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Everything posted by MySound

  1. You can also change partitions afterwards 😉 Basically you can do whatever you want on one SSD. Like you said. Create a folder and assign a drive letter. Or create a partion. Or 10 partitions. Or whatever.
  2. I would also go for a better PSU. Namely a beQuiet Straight Power 12.
  3. I bought and downloaded the 777 with no issues the day after. Then again my life is not depending on a piece of software like obviously it is for others.
  4. One thing is for sure for each PMDG release: the forums are unbearable. Some of you should get a life. Seriously.
  5. No And regarding the sounds: engine startup sounds exactly like real life. But I’ve only flown in the 777-300ER 4 times.
  6. After some playing around for me personally the artifacts are the reason I am not using it. I stay with AutoFPS and get reasonable fps. So that’s ok. Waiting for a 4000+ GPU for FG.
  7. So today ORBX bad, not PMDG bad? I keep losing track…..
  8. To your second question: I don’t know. But I know that I have some kind of problem with the new EDDF scenery and outside view. When I pan to the buildings the frame rate goes down massively.
  9. It’s working for me now. But I will, for the love of god, not run MSFS with unlimited FPS. This produces like 300 FPS in menues and my GPU goes full speed.
  10. I tired another airport now and it is better there. But now my clickspots in the PMDG 737 are way off 😞 EDIT: I am pretty sure LSFG has an issue with the new EDDF airport available in ORBX.... Edit2: Yep, there is something strange with the EDDF scenery.
  11. WHo said I didn't do any testing? I tried with DLSS off/on, G-Sync on/off, HDR on/off. Tried the several options in LS. FPS Limited in Nvidia App to 120 as I run a 120 Hz OLED. EDIT: FG is off in the Screenshot as it was my last test. With FG off I get ~5FPS less than without LS. When I switch on FG all hell breaks loose.
  12. Yeah, just tried this App with the settings given in here (3080 ti, 5900X, 4K) and basically get now 15 FPS instead of 50 without the App. Nice.......
  13. Just because it doesn’t make sense to you doesn’t mean others done like it.
  14. Shame you won’t see them on the weather radar and can simply fly through them…… -.-
  15. Maybe you should apply at PMDG as Chief Software Architect.
  16. Ah yes. The weekly pmdg hate thread. Same old same old on avsim.
  17. AMD -> PBO / Curve Optimizer
  18. The best about PMDG updates? The crying of the community afterward. No matter what was said.
  19. Yeah great channel. Eurowings A319/320/321 ceo and Neo. Wide variety and very interesting. I watch the videos after my wife fell asleep 😉
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