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Everything posted by Greazer

  1. For RNP approaches just go to IAN mode. Oh wait, you are talking about the 777. IAN mode not an option 😄
  2. Who developed the hand crafted airports? Gaya? Looks pretty good!
  3. I wouldn't expect anything less. And I have said so many times. Including when they first joined MSFS.
  4. Unfortunately, most simmers do not see the bigger picture. They fly their usual aircraft from A to B, land and then Quit. Which is fine that's what a flight sim is for. But the real powers that be are scheming with much bigger plans. They are thinking Hmm 15 million simmers is okay, but how can we get it to 30 million simmers. And the answer to that is to make the flight sim as great as possible ....... and ....... have some activities on the side. Such as horseback riding. The suits are in the office with their Excel spreadsheets. Let's see, if we can just get Only 10% of Red Dead Redemption fans, that is Only 10% ....... but ....... we will literally get a bump of many millions of units (sales). This amounts to a huge extra income for FS. Not as much as Rockstar. But a huge income. Which supports the development through FS2024 and then the next sim also (FS2028). So, if all you like to do is A to B flights you will be able to continue to. But there is a growing numbers of simmer's...... wait ...... Gamers, who are going be having fun Riding like Clint Eastwood into the setting sun.
  5. We know for a fact that 2024 has Career jobs and in the real world that means income (money) and home purchases. I am skeptical whether we will get this with FS2024. But maybe FS2028 you can buy your own home.
  6. This is the 3rd Prediction. We know as fact FS2024 is going to have a PC-12 and choppers to use as Air Medic (Ambulance) to pickup or assist injured/sick people. But then I wondered the possibility of someone getting injured deep in the woods, and there is no way in via any aircraft. For these jobs I reckon you will need to fly and land at some field, get out and jump on a horse and ride down a track into the woods. Since we know as 2nd fact, first person mode is coming, I think having horseback riding is going to be doable. I also think that with the level of details that they are making at ground level, it will be interesting to go hiking on trails for an activity or job. What I want to do is land a chopper and then hike the mountain in Atlanta (Stone Mountain).
  7. That's what I'm saying the whole time. I am owed a few free coffees here.
  8. Interesting fact: this bird does not have IAN mode.
  9. It is not showing up in my DLSS swapper. And yes I have pressed Refresh, many times.
  10. OMG.............. nobody even saw / commented .......... With the Developer Live Stream and the Sneak Peak of the UI... at 23:30 .... it actually shows a background image of a suburb ..... the quality of the roads ....... the bridges are Incredible this Prediction is Happening.................................... Big League! .................... OMG.................................................
  11. I missed the stream, but read some comments. Looks like there wasn't any detailed discussion on the new FS2024 aircraft physics modelling 😴
  12. ChatGPT, summarize this video and highlight in bold the FS2024 stuff. Make it 150 words, or less.
  13. Looks pretty decent in X Plane. Makes a nice difference. Watch some videos on the Tube.
  14. Correct they did say --> "Improved Vehicle Traffic" Covers part of the Prediction. Am going to stick to other points also.
  15. After 2 months, 737 simmers are still waiting for the now COLDfix to Finally fix this annoying issue. As stated previously, the fix is to restart the flight. However if your sim is anything like others, including mine, the Aircraft settings in the FMC all get randomized and you have to go and check about 25 FMC pages!
  16. So the last time I wrote about the importance of having good Route Planning and Charts in the sim, by default. It was pleasing to watch the presentation and find that the powers that be at MS had the same vision and recognised how important that is. And not only that, what was presented was superb, because the App includes Fuel and Payload calcs all in the one integrated App, which is so much better than Navi. So... based on everything I have seen and read, I have reached a high level of confidence to make a new prediction for FS2024. And that is ........ the road networks, highways, bridges and vehicles and animations etc are going to get a Major overhaul. And driving will actually be a "thing" in FS2024. Reasons include: (a) Proper roads and vehicle simulation adds a tonne of immersion (b) Current implementation is substandard (XP is better) (c) They have not demoed or said Anything about the Roads/Vehicles so far (d) The Banner from trailer: "The Sky is Not the Limit" (e) I expect some career jobs will require driving, such as Ground Operations etc. So that's it. While I'm not 100% I am pretty close on this one.
  17. Working Title are literally building the Primus Epic 2 Avionics - and this is used in the PC-24.
  18. This has been discussed before. You don't need to switch to Developer mode. You "just" need to restart the flight. And probably like many others you need to reset all the Equipment options in the FMC each time because they get altered. SU15 was released 2 months ago, and still this problem has no HotFix. Or should I say ColdFix.
  19. Asobo should develop a "jump ahead" feature in MSFS. Which jumps the sim to a chosen distance before the destination. And during the "jump ahead" it does a slideshow of images for a few minutes, and plays some nice music.
  20. There was Active Camera for FS2004. Had many useful features including fly by views, landing view, tower view and a walk around mode. Here we are 20 years later, and we don't have any of it by default.
  21. Ditch the wife and stay at home eating left over pizza and garlic bread to get through those 14 hour flights in the 777. That's real simming.
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