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Everything posted by ELaw

  1. It looks like I may have won "the update game"...? I had uninstalled the xbox app from my PC so I reinstalled and ran it. It had some message at the top about changing settings so I could send messages, I clicked the thing and it took me to some MS website that wanted me to log in. I started to do that, but it said it needed to email a code to verify my device (why? I've been using it with that login for months). Anyhow, did that, fired up xbox program, message was gone. Went into MS store, did the "get updates" thing and it had decided to update MSFS. After that I launched MSFS and the "rhinoceros screen" was replaced by one showing what may or may not be the great wall of China. And it said it had an update to download... 3.19 GB. It's downloading now but I've got my fingers crossed this annoyance is fixed.
  2. You don't get a choice. I'm in the same boat (airplane?) as others here... I fire up MSFS, after some initializing a screen comes up and says there's a mandatory update. When you click "ok" in the dialog on that screen, the MS store opens. I go into the "downloads and updates" section of the store, click "get updates", and it says there are none. The store updating mechanism seems to be working as when I first clicked it this morning, another app updated, and there are others in the list that say they were updated yesterday and at other recent times. Tried rebooting and it changed nothing. I know there's a way to reset the MS store cache, but when I've done that in the past I've had to re-download the entire game which takes a looooong time. It's really pathetic that a company with the resources of MS can't make this work more smoothly. 😒 Edit: I used the "send feedback" option in the store to tell them it's not working, and from what I see in feedback hub, a lot of other people are having the same problem.
  3. Okay I may have pulled the fire alarm a little too soon! I rebooted the computer, fired up FS again, and it didn't crash. Though before it was downloading the updates I selected in content manager and the downloads appear to have been canceled. So I'm downloading the updates one at a time and we'll see what happens... Update: it worked! Not sure if it was the reboot or downloading updates one at a time, but FS seems happy again.
  4. Same here. Fired up FS, it said it had an update, let it download, got to main menu. Went to content manager, saw there was more stuff to update, started that, after downloading for a few minutes program exited. Fired it up again and it gets to the main menu, freezes, then crashes. :^( I saw someone earlier in this thread mentioned the "Seasons north & south" add-on which I do have, but can't figure out how to uninstall it from outside FS.
  5. Just to "close the loop" on this, I submitted a request to support and they got back to me very quickly. This is what they said: I followed the procedure, launched FS and... it's now downloading 14 gigs of update! It appears the problem is solved.
  6. I have the MS Store version of MSFS. Went into the Store yesterday, it said there was an update for FS, and I downloaded it... it was just about 1 gigabyte. Double-click the FS icon to launch it, and I get a UAC prompt ("Do you want to let this app make changes to your device?"). I click "yes" and get the same prompt again. Click "yes" again, the prompt goes away and I get a red error window that says "This app can't open. Check the MS store for more info...". When I go into the Store and hit "Get updates", none are found. MS flight simulator version shows as Last time this happened I had to uninstall and reinstall the whole program. Am I going to have to do that again? If it matters, my "community" folder is empty. Not that I don't enjoy repeatedly reinstalling this program, but I'd much rather use it. 😕
  7. Has anyone else had trouble with panel controls going nuts when you try to adjust them with the mouse in the latest version? I've only tried the 172 (non-G1000) but it happens in a number of places. You want to adjust the heading bug or tune a radio, you click a few times in the right spot and at first it responds normally, then the control just starts spinning. Clicking again will sometimes stop it, but it's almost impossible to get something set the way you want.
  8. I find this whole lightning business shocking. Sorry, but someone had to say it! 😁
  9. I agree 100% They're promsing "a better cadence and more transparency" but as far as I'm concerned the cadence and transparency are already 10x better than previous versions of FS. Yes there are issues with the program that frustrate me, but it appears they're working hard to improve it and I'm very thankful for that.
  10. I experienced the same thing and just to clarify a little, the default view in the assignment window is to show assigned controls only. Once you "unassign" a function, it's of course no longer assigned, and therefore disappears from the list. The solution is to change the filter from "assigned" to "all".
  11. Speaking of downloading... would it be silly to ask why the program uses 20% GPU when downloading files, and *100% GPU* if I minimize the window while it's downloading? Maybe they envisioned an alternate use of the program as a GPU burn-in tool? 😕
  12. I know but you just pointed out my exact issue: why do most people have to download 11 GB and I have to download 10 times as much?
