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Everything posted by GlideBy

  1. It says Aerosol Density 3m, not height above ground. But it is confusing. Air pollution is usually measured in mass per cubic meter, or parts per million, or an air quality index. https://air-quality.com/place/united-states/los-angeles/46a6d7be?lang=en&standard=aqi_us So it is a confusing measurment. --------------------- As for snow. do we get wind drift, and wind drifted snow banks?
  2. Fair enough. Much better if you can bring up your issues more directly. See this thread, and see if joachim can get you into the forums. He is also active on a Discord server, if he doesn't respond here. https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/571164-msfs-forum-still-inaccessible/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-4191032
  3. The CPU speed should be in your dxdiag file. And most that have signed up haven't been chosen. Over 43,000 people have signed up. That is a huge number of people that want in.
  4. Did anyone notice the snow and lightning options? https://imgur.com/a/LT35BjX
  5. He is partially joking, I think. But based on people getting invites and their stated stats, the early invites were 32GB or more. Then there was the MS post saying 16 Golf Bravo, you are cleared for take off. Which implied they were letting 16GB users in. Which they did, but not very many. As for MS testing on as many configs as possible, I think they will eventually. But if you know the sim won't run on 8GB, no reason to invite them. Later when the build is farther along, I expect they will add 8GB support. So I have no fear that they won't test low end PCs. I just think the build is not ready, as it is still Alpha and features are missing.
  6. If the airport is not busy, then there isn't an issue. So what to do if there is non-stop live traffic. I think the simplest solution is to create holes in the traffic. So the sim either doesn't render/show some planes, or reroutes a few planes out of sight. So it creates artificial gaps of a few planes.
  7. How do you know in their implementation that you won't be able to accomplish what you need to do? Remember, they don't have to use WASM inside a browser that is inside a flight sim. They are listening. So what exactly would you say Webassembly needs to be able to do what you are worried it won't be able to do? Is it just local file access without embedding? Assume Asobo reads this, what is your Webassembly wish list. And saying don't use it, would not help as they have already started work on it. But saying I need it to do X, might as they might realize they can't do X, so then drop it.
  8. I hope that we don't need all the different systems like Vatsim, IVAO, or the others. With this new sim, the world gets smaller, and we will see more people flying outside their bounds. So US flyers will fly in Europe, and vice versa. and etc. So I hope we have the tools to create one built in system, just one we we are not fragmented. This will have the most possible users (hopefully). And more people will know about it. And with the right tools, we can deal with the sincere new users, verses the trolls. I also don't want to have to go back to downloading, troubleshooting, and trying to get a bunch of addons working. This sounds interesting, so I hope you make good progress. How would this be interactive? If your altitude dropped, would it tell you in voice? Can it say if your landing was off center, or smooth or not?
  9. Very true. People are assuming it will be the same, and have the same limitations as how it is used in a browser. I want to remind people what they have said so far - "We also made lots of progress on WebAssembly support, which is the technology that will allow the porting of native code to our platform."
  10. Try this - https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011641580--KNOWN-ISSUE-The-Insider-Login-page-is-stuck-on-a-loop-or-redirecting-to-the-wrong-page- Which links to -
  11. Right, 50 closest. So my point in saying those could be close or far, is that is easy to fill up. For example, there could be 50 planes taxiing around LAX, and then you would see no planes in the sky. And the guy I replied to said that 50 planes would bump into each other. But when you think about 50 planes spread over a 400KM diameter circle, that is actually very spread out. The first time we try to do an Oshkosh fly in, it is going to look very sparse. (See my post about with pic, and videos of 50, and 116 planes) And speaking to the group, remember, this is a hard limit. If you upgrade your computer now, or a couple years from now, you will have the same limit. And this is not about your internet, as you could upgrade to one gigabit fiber, and still have the limit.
  12. You know you can fly solo, or just fly with only live traffic. And then you can create a group if you want to fly with others. If anyone does things you don't like, just kick them from the group. Or join another group that is well controlled. And you can also set a local machine limit to show less planes. Because they are giving you tools to deal with it, such as groups, no multiplayer, etc.
  13. I suspect that this sim will have a lot more users than IVAO has. But why exclude events? What if we want to do events? Here is what 49 planes looks like. (Real photo, real life, see video below) Here is the video of that event, with 50 planes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_p-R2i13HU And here is a Oshkosh fly in with 116 planes.
  14. They are just sending location, heading, and maybe things like flaps, ailerons... In fact, they could send the same data that is used for live traffic, or just a bit more, and it can calculate and smooth the flying same as live traffic. But part of my point before, was a flight sim does not need to update as often per second as a first person shooter. And if those 50 planes are in a group, they can send the same data to all. If there are a hundred, they could send all one hundred, rather than send each user a separate data stream. Then they just limit the number of online users in a group, and send the data with a group ID tag. This saves data as you don't have 50 planes getting 50 different sets of data. Just one group, getting one set. Thus a group of one plane, it sends its data up, the server bundles it with a group ID and send it back out. Only the member of the group uses the data. Now, if we have 100 planes, then each plane sends up their position, and the server bundles them all, and sends it back out with the group ID attached. Now, you might be worried that you now have 100 planes uploading data. Or the block size of data is bigger being downloaded. That is true. But they never said what the world limit is for number of planes. And that doesn't have to change. Lastly they could use the current system for the large set of users without a group.
