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  1. Respect, what is needed here is respect... in these forums sometimes I see people trying to impose their point of view without understanding that everyone has the right to see things differently... if someone uses the simulator for entertainment and to explore the planet from the sky without being interested in the airplanes being 100% true to reality, what's the problem?... if someone invests thousands of dollars to make their experience with the simulator as realistic as possible, who does it affect?... everyone has the right to use the simulator as they want, and that doesn't give us the right to ridicule or belittle one another... I am grateful to MS/Asobo because they have brought a lot of life to our hobby and it's amazing how it has developed over these past 3 years... I respect people who expect a $60 simulator to replicate with complete fidelity the world, the weather, and the systems of a millions-dollars aircrafts… honestly I do not expect that from a $60 software, however, everyone has the right to have their own expectations and not be disrespected for that
  2. I have been a simmer for almost 30 years, and what I saw today in Microsoft’s presentation is a huge step forward in our hobby and I feel extremely happy right now. I really thank Asobo and MS for bringing flight simulation to the next level, can’t wait to see Fs2024 in action!
  3. Wow, I am amazed with the new version! I didn't know they were working on this so for me it is a huge surprise and I love it!. I agree with one previous post about wind direction, it would be nice to have that info. About pricing, I think is a great value, if you pay the whole year is less than 7 Euros a month, but you get a great tool if you fly around the world (I like to go to new places specially since FS2020) and now with VFR info is a really nice upgrade. Looks like is going to be a great week for FS! (Expecting the release of FS40).
  4. 40, first sim was FS95
  5. Gracias David for those kind words, greetings from Ecuador, South America.
  6. Your product is a must have add on for any FS, I hope it will be available in the near future... even though is good news to hear you are working on this project.
  7. Hello I did my first flight with XL560 and RXP GTN750. I think the aircraft is buggy or may be I am doing something wrong, but it did the following to make it work: 1) You have to keep open the autopilot window (Shift + 3) all the time, if I hide that window then AP does not follow GTN750 FPL 2) In your Display Controller click NAV and make sure you have VOR1 in your PFD 3) In the GTN change CDI to VLOC and then go back to GPS and check if your PFD now has the info from GTN (I check with distance to the next waypoint in your FPL, reading in GTN and PFD should be the same). After that you can engage the AP NAV mode and it works, but as said before, if I hide the AP window then I loose GTN info in my PFD and NAV mode turns off. Hope this helps. Regards
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