please see: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/98322-fsuipc7-7412a-beta-release-with-auto-tuning-of-start-up-parameters/ John
  3. I was also thinking along similar lines - I will investigate and see if I can come up with something for the next release. It is not that difficult really - you just need to calculate the difference between two timestamps. Another way to roughly calculate the value would be to time the period from when you see the FSUIPC7 splash screen until MSFS arrives at the main menu and use this value. You shouldn't need to check/change this very often - only if/when the MSFS loading times change significantly, either due to a lot of new add-ons in the Community folder, or due to an MSFS update. With the latter I can also adjust automatically as I always release a new version after a major update, or when a new SDK is available. Yes - it doesn't matter that much if the value is slightly higher than optimal or slightly lower. When it is too high, it may take a short time after MSFS is ready before FSUIPC7 is ready to use, and when it is too low you may get a few re-connection attempts, but as long as there are only a few then this should not cause any issues. You can also configure the MaxClients property in the SimConnect.xml file to allow more connections. as problems should only arise when SimConnect is starved of connections. The MaxClients parameter determines the total number of connections allowed in a session - if a connection is closed it is then dead and cannot be re-used. The issue with 7.4.10 was that I reduced the default InitialStallTime to 5 seconds, and so for users who have loading times > 1.5 minutes or so, it would be re-connecting every 5 seconds. So if the loading time was 4 minutes, this would use 30 connections, and the longer the loading time the more connections are used, which can then starve other clients of connections. This was a mistake on my part as I reduced this value for testing purposes and forgot to reset it before I built for release - this was corrected in 7.4.11 and now a default value of 30 seconds is used, with a minimum of 15 seconds if auto-started. John
  4. For any users with issues, please download and use the latest version, 7.4.11, and set/configure the DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter for your installation as documented here: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/98307-fsuipc7-configuring-connection-parameters-for-optimal-use-and-to-prevent-simconnect-issues/ This should fix any and all issues with auto-start. If not, please post any issues to that same topic, and include/attach your FSUIPC7.log file and I will take a look. John
  5. When you install FSUIPC6, it should detect your FSUIPC5 installation and uninstall this before installing FSUIPC6 in the same location. Or you can manually uninstall FSUIPC5 first if you prefer, and then select the same folder when you install FSUIPC6 - although you can of course change the installation location, but then you would need to manually copy/move any files you still need from the old location to the new one. Remember to rename your FSUIPC5.ini file to FSUIPC6.ini to preserve your settings. Any issues or further questions, please use the FSUIPC support forum: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ John
  6. This is an issue with the aircraft, not FSUIPC. However, I have implemented a fix for this that will be available in the next release. A beta version with this fix is currently available in the following post: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/97959-fsuipc7-thrust-reverser-breaks-built-in-msfs-sim-limitation/?do=findComment&comment=589697 John
  7. Also check out these other support issues for users who had the same issue (VRI Port failed to open) - the issue is that either the com port does not exist, or some other software already has the port open and windows is blocking further access: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/67615-fsuipc-vrinsight-mod-problem/ https://forum.simflight.com/topic/66306-vrinsight-isnt-connecting-thouroghly/ https://forum.simflight.com/topic/64790-com-3-not-opening/ https://forum.simflight.com/topic/64262-vrinsight-mcp-pro-support/ John
  8. For help with FSUIPC, please use the FSUIPC support forum: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ I do not provide support via any other channel. For issues with Linda, you should use the Linda support channel here on AVSIM: https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/429-linda-support/ - sorry, see you have already cross-posted there.... John / FSUIPC
  9. Thanks for your kind words. Yes, MakeRunwys has also been updated and released, ready for the P3Dv6 release. For any issues with any of the products I supply/support with P3Dv6, once released, please use the FSUIPC support forum: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ Regards, John / FSUIPC
  10. Just came across this thread and thought I should respond to the various issues mentioned. First, in no way should the installer change or remove any settings. All settings are stored in the FSUIPC7.ini file and this is never touched, either by the installer or the uninstaller. If you have lost your settings, then it is usually due to installing in a different location/folder. If you do this, you can just copy the FSUIPC7.ini (and FSUIPC7.key file, if using a registered version) to the new installation location, together with any other files you may use (e.g. *.lua, *.mcro, *.dll). When re-installing, the previous installation location should be detected and used (from the registry), and it should be a simple matter of just clicking through (Next, etc). Note you can also skip registration when re-installing. If you have any issue when re-installing, please report here, and please attach your InstallFSUIPC7.log and UninstallFSUIPC7.log files. There is a problem with using hot-keys in the current release, 7.3.19, that affects PF3 and other add-ons that register hot-keys with FSUIPC. This will be fixed in