  13. So an update... I bought another SSD and installed it, now I have a D drive. Went to "apps" under "settings' and the "move" button was enabled. Joy! The joy was short-lived though. When I pressed the button, a dialog came up asking me for a new location and it would not allow selection of a path, just a drive (D was the only option). There was also a checkbox marked "move downloadable content". So I checked the box, hit "ok", and it seemed to do stuff for a couple of minutes. When it was done, I checked the space on the D drive and clearly very little had moved - the (formerly empty) drive had about 10 GB of space used. So I figured maybe I need to fire up FS to actually move the files, so I launched the program. After the usual initial delay, it came up and said an update was available that I had to download in the MS store. So I close the program, go to store, "download" the update (which clearly didn't do much), and re-launch the program. It came up with an "installation manager" screen saying an update was available and that I needed to download it. The download size? 110GB! Yes, again I get to download the whole thing because apparently downloading the whole thing yesterday wasn't good enough. And... it wanted to download to the old install location on my C drive... luckily I was able to change it to my D drive. I have to say the graphics and some other things with this program are absolutely fantastic, but I bet someone with just a few months' programming experience could write a better installer. The whole install process (again this is from the MS store) ls laughable and seemingly has more bugs than an ant farm. Edit: one other thing I forgot to mention, after my adventure outlined in the first post, my installation folder on the C drive takes up a little over 200 GB! It's weird, there don't seem to be two copies of every folder like you'd expect if it just tried to recreate the same structure. But one way or another I think almost every file must be there twice.
  14. The "move" button there is grayed out for me. Maybe it's only enabled if your machine has more than one drive?
  15. So... I'm trying to use the procedure in the "How to move FS2020 install to another HD fast" tip to move my install (to a different location on the same drive) and it seems like it didn't "take". Wondering if anyone else has had this happen? I bought FS through the MS store, didn't pay attention to the suggested install path, and it ended up several folder levels deep under my user folder. So I: 1. Copied C:\users\<me>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe to C:\FS2020new. 2. Uninstalled FS by right-clicking the icon on the start menu and selecting "uninstall". I then verified the folder under "packages" was gone. 3. Reinstalled FS from the MS store (it didn't ask for an install location). 4. Started FS. It said it needed to download updates, asked for a package location, and I specified C:\FS2020. 5. Paused the download after about 2 minutes (maybe a minute and a half?). 6. Deleted the folder C:\FS2020 and renamed C:\FS2020new to "FS2020". 7. Launched FS. At that point it continued downloading, and as far as I can tell, is going to re-download the entire thing. Did I do something wrong? It's not the end of the world as I'm not on a metered connection and can live for a few hours without the game, but I might want to move it later to another drive and wonder if I could do something differently.
  16. The program itself runs on the PC. But it acts as a web server, so you can view the map on any device on the same network as the PC (including the PC itself).
  17. Interestingly, when I go into content manager the first item "core content" says "relaunch the game to update". But I closed and reopened MSFS and nothing happened (and that item still says "relaunch...").
  18. Not sure how accurate it is but one keyboard reference I'm looking at says: "Toggle lights" = L "Toggle flashlight" = Alt+L "Toggle cabin lights" = Shift (doesn't say which one) I don't see anything for panel/radio lights specifically.
  19. And while we're at it, what the heck is up with the "basic controls" window? All it does is show my joystick with the buttons numbered, not what they do. What's the point?
  20. This! There are a lot of keyboard references on the web, and many I've seen have errors (F4 = full throttle? I wish). Probably because they were made from earlier versions of the sim. You know FS has a "database" in it of what key is mapped to what... it should be a simple matter to compile that info and present it as a printable PDF or whatever. Then you'd have a reference which by definition is correct, and includes any customizations you've made. Win-win.
  21. I had an interesting result doing it... FPS didn't seem to change significantly but GPU % dropped from 100 to about 80. GTX 1050 ti card.
  22. FS2020 is a sim in some respects and a game in others, and I think that's exactly what most of its buyers want. If you want a 100% real flight experience, you're gonna have to pony up and buy the actual airplane(s).
  23. Hmm... not sure why I can't edit my old post but need to make a correction: Apparently my mind is playing tricks on me! I just timed it using the stopwatch in Windows and got the following (times from clicking the program icon): 0:36 Program window first appears 1:33 "Press any key" prompt 3:25 Main menu appears (I then paused the stopwatch while I made my selections, then resumed it) 4:58 Ready to fly So not as bad as I thought!
  24. Hey can you guys post how you purchased the game (Steam, MS store, DVD)? It seems like I'm having way longer load times than others with similar hardware specs and I'm trying to figure out why.
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