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Everything posted by Langeveldt

  1. I'll do what I want if it's a feature of the software I've bought, no matter how cheap, and it'd be great if it worked. Hell I'd even download a Mercedes-Benz and drive around on my flight simulator's virtual roads.
  2. I like to key in a departure and arrival airport and set a plane to fly a route while I work. True I also fly, but it's cool to have on in the background. It behaves terribly. If it's a feature in the game then it should at least work. If it's not relevent or never going to work properly, then take it out.
  3. I have slight stuttering when just using the FSLTL injector and FSTraffic aircraft with FSHud and everything else turned off like BGL. Not massive, but certainly enough to cause me to stop using the program and go with just FSLTL. This is with only 15, 15 aircraft being drawn. It's a shame as I really like the product. I have an i7 8700 and AMD Radeon 5700XT, so not the best system on earth but no slouch.
  4. I found out why I'm getting no landings at all, at any airport. It says "Enroute parked by sim as close to destination", and it does this for every single arrival. Does anyone have any idea why I'm getting this?
  5. Thank you! Can you also fix my problem of no planes landing 😉
  6. I'm having some issues with the new injector, 1.4. Both the current and development versions. (IFR Traffic 30, VFR traffic 30, delete radius minimum (25km?) I am getting plenty of departures but no arrivals at all. Tested at EGLL and EGCC. Both with STARs on and off. Is anyone else seeing this? I know my traffic is fairly low, but I like my frames, and am getting plenty of departures. On the log it says the arrival is 25km out, and then "Enroute parked by sim as close to destination"
  7. The new models look great. It has also reinstated the god awful heat haze effect from the engine exhausts, and I cannot get rid of it on the PMDG despite having renamed the heat haze file.. I havent seen much GA action despite having VFR traffic enabled
  8. Hey!  I'd love to try out the 1.3 beta.  I tried contacting on the official forum.  My email address is rhingston@hotmail.com and I'm a user of 1.2

  9. Yep, back to pure FSLTL for me. I tried all day to get decent performance and after a couple of hours this descends into a stuttering mess, even with very low abounts of traffic (10 aircraft). Which is a shame as I really liked the product.
  10. Haha I'm near Taunton at the moment, up the road from you. I'm doing a 30FPS locked flight and things good so far. It normally goes to pot as I fly over the Netherlands though. So we will see if it can maintain.,
  11. I emailed the guy on their forums and have yet to get a reply. I actually like the product and would be very happy to keep it if it was as smooth as FSLTL. I'm going to see how it goes using the FSLTL injector with FSHUD ATC
  12. Well I've just had an incredibly frustrating day using this software and will try to get a refund in the morning The software itself is pretty good, intuitive and easy to use. Seems to work and route me properly. I've seen some jumping AI aircraft though. It's not perfect. I'm using the 1.275 build or whatever the non-beta build is. The voices are a bit robotic but not too bad. It seems a good product on the face of it. Howver about an hour into any flight it just reduces things to a stuttery mess. I've lowered the aircraft injection down to about 15 for everything, changed the refresh rate up to 60, tried pretty much the works, and it's a stutter fest. If I quit and load up basic FSLTL I get buttery smooth 30FPS again. I'm going to try to get FSLTL to inject the traffic and do ATC off of FSHUD. Seems like this is an option and will allow me to use the JustFlight models. It's amazing to be in this position, with all these different programs and model packs thanks to the useless default AI situation. It has to be the worst, most clunky aspect of the sim?
  13. I can't give you a number, but I've heard a few accents. It's quite robotic but not the worst. Flying into Dutch airspace I definitely heard a Dutch accent. I've heard Dutch, Welsh, English, West Coast American. Seems to be slightly geographically accurate
  14. I'm still a bit confused, although first impressions look good. I purchased this morning. Although it finds a route for me, I still have to type in departure and arrival runways. Surely this should be given to me? I don't particularly want to use Simbrief but do I have to?
  15. One question I have with FSHud, does it actually route you like an ATC would and give you a suitable routing, SID and STAR? I saw in the demo video this was all plugged in manually while on the ground, which breaks the realism for me. I'm not going to know what my arrival procedure will be for an airport nine hours away before I've even departed.
  16. Yeah, Stansted tower's mum has finished cooking his dinner so I'll be coming in blind, again. Although the default offline ATC is very poor and there needs to be better. I'm not denying this at all.
  17. It's an easy answer for me. With 20 years and thousands and thousands of hours I've never seen the point in Vatsim, unless you want to fly into a certain airport at a certain time when someone happens to be controlling. The number of times I've watched someone fire up a stream, get into the cruise, and then their destination airport goes offline. Say tonight Air Hauler wants me to fly into Tehran or somewhere, then as good as Vatsim is, I'm not going to be talking to many people am I?
  18. So how do we get onto the beta? Is it open?
  19. Amazing how subjective this is, isn't it? It's the absolute worst thing about the sim for me. And I don't fly at night because of it. All pretty beautiful until you get to about 10,000 feet, with the crisp street lights giving way to damp, brown splodges where cities would be. The worst is flying over the Middle East at say FL330. Dubai just looking like yellow street lights fading into damp yellow splashes. I wish there was a way of getting rid of the sepia mask, or maybe a better alternative. But I seem to be the only one who absolutely hates what we've currently got! I've got TLOD at around 150-200. I'd rather not be able to see distant cities at all than have these blobs. If someone could show me some great looking night shots of urban areas from FL100 or above, i'll eat my words.
  20. Jee it's really bad now. I cannot even reinstall. Upon loading up the new program for the major installation, same thing happens. Just cuts back to desktop.
  21. Night lighting that is visible and crisp in the distance and doesn't quickly turn into a blurry yellow blob where a city should be. (If anyone wonders what I'm on about, fly into Dubai at anything higher than FL100.
  22. Was wondering if anyone else had experienced this tonight. Start up, fan whirs up, black screen and loading circle for about five seconds. Then dumped back to desktop, no message, nothing. Have verified game integrity Avionics update applied (and rolled back) Windows 11 up to date AMD graphics drivers up to date. Is there anything else I can try? I really don't want to have to do a reinstall. TIA
  23. Please please let's have decent performance though. No point in modeling everything in ridiculous detail if it's not PMDG 737 levels of performance, IMHO.
  24. I have 15 IFR aircraft and 1 for static aircraft at airports on FSLTL. I have a mid range system, and find anything higher really tanks things, especially at busy airports. IMO you really have to dial back a lot.
  25. Absolutely, yes there are limitations with MSFS and AI traffic, granted. But this feels like an early beta with a full release price tag. I bought it immediately because Just Flight's traffic offerings were so good on FSX, and I expected a reasonable amount of quality, if not the same level. I won't be falling for that again
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