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Everything posted by UrgentSiesta

  1. Landings were always what spoiled it for me, esp if there was any type of wind / weather. Sure, you might have to put in some rudder for a crosswind, but you NEVER had to work hard to get one on the ground. IRL you can almost get a full body workout if you're on final on a gusty day. -- You can add A320 Sim Pilot & Into the Blue Sims to the list of IRL A32x pilots who have rated the Fenix with gushing superlatives.
  2. As a formerly avid offroad 4x4 guy, lemme tell ya - at anything above 15mph it's hard to tell from just 6' up 😉 😁
  3. Do you REALLY think LR more or less completely re-wrote the lighting engine and that there were/will be no changes to...uh...lighting necessary? I mean much the same thing is being widely reported for P3D v6 and its new lighting... I stand to be corrected, but: From what I've been able to glean, all the lights including instrument lights, had to be replaced when modding v11 addons to v12. Aspects of the external models needed to be adjusted to bring them to looking correct "IRL"/as-intended. And there's even an (unofficial) statement out there from not too long ago about developers possibly needing to make further modeling changes to compensate for whatever the end result from LR might need to be (tho LR are advising to hold-what-you-got until they know what the final fix will be). Heck, even mSparks came up with a mod to his 744 to help with the issue for his mod.
  4. "I don't care who you are, that right there's funny."
  5. It's really the AoA that creates the drag (same thing happens in Mirage 2000 at any speed) but that's all part of the fun with deltas 🙂
  6. Concurrently? HA! The last couple of major sim upgrades (P3D, MSFS2020, XP) I have gone Cold Turkey, cut over to the new version, and (almost) never looked back.* The new versions have (almost) always been so good of an upgrade that it's worth it (to me) to stay in the new sim. And there's always enough addons that are Day 1 compatible (even if it takes a few tweaks as in P3D) to make it worthwhile. * P3D v5.0 being the sole exception. Those graphics VRAM crashes were ROUGH.
  7. Bob told us to get out of the original thread, and Sparks obliged 😉 Amen, Brother.
  8. Are you even paying attention? I'm not and never have been debating the dis/advantages of VR. Here let me review for you: a flight game will be dissatisfying to a flight simmer regardless of how good the VR is.
  9. Opinions should be formulated from all available facts. Nobody's saying that P3D is bad or that it should be abandoned in favor of another sim or about the folks (like me) still flying in it. Just that it's, at least for consumers, moribund.
  10. Ray, while i'm somewhat in agreement, the sad fact of P3D is that the "hundreds of addons" have VERY little official compatibility with the recent versions of P3D, especially v6. For e.g., Concorde is v5 only, The MilViz birds are mostly v4/4.5 (a couple are 5 only, IIRC), PMDG is either, and so on. AFAIK, only Majestic Q400 is officially supported in v6! So unless one is willing to have multiple P3D installs, or limit themselves to just a couple favorite addons, or some devs can actually find the resources to release updates, it's easy to see why it's, if not "dead", at least moribund. Of course you and I can carry on with the above limitations/compromises for years and years, but let's at least admit it: P3D is a dead man walking.
  11. He's talking about internal lighting, which was and sometime is plain to see. I can remember early WIP shots of v11 aircraft brought into v12 and they looked horrendous - even on the outside. It's weird - were you not around in the early days of v12? VERY few aircraft were ready on Day 1, many are still not available, some required upgrade fees, and my favorite helicopter required a full-price re-purchase.
  12. You are conflating visual realism with flight and system model realism. There's no point in talking about it further until it releases and we have end user reviews. I'll be very interested to see what level of fidelity they reach. It's not gonna be high.
  13. All I've seen so far is that it'll be developed from War Thunder, which they (falsely) claim is already realistic. Which means reusing as much of the same code as possible. Why would they build another flight sim from scratch when they've had such wild success with War Thunder? Unless they've made statements otherwise, you're reading waaaaaay too much into a few press releases and videos. Best to prepare for a re-launch of War Thunder level fidelity.
  14. I hope the best for them but I truly wonder what place & level of success they're going to have in MSFS. And the longer time goes on, the harder it's going to be for them to come in, unless they can bring something other than seemingly over-represented narrow body Airbuses and the amazingly complicated yet "ancient" steam gauge Concorde to the game. And they were always the most expensive addons in ESP by a good margin, IIRC. What a massive unit-price hit they'll have to take in MSFS vs even the near-peer addons like Fenix...
  15. Agree with the early days assessment. Though I never had a doubt that high fidelity aircraft would come to the sim. I was surprised to see how long it took (which supports your initial concerns AND puts to rest all the uninformed folks claims of "copy/paste" and "port over"), and utterly shocked at how quickly the P3D market became moribund (very sad!). In any case, there's simply no doubt that MSFS has been one of the top 2 most realistic flight sims of all time and continues to improve at a blistering pace. 🙂
  16. As I've repeatedly said, the flight & systems modeling.
  17. I disagree. FS2020 was always a more realistic flight simulator than FSX/P3D. I mean P3 D still doesn't even pretend to have live weather to this very day! Too many people (not you, btw) conflate what add-ons are available for a sim with how good the sim itself is. I'm not able to say whether FSL is a more realistic addon than Fenix or Toliss or FF. They're all so realistic that I'd only trust the opinions of IRL type rated pilots (and even then we often see that a particular pilots specific preferences can affect their ratings). To put it simply, every one who prefers "realism" would be sticking with P3D if it were indeed more realistic. But we can tell by the utter implosion of the P3D market that simply isn't the case, and especially now that so many High Fidelity add-ons have made their way to FS2020. A further good example is the recent change by BlueBird Sims on the fidelity level of their 757: it's going from a generally realistic addon to being redesigned to release as a study level bird. It shows the ongoing/increasing demand for hi fi add-ons in MSFS.
  18. For anyone who wants a flight game, it'll be fantastic. For anyone who wants a flight simulator, it'll (still) suck. VR performance in flight sims is relatively poor across the board. And generally speaking, the more realistic the flight sim, the poorer the performance. And again, laying this off as though it's MS-only shortsightedness is ridiculous. The very same things can be said about X-Plane, Prepar3D and DCS World.
  19. Believe it or not, despite being the length of a 737, its MTOW is in the range of 767/A310/A300 and other middleweight 'liners. It just has a "slightly" better climb rate due to its massive afterburners (along with the similar MTOW Concorde)
  20. "The whole feeling of rails..." was almost entirely about the way they flew, not the way they rolled. All one has to do is compare a P3D A2A Sims addon to any similar aircraft.
  21. The best way to get over missing water masks is to put on a mask and get in the water.
  22. If you've been in the gaming/sim world since the 1980s, you should also remember how (in)frequently new features and bug fixes were issued back then. I like it MUCH better today, thanks.
  23. I understand that you seem incapable of seeing the forest for the trees.
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