  15. I hope there is an economy built in, and also at least one career mode where you have to get your PPL and work your way up from small aircraft. I don't plan on loading any addons, as I am burned out from dealing with those and the issues.
  16. Noodle, if you rewatch the Multiplayer video, you can see times when he open the menu and it darkens everything else except the menu. And then if you look at the top right of the picture, it does have a menu open. So I think it was a daylight sun shot, but darkened by the menu effect. So it looks weird because of that. (The community manager person that picked it, might have just thought it looked cool. Or maybe put it in to see how many caught it.)
  17. First of all, I want to point out that the person you are replying to is in the Alpha, and more importantly, was in a screenshot with about 20 planes in it. So he does have a bit of a different perspective on it. Next, 50 is not closest to you. 50 is the limit, close or far, or whatever. So 50 planes spread over 200 KM is not an issue at all for separation. 200KM radius, can handle a lot more planes. And sometimes you just want to have fun, so rules and separation become secondary. The maximum other players is 50. Imagine AVSIM decides to do an event. We could max that easily. And on the MSFS2020 Discord server there are 1910 users. And on Reddit in the MSFS2020 subreddit, there are over 4200 people. And in the official www.flightsimulator.com forums there are 42683 users. A group even with those groups will blow away the limits even if only 10% show up. Rewatch the video. They clearly state that the limit of 50 is because of bandwidth and nothing to do with your video card. They mention they can display live traffic with those 50, so they can display more planes than 50. Besides, they can display thousands of buildings, trees, etc, I would be shocked to find out 50 planes maxes the GPU. And even if it did, what about when I buy a 3090Ti card, or a 4100 Titan. But that aside, even if the limit was 50,000, you could always set your local limit to 50. Maybe it is because I have seen video games with more players, and they need faster connections and more updates per second than a plane. In 2010 MAG, a first person shooter, allowed for 256 players at the same time. This was server technology from ten years ago, and a FPS where lag difference of milliseconds become important. So a limit of 50, is a bit surprising. And no, I would not complain if it was 500. But that is ten times the difference. 500 would impress me, and I think would fit most of the groups above even if 10% showed up. 50 is just a bit disappointing. But I do agree that most of the time it won't matter. And it doesn't detract from all the other amazing things the sim is doing and will do. So it is not a big deal.
  18. @in2tech The current Xbox is already basically a PC. And they have said it will ship on the Xbox One. But they did say they are doing the PC version first, and Xbox will come out later.
  19. I may be the only one here, but I don't plan on buying any 3rd party addons. I don't need special planes, as the already announced planes will be fine for me. And I don't buy scenery or airport packs.
  20. Good point. So I looked at the Multiplayer video again. And when he activates the menu, it does darken the rest of the screen. So if it was night with the moon, then it darkened it, it would be too dark. So I agree, it must be the sun, and it looks weird because it was darkened by the menu. (I wonder if they posted that to test us) I think you are right. Then that is fake. I will delete it since, I agree with aleex.
  21. This is not my video. But I thought it was good, as it just shows the sim scenes from the Multiplayer video.
  22. I agree, the mountains do not look good. And in a lot of screenshots they don't look great either, so I don't think it is just settings. I hope so. I hope that it isn't like previous sims where you could land anywhere. I hope the ground has proper resistance, rocks and bushes and things to catch on, etc. Just hope it is realistic. And it sounds like they are working on it, as Ground Friction Formula is one of the issues. Looks like a full moon at night to me. The clouds are just lit by the moon. It does seem off though, compare to this (Edited, removed photo as may be fake shot from Airplane. Also, I now think it is dark because it is paused by the menu, and is just the sun. See below comment from aleex and my response.)
  23. Last year they said they would have live traffic. This is the first real information though.
  24. Yes. I think much of the water still needs work. They need to get the colors right, the color shifts, breaking waves, different waves on small lakes versus large bodies of water, shallow water effects, etc. It is funny that the Bing Maps image of the water looks more realistic than the MSFS one. But water effects are hard to get right in video games. Still I hope they are working on it. Sad Hill, Spain This is where The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly filmed. The rings around the circle are fake graves. I tried to find a current picture, but it seems it was restored, so it looks different in various real pictures. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/29/clint-eastwood-sad-hill-cemetery-good-bad-ugly https://ossurworld.com/2019/01/07/sad-hill-unearthed-fake-cemetery/
  25. The video didn't mention anti griefing features. I hope they don't forget that some people are malicious, or just maybe play in a way that bothers other people. The screenshots still show rounded off mountains. I hope a future build fixes the look of mountains. I think I recall in an audio interview they said there were different levels of dirt, and wear and tear visualizations. I hope I can set the windshield, and gauges differently than the rest of the plane. Sometimes I might like a slightly dirty windshield, but often I think I will want a clear view to... enjoy the view. And for realism, none of the planes I have ever flown have been close to new since they were rentals. Normally, if you have a mod installed locally, only you see it. If they had everyone see it, then that means every time a plane is added to the 3rd party store, everyone would have to download the external model. And not sure how it would handle freeware models, i.e. do they go through the store as well. This is only during the Alpha right now. This may also be why they are limited on the number of Alpha testers. So by launch, and probably sometime in beta, they should have more servers. They may even add more for the Alpha test when they add more people.
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