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Everything posted by GlideBy

  1. Game is defined as "activity engaged in for diversion or amusement" by Merriam-Webster dictionary and as "an entertaining activity" by Cambridge dictionary. And Techopedia defines computer simulation as "A computer simulation is the usage of a computer for the imitation of a real-world process or system. The dynamic responses of one system are represented by the behavior of another system, which is largely modeled on the former. A simulation requires a model, or a mathematical description of the real system. This is in the form of computer programs, which encompass the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected system. Here, the model is basically a representation of the system and the simulation process is known to depict the operation of the system in time."
  2. The clouds look nice. Any significance to the filename "ETarrO4U4AAFhaH.jpg".
  3. Asobo asked for negative feedback. They said they want to do this right, and they can't do that if people just say how pretty it looks. It is in Alpha and they make a point to find feedback in forums like Avsim. If they don't want feedback, they could say to stop, or they could stop looking, or they could stop posting pictures and videos. And since they do post those, they control what we can provide feedback on. So you may call it criticizing, whining, and complaining, I will call it providing feedback to make a better flight sim. And I dare say that grass looks amazing.
  4. I was thinking the AI could look at the satellite images, find the lights, identify the street lights, then look at the color value. Then based on location (age of neighborhood), guess the type of street light. Then it can render the look of the light.
  5. There are about six different types of street lights with different colors. And these colors affect the color of the textures around them. (Look up CRI for more on this.) Metal Halide Street Lights : They produce very white light and have good color performance/rendering, meaning that objects under these lights look their true color. High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Street Lights : They take few minutes to turn on completely and produce a yellow-orange kind of glow. Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) Street Lights : They also take a few minutes to turn on and LPS lamps produce exclusively yellow/warm yellow light. Light Emitting Diode (LED) Street Lights : LEDs are newer, from the last 8-9 years, and they emit a lot of blue/white blue light Phosphor-Converted Amber (PCA) LED Street Lights : Even newer, 5-6 years, have good color representation, but are still rather expensive. (These are modern and come in cool or warm tints) Narrow-Band Amber (NBA) LED Street Lights : Rather than emitting pure white light (all the seven colors of the rainbow) and blue light, they emit mostly in the yellow/ warm yellow color. They still have good color representation, meaning that they do not make objects look grey like LPS lamps can do. Because this technology is very much new, these bulbs are not commonly available and as such, and are still expensive. The article also includes sample photos, about half way down the page. (Sourced from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/street-lighting-urban-design-ashish-batra)
  6. Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot.
  7. I have talked with people that were confused even with the MSFS2020 they thought it was the Steam edition of FSX. And if you talking about Jacuzzi 2020, then I think you have confused my point. You said you didn't understand why it was called that. I answered. Now I think you are trying to argue that using it is wrong, or it should be called something else . I do not wish to argue with you.
  8. Because last year when it was talked about, calling it MSFS would have confused everyone that hadn't heard there was a new flight sim. By adding the 2020, it instantly told people it was something new. That way we didn't have to deal with a bunch of, do you mean FSX type of questions. When we talk, the idea is hopefully for people to understand us. That means sometimes we us incorrect terms, just to be understood. Like when we say Jacuzzi but it is a hot tub not made by them. And here are a bunch of other terms that we are technically using incorrectly, yet people know what we mean anyway - https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/56667/41-brand-names-people-use-generic-terms
  9. @Eclipse That sounds great. It would be great if I could become comfortable talking to ATC in class B airspace. That just scares me, and I avoid it. That and I don't want to get in the way, or be that guy.
  10. If the water in lakes looks weird, I wonder how bad waterfalls look right now. I do hope they get realistic water effects by launch. I imagine a lot of people will fly by famous waterfalls.
  11. This is a GoDaddy site. So that is right up there with someone's blog post. And then you post a blog link. Do you really think this information is reliable? You are going to trust one person over organizations like the World Health Organization? I am one person, should I make a blog post? Would that convince you? One doctor said vaccines cause autism, and look how reliable that information was. When 100 doctors say one thing, and one doctor says something very different, why think that 100 are wrong but that one is right? Hype can't be a hoax, hype is just people talking about something. Unless you think people aren't really talking about it, I think you mean some data or information is wrong? I assume you think the 2-3% mortality rate is wrong, and it should be 1% or under? You do realize that 1% is still ten times worse than the flu? And as of March 3rd, WHO reported a global death rate of 3.4% https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/03/who-says-coronavirus-death-rate-is-3point4percent-globally-higher-than-previously-thought.html https://www.sciencealert.com/covid-19-s-death-rate-is-higher-than-thought-but-it-should-drop Bottom line, we are talking about people. These people have family and friends. Even one life is too much. But over 5,000 deaths is significant, and 34 times the flu rate, is also significant. And if this "hype" can save one life, then it is worth it.
