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Everything posted by Sphynnx

  1. Do you have an iPhone or iPad? Which iOS version?? Thank you
  2. I don't have it when I type in the SEARCH field " fltplan go" It shows up only 2 apps ForeFlight Mobile EFB and FuelerLinx Mobile 2.0 I'm using the latest iOS software version, on my iPad Pro 12,9 ( 3rd generation) Something is wrong
  3. Is it recommended to remove the Asobo default airport when I have a payware, the same one ? For example ORBX LOWI. Thank you
  4. I tested yesterday for about 30 - 40 minutes, everything was fine, 30 fps average Today, I tested more, different locations, clouds preset, low / high speed, etc Sometime I have 25 - 30 fps, than suddenly, 10 - 12, exactly on the same location, same weather conditions, same aircraft, etc
  5. I thought there is no. exe file for the MSFS 2020 Store version
  6. " I lose confidence in their seriousness " You're not alone
  7. I'll keep posting, no problem Again, please, ignore everything I post on this forum Thank you
  8. Okay, no problem Please, ignore my posts / screenshots
  9. MSFS 2020 - 27th August https://postimg.cc/gXNsFN4g MSFS 2020 - 11th March 2021 https://postimg.cc/NKhT5f7w Same PC ( upgraded the RTX 2080 Ti to 3090 but with the same Graphics settings ) same internet speed, same resolution What do you think, guys ? Is there a difference ( trees, grass, buildings, roofs, etc ) ??? I have many screenshots from August 2020 I'll upload some of them, later
  10. Who is " WE " ??? " Maybe we can solve your problem " means ?? You and Asobo ?
  11. You are the troll, crimplene I feel frustrated about what Asobo did, for me, no more fun, flying MSFS 2020 You don't. Go and enjoy your flight, feel great, have a nice time What are you doing on the forum , if you are so happy with MSFS 2020?? Simple...
  12. Back again, happy flyer - crimplene ? Enjoy your flight, good luck
  13. Maybe something like this, in 3-4 months from now on ( somewhere in Europe - forrest ) https://postimg.cc/Zvq11ftc
  14. Check your PC - hardware, maybe there is a problem - just kidding 🙂 Wait for the Asobo candy guys, they'll tell you how wrong you're I still have some screenshots, made shortly after the release date Just one of them, here 27th August 2020 https://postimg.cc/gXNsFN4g Look at those beautiful trees, buildings. Great graphics. But didn't last long
  15. https://postimg.cc/H8wDdGcQ https://postimg.cc/5jLMwz76 XP10 ?? Just my personal opinion, I repeat : Asobo is doing great - Gaming But not for simulators
  16. @crimplene, you should fly 🙂 But you don't. Enjoy the MSFS 2020. Most of the time, you're here on the forum LOL
  17. I could upload screenshots, videos Could you do the same?
  18. So many Asobo attorneys evangelists, here Did you get your Asobo candy, guys?
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