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Malcolm Street

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Everything posted by Malcolm Street

  1. When I'm doing one of my long GA trips. Longest was from northern Alaska, down the West Coast, inland to the Mid West, then ending at Edmonton. Took a few weeks on and off!
  2. I'm interested as well. I saw one claim that FG only works on the main monitor. In my case the three monitors are the same size and resolution.
  3. Thanks, didn't know the cables were so flaky. I've ordered one and hope that's the problem!
  4. Hope this isn't regarded as off-topic. I've had this for two years working flawlessly, then suddenly it became a bit flaky in starting and shortly afterwards died completely (no white light). Yes, I've tried reseating the cable, different USB and video ports and checked that the power supply is working. I contacted HP who have said there are no repair options for it, at least from them. So... can they be repaired, and if they can is there anyone in Australia who I can contact? Or am I SOL on an A$855 unit? Thanks, Malcolm Street Canberra, Australia
  5. My abiding initial impression of MS2020 is that behind its current bugs, annoyances and limitations there is staggering potential. You can already see the difference between a clean sheet (MS2020) and a remarkable development of an older platform (P3D). For serious simming I'll continue to use P3D for the time being. But MS2020 is usable within limitations, does some things better than any other sim out there and will be the benchmark for other sims to match - including further developments of P3D.
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