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  1. Hi, there is a problem with the "twist-poti" on the Thrustmaster Airbus Sidestick. It's because of the to short cables inside the upper stick handle where the poti is installed. There are a lot of threads when you search Google "thrustmaster sidestick twist poti" about this problem. Regards
  2. Thanks for your efforts @Rogen Regards Steffen
  3. Thanks god they concentrate only on MSFS now.....😉 I downloaded 3 of their planes and only kept the C-140, and even this one has the pilots-bug. Regards
  4. So that's what you do? Wait and see is the cure and no, i didn't prefer one over the other. I just wait and see.
  5. Only with Photoshop....i guess
  6. Thanks I was searching for an ***.ini file. Regards
  7. Hi @simfan1983, where is that 787 .ini file located? Thanks
  8. Ekim is right, you have to point ADE to the right folders of the SDK. In ADE it's the tab settings\options\folders where you have to set the folder location of the SDK. Worked flawless on my side. Regards
  9. Hi Sesquashtoo, did you install the Twotter directly into P3Dv5 by just pointing the installer to the P3D root directory? Thanks and Regards
  10. It's first of all related to faster and easier money.. Fast growing market, hype of the new toy, easier to develop addons (scenery wise).
  11. Have you tried the repair function of the P3D setup installer?
  12. Hello TrevorS, maybe you can use the repair function of P3D's setup installer. Regards
  13. Hi Bernd, which folders exactly did you backup? Regards, Steffen
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