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Everything posted by dogmanbird

  1. just reading the responses and feedback across the web, it may have already wiped the floor with the others, even before it's officially on sale
  2. I'm keen to order one, but I've never purchased a headset over $1000 from Meta. I'm wondering whether we'll have to pay additional duty tax or will the units be shipped from a warehouse in Australia?. Are there any Australian Quest Pro owners who purchased directly from Meta, who could share you shipping experience?
  3. I'd imagine there'd still be some degradation, but I guess we'll find out soon enough 🙂 With the two panels, it'll be close to G2 resolution (maybe plus a little loss from compression) but with great lenses, at about g2 price or less, plus all the other goodies. I'm more excited for this than other recent headsets 👍
  4. Umart have now reduced it by $500 aud https://www.umart.com.au/product/varjo-aero-virtual-reality-headset-64895?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkYOkpbbKgQMVlqKWCh0Gsw2VEAQYAiABEgLSdfD_BwE Now under 2k aud at GGD https://gamergeardirect.com.au/products/varjo-aero-vr-headset?currency=AUD&variant=39745340670038&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&stkn=f327bd7b4492&srsltid=AfmBOorc8HDlLHOj9acDz8hczd7KtDdPDWwm4B1vgQlJCFM83Vl0FNTZwEA I see Pimax Crystal has now been reduced by $400 aud here at a couple of places. Is it in anticipation of what might come from Meta Connect later today?
  5. Looks like a Quest 3 is out in the wild if interested in a read lol, we still don't know if it uses one or two panels 😄
  6. pny might have fixed a gpu power management issue in a firmware update. for over a year we had a room full of pre-built desktops that would intermittently bsod under certain conditions, as a result of a single stick of ram being plugged into the wrong socket. The built in ram / system test reported everything was fine. They seemed to work perfectly 95% of the time.
  7. i wonder if theres a more recent firmware available for it? is there an update for your motherboard?
  8. One of the aus varjo retailers have said it's now discontinued. Maybe a new model on the way after all?
  9. I think the v2 had modestly improved tracking too, from what I read at it's release. Not sure if it's head and / or hand
  10. it appears to have fixed jumpy / stutter night lighting in vr
  11. Have you experienced jumpy / jittery night lighting with reprojection on (maybe just WMR headsets?) and has todays update made a difference? Seems to have fixed it for me.
  12. the vive base stations we have make a high pitched whine. We rarely use them unless there's some task that requires hands behind or being very close to the floor. Yeah i think the horse may have bolted. Can't see any indication of the price drop here in yet in Aus either.
  13. If you're running multiple sticks of ram, you could try 16gb worth at a time and see how it goes. If you're running a pair of 16GB and have 4 slots, may be worth confirming that they are in the desired slots when running a pair.
  14. still got fingers and toes crossed for quest 3, even with it's non pc-vr caveats ... and some more hope that it may be dual lcd (and not a single)
  15. I think they're counting the Q2's total panel res, not accounting for the need to crop it for IPD adjustment. Vive pro 2 has a slightly higher res than g2 if I remember right. VP2 lenses are it's let down and probably why people didn't appreciate it's higher ppd
  16. just for testing purposes, could you try setting you bios to its defaults (not xmp or any performance modes) and see how it goes?
  17. There's some info of similar issues in this thread if you haven't yet seen it https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/msfs-application-error-memory-could-not-be-read/510977/44 Clearing or increasing the windows paging file size might be a fix might be caused by an unlucky combination of flight location, aircraft and the gps module?
  18. Hi, has anyone lost the ability to use the vr controllers since the last couple of updates? I have them listed in the controllers menu (as oculus controllers) but they're not visible or functioning. Thanks,
  19. last msfs flight for me was two days ago, but everything went well. Ive had similar in the past usually solved by doing below. Are you using opencomposite or openxr toolkit? If so, you could try removing them temporarily. installing the very latest amd chipset driver from amd's website? (not microsofts suggested equivalent) a sudden drop in power via the usb port causing g2 to crash. Changed windows power settings. is the headset cable fully pushed into the headset if you get it sorted, and havent yet tried using HAGS, turning it on might now give you even better smoothness than before. Something about it has been fixed for amd users
  20. if the artifacts are no worse than what VR users are currently seeing, and it only adds minimal latency, this is awesome imho
  21. i gave you an upvote for your humor 🙂 this is how it all starts, but eventually you'll be wanting to add mfd's, ufc's, shakers....then a 20+nm direct drive wheel base, race pedals, handbrakes ... .... .... .... ... then living room appeal really means uhhhhhm? 😛
  22. but i bet the robot can leave his seat, clean the toilet and shag the stewardesses
  23. for video rendering etc it's almost a different generation of video card. I wonder if nvidia have intentionally made the gap that big to slowly bring out another 3 cards to slot in between and keep the 4x series running for an extra year?
  24. actual visible pixel resolution might be slightly better on the pro, but the clarity of the lenses is making things notably sharper for the close to mid range subjects. It doesn't gain much over the quest 2 for me when spotting distant aircraft. It'll probably take a higher res headset to achieve it if that's something you care for (i do, particularly in DCS) I haven't used a quest 2 in a while, but I don't recall the performance being much different between the two without dynamic foveated rendering, and the pro probably has the performance edge over the quest 2 with it turned on. Be aware that you will see some aliasing/shimmer in your peripheral vision with dynamic foveated rendering turned on. There is some screen door effect. If you've ever tried a quest 1, it's somewhere in between that and the quest 2
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