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Everything posted by UrgentSiesta

  1. Nobody in their right minds expects 100% perfect functionality in bleeding edge simulation software. The water masks, while visually important (especially to me since I've lived/visited and floated/flown over them all my life), aren't very high on the priority list. When I consider the veritable cornucopia of improvements, advancements, and other content of the simulator, I'm very, VERY satisfied with the simulator and it's development team.
  2. It almost seems like they might have a great many development priorities of higher priority... If you want perfect software, throw your computer in the trash.
  3. "Real World"? Everything is waaaaaay too clean to be Alaska in February!!! It is a GREAT shot, tho. 🙂
  4. No, I get it. E.g., I fly in VR, too. Have been for years. It's fantastic - when I'm in a high fidelity flight simulator flying a high fidelity addon. When I'm in War Thunder, I couldn't care less about VR because I couldn't care less about the game.
  5. Hate Dragonflies...? They are bad a** and eat many things that actually do hurt us! And once in a great while you can get one to ornithopter down onto your fingertip. Wild feeling (just from them hanging on - they don't bite (us))
  6. Hoo, boy do I hope this can end up fixing BlackBird Sims F4U Corsair!
  7. He clearly is willing to risk his IRL 787 pax lives!!!! How can he be so foolish!! /s
  8. Lumping Xbox in with mobile gaming is a spurious position to take. With the advent of MSFS on Xbox, there are now fairly complete flight sim setups possible. So, if you can fly A2A Sims Comanche or PMDG's 737 on Xbox, using yoke/joystick, rudder pedals and throttle, is that not serious enough for you, somehow? eta: apparently i'm in good company given all the other similar answers.
  9. You do realize you're pimping War Thunder and it's apparently dumber cousin, right? Fantastic visuals overlaid on craptastic flight models and virtually non-existant systems is very much lipstick on a pig. If the base sim doesn't offer a realistic flight experience I couldn't be less interested. And both of those...don't.
  10. I was wrong. From the Dev: All of this has been made from scratch. The modelling, texturing and systems/NXi all from scratch using various sources of information.
  11. It's likely they're using the Default G1000 included with XP as the base rather than coding from scratch. Several XP devs have done this over the years. This will also explain why it won't become a stand-alone addon.
  12. Fantastic! I can have my cake and eat it, too! 😀
  13. So it's "only" GREAT news 😁 The most important part is having the truth that X-Plane 12 is increasing XPs market share year over year. It seems any dev who's satisfied with their XP biz should have confidence to continue on with the platform. That might also help explain why iniBuilds seems to have back tracked on their abandonment of X-Plane. I can only hope that Flying Iron Sims will do the same and at least upgrade their existing excellent warbirds to XP v12.
  14. Ah, well your stated criteria were better visibility and handling in a light helicopter... If you need greater load and IFR/foul weather, the AB 412 might be your Goldilocks addon. The visibility is good but not great.
  15. If visibility is what you're after, then you want either Gazelle or Llama. B407 feels claustrophobic by comparison (though I love it so). I can't say enough good things about the Llama. And if it's a bit too nimble for your taste, it has built-in stability adjustment. https://store.x-plane.org/SA-315B-Lama-XP12_p_1628.html p.s.: There's a good freeware B407 on the .org (in the form of an OH-58) if you want a quick demo before you shell out for payware.
  16. Well that's just great 😡 I need new socks now. WOW - that is absofreakinlutely AMAZINGLY good news!!!
  17. Can anyone clarify for me, please: is it +12% year to date or +12% all time? One is GREAT news, the other would blow my socks off!
  18. So very cool. I'm gonna be a nit-picker and say that ocean water is very rarely as crystal clear as in the video, particularly in near-shore settings. Lakes and other very still bodies of water frequently can be, tho. But dang it's nice to see under the sea - I'd rather have it than not!
  19. For years I've been flying all 3 (plus another couple). All have been remarkably trouble free, and when I do occasionally run into problems, they're the same as being reported by many other users of the respective sim. More importantly: using the common troubleshooting methods for each respective sim suffice to solve the issue (the number one of which is the same in ALL the sims: it's usually an addon!!!). In short: I haven't encountered anything to indicate that the various sims conflict with each other.
  20. Well said. One exception is that A2A Sims are rather insistent that AccuSim for MSFS is so far ahead of what it was for FSX/P3D that it simply cannot be called a "port". MSFS v2020's flight model is significantly better than its predecessor. There is simply no arguing it.
  21. I just don't understand the hype over getting the Max in the sim, since we already have such nice NGs. I mean, given how airlines operate & train (i.e., to as much uniformity & conformity as possible), is it going to bring a significantly different experience than the present PMDGs...? I'd much rather see new types of aircraft in the sim, like the pending 777, or the old school Boeings, or even the non-Boeings PMDG has previously brought to market. Personally, I'm really looking forward to their rendition of the 747.
  22. Overall, I'm positive LR already have the very same problems with selling XP itself. While it's more complicated to deal with 3rd party addons, it's something they're already doing. So why not scale up and turn that unavoidable expense into net additional profit? Yes, it's more work, but it's also more money. This is why, as I've mentioned, it's critical to do it smart, delegate it, and compartmentalize it. That way, the XP dev team doesn't get wrapped up in addon sales, but LR itself benefits from the profit. All in all, if it weren't worth it, there wouldn't be all those other companies selling addons as their primary business, nor would MS or ED do it. Sad to hear of your trouble back then. All I can say is that since roughly 2018 I've had not a single problem over many purchases, downloads, activations and re-activations. Never even had a problem redeeming points for a "free" addon. Good things take time.
  23. Good to see both the devs and affected end-users sharing perspective. Though I'm very interested in the PC-12, i'm just not in the market right now. Will be interesting to see how this plays out - hopefully everyone's happy (for once! 😉 )
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