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Will Fly For Cheese

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Everything posted by Will Fly For Cheese

  1. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we regard you as a very trustworthy and indeed, a very respected individual who would not post something without having very good grounds so to do and of course, this is a Patch problem. Respect CB.
  2. Too many, far too many. Time to sack the lot of them. Starting with Jorg. I'm an understanding individual - I work within an industry shattered by the events of the last year but when incompetency is extant - at seemingly, every level. It's time to sink the ship and start again.
  3. Oh for word not allowed's sake - they haven't fixed anything. How can they get away with talking this; (two spheres, roughly of equal size and shape, inhabiting a skin pouch worn by a gentlemen just below his trouser line) What are the FPS like? - any better?
  4. I'll just quote myself. . . Does it look like they fixed it for you Ixoye?
  5. When? Bobcat and David say nothing has changed. I'll go with that. Because generally, on these Updates - the worst news tends to be the truth and the good news tends to be the BS.
  6. Haven't exited the sim yet after my flights North today so not DL'ing yet. (Ferrying a Cararvan from Southampton, UK to Ft. Lauderdale) Just wanted to check if we're all still alive. How's Download? How's tree fix? Answer in MORSE if unable to speak or just give 2 Clicks on the PTT if all well with this Update.
  7. Oh well, at least LIVE weather is working - just when I was hoping it wouldn't. On the way to Wick. Lovely scenery.
  8. I fully agree Chock. It is a basket case but I have just departed the south coast of UK to ferry a caravan around to Ft Lauderdale. Just at Woodvale EGOW for lunch and then on to Oban this afternoon then Wick tonight for a dawn departure to Vagar in the morning. No problems so far apart from low clouds causing unreasonable icing. It looks fantastic apart from the trees.
  9. That is why we have our own appointed official "Herald Of News And Circumstance"; Chaotic Beauty
  10. Oh for Christ's sake Bob - give it a rest - stop regurgitating that NON-FIX from the Official Flight Simulator Forums. We're all bracing ourselves here for the Update tomorrow - we don't need extra Sphincter Shakers to needlessly add in to the mix. It's going to be a Horror Show anyhow without you adding random stuff in to it - that doesn't actually work.
  11. Bet you do. 😁 You're just like the rest of us - glutton for punishment. We'll all bare our backs to the cruel lash of Asobo's whip Update tomorrow. And then, when the Nuns of Mercy have swabbed our wounds, and we've gazed up at the virtual heavens and the virtual clouds and wished we were just touching the AOA speeds in our chosen airframe to do an Overhead Break and yet we're not, because the sim is broken again, then? what then? you ask? Then, we will come here to talk about it. Meanwhile, life goes on. . .
  12. Well, most of us here; don't have a choice. We're either in the air flapping about merrily or AOG because of Asobo/ MS.
  13. Oh I'm not. Don't worry. I'm taking a rather pragmatic view of MSFS 2020. Nothing purchased from Market Place, no investment as such - I'd have spec'd up my Rig anyway to get good frames in the other sims. And, essentially, I'm not expecting this to be any good for at least another six months and certainly not have any degree of reliability. It's all a bit of a laugh at the moment and not to be taken too seriously.
  14. It's not a FIX - it was posted over on the official flight simulator forums by FearlessTiara - but people have been trying all sorts of stuff. It's too (your) rig dependant to be a magic bullet and too random. As usual, we have to wait for bloody Asobo to get on it.
  15. I lost all my Hours when I deleted FSX/ P3D from my PC. About 6000 or so. But am I bothered?
  16. Clocking up the hours in the Corsair then David? Must be good. I take the Spit for a thrash most evenings. Can't get enough of it.
  17. Is it possible the Track IR unit itself is faulty? They DO break - eventually.
  18. That's okay. Just let's have them. (there'll be a rogue in there somewhere)
  19. Please list the Addons you have in your Community Folder.
  20. I tried ATC in MSFS2020 today and have promptly switched it OFF again. It's a basket case. It has no bearing on anything approaching real world procedures and for any aspiring real world pilots out there should be firmly ignored. VATSIM is the go-to that at least - most of the time - has aspiring ATC wannabes operating it and has a degree of accuracy and not only that but; ATC phraseology location dependant too. I have other views on how VATSIM is being used by obscure airlines to train their pilots but that's the stuff of nightmares so I won't go in to it here. Suffice to say; in terms of ATC; it's as real as you're going to get right now. Dive in! and if you're scared to push the PTT on VATSIM - then you need to review whether or not there's a Pilot in you trying to get out. AVIATE - NAVIGATE - COMMUNICATE In that order in a crisis, but, those elements are the normal triangle of activities 99% of the time when things are fine. You must be able to converse with ATC. I did my RT Exam about 15 years ago - it cost me £75 and it took a day to do - with the Oral and Written Exam at the end of it. It was money well spent.
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