  12. I think you are talking about something different. I was just talking about paying for Alpha testing access.
  13. I would be pretty upset if they did this. It basically would mean pay to give feedback. I know you are thinking of pay to play, but the Alpha is there for feedback. And I know I wish I had a more direct voice to the devs. But paying to give feedback just seems wrong by itself. But it also means the people that can't take a financial risk on a unfinished sim, can't give feedback.
  14. Thanks for your opinion 😀 I think it is easier to see on a bigger image. But the clouds just look like blotches all over the place randomly. If there is wind, I would expect the wind to hit the mountains and create high and low pressure zones around there, so clouds off one side, or more on one side. If there is no wind, I would expect a more even placement of clouds, and the clouds to be more uniform. Yes, the dark in front seems too dark.
  15. In this pic, the water in the lakes looks weird. It looks like they use the same water effects for all water, no matter how big or small the body is.
  16. The last batch of photos, the clouds looked good. But in this photo the clouds seem blotchy. Do these look realistic to you? Maybe this is a issue with live weather.
  17. I find this hard to believe. The more complicated something is, the more bugs it has. And it is hard for a dev to fix all bugs, when even the Intel CPU has bugs. As of January 2020 the 4th gen Intel cpu had 175 known bugs. And who knows how many unknown. And I remember a CPU bug that was in there for ten years, and it caused a calculation error. https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/specification-updates/4th-gen-core-family-desktop-specification-update.pdf And then there are Windows bugs. So there are bugs in place before any sim starts to run. I used to work for a hardware manufacturer. We did extensive testing, and found a slew of bugs. We prioritize and fix the biggest and the ones most likely to be seen. But there were ALWAYS bugs left in. And we got top reviews for quality.
  18. This isn't just about knowing before it is updated. It is about knowing at all in an easy way. I would like to know about any updates that affect the sim, even if it is after the update goes live. I would also like a list of all 80 Airports that were hand modeled, and all objects or cities that have hand modeling. Keep in mind some people have internet limitations. So they might be using a cached download of an area. And they might turn off updates if they know the area has not been updated, or turn off the internet if no updates. I have download limits with my ISP. So if the sim lets me, I would like to lock my local area in the cache, so I can always fly it without having to redownload. Hopefully I can lock it, or lock it but allow it to be updated. I suggest that Microsoft create a MSFS web page that lists everything that was hand modeled. And also show what map updates have happened that affect the sim. Or, at the very least that the Bing group create a update page that only shows map look updates, and not things like SDK changes that currently clutter what they have now.
  19. The death rate from Corona is much, much higher than flu. Huge difference. "The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S., according to The New York Times. The death rate for COVID-19 appears to be higher than that of the flu. In the study published Feb. 18 in the China CDC Weekly, researchers found a death rate from COVID-19 to be around 2.3% in mainland China. Another study of about 1,100 hospitalized patients in China, published Feb. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that the overall death rate was slightly lower, around 1.4%. " https://www.livescience.com/new-coronavirus-compare-with-flu.html Your first link is GoDaddy.com website. Hardly reliable. I don't know why you are posting the NCBI link. That may mean less were infected in China where the test was done. But then that means the mortality rate is higher than reported, since less actually had it. And we already had reason to not trust the numbers from China anyway. Please stop posting it is a hoax.
  20. So you can't even practice and train for various failures? That is a big reason to use a sim, as you don't want to use real life failures for training.
  21. The AI is what decides where things go, like trees and buildings. The Asobo engine renders them. So the AI can add them to the data for the engine to render. The AI doesn't fetch data on the first time through. The first time, it will look at the photo and use deep learning AI to find objects. Then, presumably, it will save that info so it doesn't have to be recalculated again until the source photo changes. Thus the mistake was in the AI, as the render engine is just doing what the AI data told it to. Also, seems this is the third time we have had this conversation, or maybe it was someone else. Lastly, the rocks maybe there on purpose, for aesthetics. May not be rocks either, as it is hard to be sure with the fish eye.
  22. I sent Shack95 a PM to clarify which area he is talking about. And in this image he is talking about area 1. I think some people are looking at area 5. https://imgur.com/a/jJzINs6 To me it looks like rocks and bushes. But on the Bing Map, I don't see rocks in that area. So maybe the AI added rocks? Hard to tell with the fisheye.
  23. You mean below the cloud? Could it be rain or just fog/cloud? I think the stuff that looks like snow, is actually a cloud in the source photo. When looking at Bing Maps you see clouds in the area. So I don't think Azure AI removed the cloud like it is supposed to. Instead it ends up looking like snow since it is painted on the ground.
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