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Everything posted by goreckm

  1. I have a wish to Asobo that will probably never happen, but it's something along the lines of them building the highly detailed plane models and cockpits (but just barebones functional) for several more planes (ex: B777, A350, A380, CRJ, E75), and we have the community building all of the advanced features on top of the barebones ones. The community has probably much more knowledge about how the systems for these airplanes work. This would also ensure that the AI planes would accurately match their real world counter-parts.
  2. One more thing. The A320 is probably the least buggy airline implemented, so, if you want to get your fill of flying using AP, I would go that way. There are still bugs though that you will need to work around. There's also a mod for the A320 that add's a few extra extensions and systems on top of the default plane, if that's what you're interested in.
  3. I mean, that's fair, but, these airplanes are not, and were never built to be study-level, so, if you are interested in the default MSFS planes for systems, you're looking in the wrong place, as that will never happen. Having said that, buggy software does suck, but at least the bugs in the existing functions will be fixed at some point, my guess by the holidays. There will be study level planes at some point that you'll be able to fly as well, but,that's at some point in the future.
  4. The AP on the planes is still quite buggy. I would recommend hand flying the approaches, it's more fun anyways. And honestly, turning off the ATC completely is also a good idea, since it gets confused often, and doesn't add anything in its current state, imo. Just follow your planned route.
  5. I don't think they'll be able to completely stop it. My guess is any websites which have a business around hosting add-ons will probably stay away, in order to not get shutdown. But, the files will still be around the internet via various file hosting providers I'm sure. Not really possible to take anything down. And once it's on your computer, MS doesn't know where the add-on is from, so, that won't be blocked.
  6. Well yeah. Microsoft is going to use Bing maps since it's no extra cost to them. If they were to use google, they would have to pay licensing fees.
  7. Controller settings are synced to the cloud I believe.
  8. They do work... occasionally. These are just bugs, and will be fixed, it's not like they marketed something that is only in concept or something.
  9. The 747 is currently the worst out of all the tubeliners. There's a post on the tips and tricks subforum that talks about some of the known bugs and workarounds.
  10. Yes, all of the microsoft gaming stuff has rebranded as xbox. Basically, wherever you see XBOX, just read, Microsoft Gaming instead.
  11. My hope is the next development update will include the stuff they are working on next.
  12. I wonder if it's possible for them to fix that bug on the azure side, and wouldn't need a client fix. Hence the not mentioning it. Just a guess, of course.
  13. They already mentioned that terrain and geometry fixes would happen with world updates every 2-3 months, so, I would not be expecting anything regarding terrain fixes until November at the earliest.
  14. I would not be expecting any new aircraft anytime soon. My guess is the next aircraft we'll see in the sim will be helicopters and gliders. My random estimation I pulled out of nowhere but just a general overview of where they're at, helicopter update holiday 2020 (at the earliest), glider update next summer. But don't worry, in that time, there will be plenty of 3rd party aircraft available for download, some for free, some for ridiculously large prices.
  15. Impossible to eliminiate. You can't predict what a user is going to do, for example, remove the harddrive from their computer during install. Yes, this is an extreme example, but proves a point. In general, installation issues are hard to debug and fix since it depends on the environment of the PC, and due to so many possible configurations, it's impossible to test.
  16. Seems about right. Addressing the issues which got the most press and cause the most frustrations first. I'm sure they've been working late hours trying to debug the entire installation process. Most of these bugs are hard to replicate. I'm sure they have teams working on fixes to aircraft / weather, but those are probably larger in scope, and probably not enough done in the time it takes to release the patch. My guess is many of the team members are probably taking time off after launch, as happens quite often with these types of projects. It's just sad that due to the MS decision to use their own store, the team has to put so much focus on the download/installation component, and not even the game itself.
  17. https://www.flightsimulator.com/august-27th-2020-development-update/
  18. Just to be clear for everyone reading this, that is when MS usually posts their weekly development update, which is supposed to include the patch details. This will not be the release time of the patch itself, and the details may come before or after this time.
  19. Also, I may be over interpretting, but, this sentence is making it seem like you've been customizing the default windows install by removing apps, etc. You will probably have a bad time running MS games. If you did any significant tweaking of Windows, and want to play FS, I recommend reinstalling windows from scratch, and using Windows without removing or tweaking the core components.
  20. The xbox apps will be required, as they contain the service interfaces that are needed for MSFS to log you in. If you absolutely do not want the xbox apps, then you'll just have to request a refund, as I don't see them doing anything about it.
  21. Do you have the MS Store or Steam version? Were you able to start the Flight Simulator launcher, or can you not even get to that point? Also, make sure these are true: - You are on the latest Windows version (non-insider), and all patches installed - You are logged into a Windows Account tied to a microsoft account - All Apps in the Microsoft Store have been updated, specifically any Xbox apps - GPU drivers have been updated
  22. That is exactly what I'm looking for, and already found a ton of stuff that I didn't know existed. Thanks!
  23. If you are mostly interested in just doing as accurate as possible flights in large airliners, P3D is probably the way to go for the next 6-12 months. If you want to do a mix of VFR flying and basic IFR flying (non study level), and don't mind some glitches and missing content in the short term, then go with MSFS.
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