the next release, and a beta is available with this fix here. As Ray has mentioned, FSUIPC saves (and loads) flights by just calling the Simconnect flight save/load functions. However, the SimConnect_FlightSave function is still documented as: NOTE: The current status of this function is NO ERROR, NO RESPONSE. which is Asobo's way of saying that the function is still not fully working. However, it does seem to work ok for many aircraft/situations, but not all. Some folks seem to have more success using this feature than others. Note also that the "sim pause" when a flight is being saved is still an issue, especially when using complex aircraft such as those by PMDG. I have implemented a toggle function so that the flight-save functionality can be temporarily disabled, which you usually want to do on take-off and landing/approach. You can easily send repeat commands, or however many different commands you like, on either a button or key press and/or release. If you want to try FSUIPC7 (for MSFS), an extended trial license is always available here. John / FSUIPC
  11. Be aware that PF3 hot-keys are not working correctly with the current released version of FSUIPC7, which is 7.3.19. This will be fixed in the next release, and a beta is currently available in this thread: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/97499-installed-latest-version-of-fsuipc-and-only-2-key-press-functions-i-use-wont-work/?do=findComment&comment=586492 John
  12. Did you re-install FSUIPC6? Note that it no longer needs be installed into a "Modules" folder any more - it can be installed anywhere - see the installation notes here If LiNDA does not start, check your FSUIPC6.log file as it should be started by FSUIPC, as far as I am aware, from an ipcReady.lua file, and maybe also from the [Programs] section of your FSUIPC6.ini file (not sure about this though as I don't use LINDA). But for LINDA issues, you should use the LINDA support forum:: https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/429-linda-support/. It could be that the GUIDs of your devices have changed and you will need to update for this. John
  13. FSUIPC7 can handle these types of variables using calculator code scripts or presets (and comes with the MobiFlight preset list). lvars and hvars also have other more direct methods of access (macros, offsets, lua). k vars are sim events and can be assigned to directly. A vars are simvars and FSUIPC7 provides facilities to read and write to all such variables. You never need LINDA. LINDA provides an interface to the FSUIPC Lua scripting engine. You can use this directly, however many non-programmers like to use LINDA as it is pre-packages with many scripts for various hardware and controllers. Just to clarify a few points on this now quite old post! John
  14. If you are running the sim as an administrator/with admin rights, all SimConnect clients must also be ran with admin rights otherwise they wiil not connect. Right-click the exe files, select Properties and then Compatibility and check Run this program as an administrator for your add-ons (chaseplane, vPilot). But really you shouldn't run with admin privileges unless absolutely necessary... John
  15. This is not quite correct... You have the option of using just one FSUIPC6 installation for both P3Dv4 and P3Dv5, or you can have two separate and distinct installations. The installer handles both scenarios - please see the provided Installing and Registering FSUIPC document - here is the relevant section: There is really no need to do this - this is all handled by the installer if used properly. 👍 John
  16. There are a couple of user contributed lua scripts for controlling the Bravo LEDs with FSUIPC. These were written for use with MSFS/FSUIPC7, but as they use offsets they should also work with P3D. Unless a used offset isn't available with P3D/FSUIPC5/6, but these should be standard offsets and the same in both FSs. See https://forum.simflight.com/topic/92685-control-bravo-leds-based-on-offset-changes/ https://forum.simflight.com/topic/91539-lua-scripts-for-honeycomb-bravo-leds/ I am not sure what your throttle issue is, but if you need assistance setting that up with FSUIPC, please use the support forum: For FSUIPC4/5/6: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/30-fsuipc-support-pete-dowson-modules/ For FSUIPC7: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/183-fsuipc7-msfs/ John
  17. Take a look at this StreamDeck plugin in the FSUIPC User Contributions sub-forum: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/92110-introducing-pilots-deck-a-streamdeck-plugin/ John
  18. C and D are different devices - take a look at your FSUIPC7,ini to see what device those letters are mapped to. It is not possible for a device to change letters (or a button to change numbers), so something else must be going on. If you want me to look at this, please post in the FSUIPC7 support forum, and attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files. John
  19. Yes. Spaces are valid in lua file names, so that will try to start a lua called 'RAAS 1.lua'. To pass a parameter, I think you need a comma to separate the lua file name from the parameter, so try [AUTO] 1=Lua RAAS,1 Or if that is the default, as you say, just omit it. John
  20. Is your script called 'RAAS 1.lua'? It is probably the space in the filename that is the issue. Try renaming to 'RAAS.lua' and use that name. Alternatively, you can try putting the script name in quotes (although I am not 100% sure that will work...). Best to avoid spaces in lua file names. John
  21. If using FSUIPC, there is a user contribution to control the Honeycomb Bravo LEDs. Please see https://forum.simflight.com/topic/91539-lua-scripts-for-honeycomb-bravo-leds/ John P.S. There are also lua scripts to handle the buttton numbers > 32 for both the Honeycomb Bravo and Alpha Flight Controls. See https://forum.simflight.com/topic/91599-lua-scripts-for-honeycomb-bravo-quadrant-and-alpha-flight-controls-buttons-32/
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